Liz Callaway - Infinite Joy - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Liz Callaway - Infinite Joy

Infinite Joy
Infinite Joy
미안해 독하게 버리고 떠나도
Don't be sorry, you can leave me cruelly.
別說對不起 狠毒的丟下我 離開我也沒關係
Don't say you're sorry. You can leave me heartbroken and go. It doesn't matter.
니가 원한다면 그래 good bye
If that's what you want, then goodbye.
倘若是你所希望的話 那就 good bye
If that is what you wish, then goodbye.
허나 맘까지 접은건 아냐
But that doesn't mean I'm giving up on my heart.
However, my heart won't concede.
사랑이 이겨
My love will win.
My love will be victorious.
아이야 먼저 어기야 디여라차 어기야디야 되찾을꺼야
Oh, my dear, go ahead, oh-ee-ya, run away, oh-ee-ya-dee-ya, I will get you back.
孩子啊 你先走吧 噢咿 快跑吧 噢咿呀 我會把你找回來的
My dear, go on ahead, oh-ee, run, oh-ee-ya, I will take you back.
잠시야 앞서도 따라 잡으리 就算你暫時的領先 我也會追上去抓住你
Even if you get ahead for a while, I'll catch up with you.
그녀를 지켜라 잊지 못하게
I'll watch over her, make her not forget me.
我會守護著她 讓她忘不了我
I will watch over her, so that she can’t forget me.
님이 계신 끝까지 가련다
I'll go to the end, to where my love is.
直到我心上人的所在之處為止 我都會追過去
I will go until the very end, where my love is.
Rap)잊어버려 이별의 앞에 멈춰가는 가슴 치고 무릎 꿇어본
Rap)Forget it, the heart that stopped before the words of parting, the me who knelt down.
忘了先前那離別的話吧 搥打著已靜止的心 跪下屈服的我
Forget about those words of farewell. I kneel down defeated, beating this stopped heart of mine.
꺼져버려 썪은 장작 같은 슬픔에 타버린 끌어본다
Get lost, pulling me who's burned by sadness like rotten firewood.
滾開 宛如腐爛的柴火一般 拉扯在哀痛中化作灰燼的我
Get lost. Pull me, who has burned to ashes in sadness, like rotten firewood.
식은 맘이 아직 마음을 매일 설레이고 헤매게 하는지
Why does your cold heart still make my heart flutter and wander every day?
你冷漠的心 為何至今仍讓我的心每日悸動 徘徊不定
Why does your cold heart still make my heart flutter and wander every day?
걸어본다 사랑에 굳게 만들지
I'm walking on, making me strong in love, again.
這樣下去 我又會被囚禁在愛情裡了
If this continues, I’ll be imprisoned by love again.
아이야 먼저 어기야 디여라차 어기야디야 되찾을꺼야
Oh, my dear, go ahead, oh-ee-ya, run away, oh-ee-ya-dee-ya, I will get you back.
孩子啊 你先走吧 噢咿 快跑吧 噢咿呀 我會把你找回來的
My dear, go on ahead, oh-ee, run, oh-ee-ya, I will take you back.
잠시야 아파도 결국엔 웃으리 痛楚也只是暫時的 到最後我會展露笑容的
Even if it hurts for a while, I'll laugh in the end.
그녀를 지켜라 잊지 못하게
I'll watch over her, make her not forget me.
我會守護著她 讓她忘不了我
I will watch over her, so that she can’t forget me.
님이 계신 끝까지 가련다
I'll go to the end, to where my love is.
直到我心上人的所在之處為止 我都會追過去
I will go until the very end, where my love is.
거리를 좁혀라 손에 잡히게
Close the distance, so you can catch my hand.
縮減距離吧 使她能夠抓住我的手
Shorten the distance, so that she can hold my hand.
님을 찾아서 전불 걸련다
I'll find my love, I'll give my all.
為了找尋我的心上人 我能傾盡所有
In order to find my love, I will give everything.
Rap)그래 독한 맘으로 버리려 했어 애써 본능을 짓밟아 버리며
Rap)Yes, I tried to leave you with a cruel heart, trying hard to trample my instinct.
是啊 在我狠毒的心底已經將你拋棄了 努力的將本能給踐踏摧毀
Yes, with my cruel heart, I tried to abandon you, I strenuously tried to trample down my instincts.
흐려진 너에 대한 집착 또한 사랑이라 내뱉는 卻還是對已糢糊不清的你執著了 是愛情啊 我吐出了這句話
The obsession with you, which has faded, is also love, I say.
도저히 놓지도 끊지도 못해 오늘도
I can't let you go, I can't quit, even today.
無論如何都無法放開你 戒掉你 今日仍是如此
I can’t bring myself to let go of you, nor to quit. Even today, it’s the same.
뭔가에 홀린 눈가에 맺힌 너를 쫓아
As if possessed by something, I follow you, who's in my eyes.
好像被什麼給迷惑了 使我追趕著在眼邊凝結的你
As if possessed by something, I chase you, who is reflected in my eyes.
미안해 girl 절대 너란 끈을 놓진 않을래
I'm sorry girl, I'll never let go of the string that is you.
對不起 girl 我絕不會鬆開與你牽繫的繩索
I'm sorry girl, I will never let go of this string that is you.
내가 돌릴꺼니 괜찮아
I'll turn your heart around, it's okay.
我會使你回心轉意的 沒關係
I will turn your heart around, it’s alright.
가슴 뜯겨도 별거 아니야
It doesn't matter if my heart is ripped apart.
Even if my heart is torn apart, it doesn’t matter.
그녀를 지켜라 잊지 못하게
I'll watch over her, make her not forget me.
我會守護著她 讓她忘不了我
I will watch over her, so that she can’t forget me.
님이 계신 끝까지 가련다
I'll go to the end, to where my love is.
直到我心上人的所在之處為止 我都會追過去
I will go until the very end, where my love is.
맘이 그렇지 하나만 알아서
That's how my heart is, just know this one thing.
我的心就是那樣 只知道這一點
That’s how my heart is, just know this one thing.
꺾기고 아파도 사랑 하련다
Even if I'm broken and hurt, I'll love you.
即使受挫 痛苦 也依然愛你
Even if I’m broken and in pain, I will still love you.
미안해 독하게 버리고 떠나도
Don't be sorry, you can leave me cruelly.
別說對不起 狠毒的丟下我 離開我也沒關係
Don't say you're sorry. You can leave me heartbroken and go. It doesn't matter.
니가 원한다면 그래 good bye
If that's what you want, then goodbye.
倘若是你所希望的話 那就 good bye
If that is what you wish, then goodbye.
허나 맘까지 접은건 아냐
But that doesn't mean I'm giving up on my heart.
However, my heart won't concede.

Авторы: William A. Finn

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