Axel - Solo ellos - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Axel - Solo ellos

Solo ellos
Only Them
Falta un cuarto para las dos, y para tarde, es temprano
A quarter to two, and it's early to be late
Aún no han dado el paso no, pero ya decidieron darlo
They haven't taken the step yet, but they've already decided to take it
Se miran sin atender, si hay alguien que esté mirando
They look at each other without noticing if anyone is watching
Es la hora de responder, lo que nadie ha preguntado
It's time to answer what no one has asked
Hay un cuarto para dos
It's a quarter to two
Y los dos dentro del cuarto
And the two are in the room
Les dirán que piensen bien, les dirán son inexpertos
They'll be told to think it over, They'll be told they're inexperienced
Pero ellos solo sienten y el amor son sólo ellos
But they only feel and love is only them
Les dirán ¡que juventud, sin cabeza ni remedio!
They'll be told "how young, headless and hopeless!"
Pero ellos solo sienten y el amor son sólo ellos
But they only feel and love is only them
Hay un diablillo en el cuarto, es el amor al acecho
There's a devil in the room, it's love lurking
Que no se fija en la edad, y al final el amor son sólo ellos
Who doesn't care about age, and in the end, love is only them
Pasa un cuarto de las tres y ya es tarde para evitarlo
It's a quarter past three and it's too late to stop it
Un paso que dieron los dos, sin miedo a que sea falso
A step they both took, without fear of it being false
Se buscan sin atender, si el mundo se en cuatro
They seek each other without noticing if the world breaks into four
La piel que encuentra otra piel, no mide cómo ni cuándo
The skin that finds another skin, doesn't measure how or when
Hay un cuarto para dos
It's a quarter to two
Y los dos dentro del cuarto
And the two are in the room
Les dirán...
They'll tell them...

Writer(s): Juan Jose Novaira

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