עפרה חזה - Mocher Haprachim - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни עפרה חזה - Mocher Haprachim

Mocher Haprachim
Mocher Haprachim
My lover
Chobaka ala ayouni
My lover is always on my mind
Machibi ghairak
I see no one else
Law yekate′ouni
If they were to kill me
Bo elai mocher prachim
Come to me bringer of flowers
Bechamah zot hashoshanah
With this lily in your hand
Hi tihyeh le'ahuvi
It will be for my beloved
Mish′chav dodim larishonah
My first love
Zug shadeiha kvar rabim
Her breasts are like two fawns
Mistodedim livro'ach
Grazing among the lilies
Hanach yadcha kemash'lim
Hold out your hand like a prince
Va′azor lah lishko′ach
And I will run to embrace you
Ahuvi nishmat chayay
My beloved is the breath of my life
Galeh na li et beitcha
Show me your home
Ve'ekra kol yamai
And I will call out all my days
Mitze′if hachashechah
From the depths of darkness
Yafati, gali oznech
My love, lend me your ear
Ve'elchash lach sod bal′at
And I will whisper a secret to you
Ul'vai yivrach ahuv libech
May your heart bless my beloved
Ve′ehyeh lach lemishlat
And may he be your servant
Bo elai mocher prachim
Come to me bringer of flowers
Kach et zo hashoshanah
Take this lily
Hi bachtah le'ahuvi
She is waiting for my beloved
Et ke'ev harishonah
With her first kiss

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