8 Ball - ABG Tolol - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 8 Ball - ABG Tolol

ABG Tolol
Stupid Teenage Children
Namanya anak baru gede
They say they are cool kids
Tapi kok pola pikir eSDe
Yet their minds like fish
Buy the way anyway busway
By the way, anyway, busway
Untung aku bukan lagi ABG
Good thing I'm no longer a teenager
Abg abg sekarang kok semakin tolol saja
Today's teenagers seem more and more stupid
Isi kepalanya lebih tak berguna dari tinja
Their heads are as useless as dung
Pola pikirnya mundur jauh di jaman modern
Their thinking is far behind in this modern age
Ilmu pelajaran telat masuk lebih update style fashion
Academics are late, but they are more updated in fashion
Rajin bergerombol di mall pamer penampilan
Proudly gathering in the mall to show off their appearances
Pokoknya kalo udah nyangkut gaya nilai Sembilan
When it comes to style, they are all nines
Di ajakin ngobrol bakal mikir IQ dia tiarap
Try talking to them, and you'll see their IQs drop
Parahnya tu anak kaya kena penyakit saraf
It's like they have a neurological disease
Paling semangat kalo harus mejeng cari muka
They are most enthusiastic when it's time to show off
Bergairah berangkat nongkrong di banding ke sekolah
More eager to go out than to go to school
Dikit-dikit ngomong seputar gossip yang terhangat
Always gossiping about the hottest topics
Paling hapal ngerumpi di banding pelajaran yang di catat
They know their gossip better than the lessons they write down
Gak tau kalo ortu nyari duit setengah mati
Unaware that their parents work hard for their money
Dia malah enjoy hidup seolah hanya buat party
They enjoy life as if it is only meant for partying
Yang kaya beginian nanti mau jadi apa??
What will happen to those like this in the future?
Mending lewat aja dari pada Cuma jadi sampah
It's better to pass them by than to have them as garbage
Back to reff.
Back to the refrain.
Parahnya lagi udah mulai bikin trend sendiri
To make matters worse, they have started their own trend.
Ngetik huruf di imutin kaya gak pernah di ajari
They type like they have never been taught
S diganti C akhiran N diganti ND, R jadinya L huruf U diganti sama W
S replaced with C, N with ND, R with L, U with W
Dan ngetiknya pun unik huruf kecil di buat gede
And they type uniquely, making small letters uppercase
Cape deh.!! kalo hari gini belum goyang dulu
It’s exhausting if you’re not shaking it today
Bilang kemayu kamyu, mulut monyong banci kemayu
You call them delicate, lady-like, with pouty mouths like sissies
Goblok.! otak kok terletak di dengkul
Stupid! Why is your brain in your knee?
Mikir dikit keberatan kaya tu akal di pikul
It’s too hard to think a lot like your mind is being carried
Normal dikitlah. kalian kan anak sekolah
Be normal, you are students
Masa gak bisa mikir mana yang benar atau salah
Can't you tell what's right or wrong?
Bukan yang salah harus bangga di tunjukan
What's wrong shouldn't be proudly displayed
Kalo gak bisa bener juga emang udah kelewatan
If you can't do it right, then it's too late
Perasaan dulu waktu ku seumuran kalian
I feel like when I was your age,
Gak gitu-gitu amat tu kalo ngaco buat becandaan
We weren't that bad, even when we joked around
ABG tolol kalian sungguh memuakan
Stupid teenagers, you are truly sickening
Back to reff 2x
Back to the refrain twice

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