Fahrenheit - Going On My Way - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Fahrenheit - Going On My Way

Going On My Way
Going On My Way
再也不會低頭走過 就好像自己缺什麼
I'll never hang my head so low again as if I lack something
把美夢揮舞後那股風誰還能夠 冷眼不看我
After I wave goodbye to my dreams, who could coldly ignore me?
讓執著變成一把斧頭 砍掉蔓延的脆弱
Let my determination be an ax to cut down the spreading fragility
拼強弱的宇宙帶著傷不想喊痛 要自行癒合
In a universe where strength and weakness collide, I don't want to cry out in pain. I want to heal myself
I'm grateful for the land I've rolled on and the life I've lived since I was a child
So I won't reach out my hand and ask for something wonderful to fall from the sky
Those who embrace love and ideals are the wealthy ones
Don't be so full of regret and say you didn't give me anything
Do you have any empty bottles to sell?
真的快樂 是苦過的快樂
True happiness is the happiness that comes after hardship
Struggle and then gain
Do you have any empty bottles to sell?
回收了舊的感動 要創造新的感動
Recycle old emotions and create new ones
Once I recognize myself, I'll live more like me
每一個人都能有夢 是這世界唯一公平的
Everyone can have a dream. It's the only fair thing in this world
所以絕不讓我的夢像流星隕落 再悔恨淚流
So I'll never let my dreams fall like a meteor and regret it with tears
I'm grateful for the land I've rolled on and the life I've lived since I was a child
So I won't reach out my hand and ask for something wonderful to fall from the sky
Those who embrace love and ideals are the wealthy ones
Don't be so full of regret and say you didn't give me anything
Do you have any empty bottles to sell?
真的快樂 是苦過的快樂
True happiness is the happiness that comes after hardship
Struggle and then gain
Do you have any empty bottles to sell?
回收了舊的感動 要創造新的感動
Recycle old emotions and create new ones
Once I recognize myself, I'll live more like me
過程也許很曲折 卻讓成長更完全了
The process may be full of twists and turns, but it makes growth more complete
There's no harvest without a price
有酒矸倘賣否 歹銅舊錫簿仔紙倘賣否
Do you have any empty bottles to sell? Do you have any old copper, tin, or paper to sell?
Do you have any empty bottles to sell?
真的快樂 是苦過的快樂
True happiness is the happiness that comes after hardship
Struggle and then gain
Do you have any empty bottles to sell?
回收了舊的感動 要創造新的感動
Recycle old emotions and create new ones
Once I recognize myself, I'll live more like me

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