הגבעטרון - ירושלים של זהב - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни הגבעטרון - ירושלים של זהב

ירושלים של זהב
Jerusalem of Gold
Yerushalayim Shel Zahav
Jerusalem of Gold
Avir harim zalul kayayin
Clear as the crystal the mountain's air
Ve-rei'ah oranim
And radiant the sun
Nissa be-ru'ah ha'arbayim
Bathed in the wind of the four corners
Im kol pa'amonim
Resounding with bells
U-ve-tardemat ilan va-even
And the bird's song among the leaves and the stones
Shvuyah ba-halomah
Echoed in its arches
Ha-ir asher badad yoshevet
The city that once sat solitary
U-ve-libbah homah
And desolate within
Yerushalayim shel zahav
Jerusalem of gold
Ve-shel nehoshet ve-shel or
And of copper and of light
Ha-lo le-khol shirayikh
Is not all your song
Ani kinnor.
My lyre?
Eikhah yavshu borot ha-mayim
How have the cisterns dried
Kikkar ha-shuk reikah
The market square lies waste
Ve-ein poked et Har ha-Bayit
And no one goes upon Mount Zion
Ba-ir ha-attikah
The sorrowful city
U-va-me'arot asher ba-selah
In the caves of the rocks
Meyallelot ruhot
Wander the ghosts
Ve-ein yored el Yam ha-Melah
And the road to the Salt Sea
Be-derekh Yeriho
Is no longer traveled
Yerushalayim shel zahav
Jerusalem of gold
Ve-shel nehoshet ve-shel or
And of copper and of light
Ha-lo le-khol shirayikh
Is not all your song
Ani kinnor.
My lyre?
Akh be-vo'i ha-yom la-shir lakh
But when I come to sing of you
Ve-lakh likshor ketarim
And of your beauty
Katonti mi-ze'ir bana'ikh
I am small among your minstrels
U-me-aharon ha-meshorerim
The least of your singers
Ki shemekh zorev et ha-sefatayim
For your name makes my lips tremble
Ke-neshikat saraf
As a seraph's kiss
Im eshkakhekh Yerushalayim
If I forget you, O Jerusalem
Asher kullah zahav
May my right hand forget
Yerushalayim shel zahav
Jerusalem of gold
Ve-shel nehoshet ve-shel or
And of copper and of light
Ha-lo le-khol shirayikh
Is not all your song
Ani kinnor.
My lyre?
Hazarnu el borot ha-mayim
To the cisterns we have returned
La-shuk ve-la-kikkar
And to the markets and the square
Shofar kore be-Har ha-Bayit
The shofar sounds on Mount Zion
Ba-ir ha-attikah
The sorrowful city
U-va-me'arot asher ba-selah
In the caves of the rocks
Alfey shemashot zorhot
A thousand lights are shining
Nashuv nered el Yam ha-Melah
We have come again to the Salt Sea
Be-derekh Yeriho
On the way to Jericho
Yerushalayim shel zahav
Jerusalem of gold
Ve-shel nehoshet ve-shel or
And of copper and of light
Ha-lo le-khol shirayikh
Is not all your song
Ani kinnor.
My lyre?

Авторы: בן שמעון ראובן, ספדיה ארלט, 2

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