Helio Batalha - Ti Fim De Tudo - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Helio Batalha - Ti Fim De Tudo

Ti Fim De Tudo
The End Of Everything
N'teni txeu desejos, mas ingrato e kel tempo
I don't have many wishes, but what I resent is time
N'teni txeu vontade poi pa fora sentimentos
I don't have much will to let feelings out
Vida ta da volta, kre leban pa novus portos
Life takes turns, it wants to take me to new harbors
Ma verdade ta puxan, ta mostran claro nha talento
But the truth is pulling, it's clearly showing my talent
N'pensa na dizisti poi nha storia na ses spinhus
Don't think about what they said, my story isn't about thorns
Di lecinhos mon dja intxidu di laguas dizisperu
I’m already made of small pieces of desperate tongues
N'pensa mata MC na mi
Don't think about killing MC in me
Pamó dinheru kaba e nha filha ka ta cumi nha caderno
Because the money is over, and my daughter is already eating my notebook
Velha flan pan ba policia pan ka fika sen trabadju
Old lady crying to the police because she's out of work
Odja ma terra sta mariadu, e bo e fidju di coitado
Look, my land is messed up, and you're the son of a poor man
Txeu dificuldade, mi fobado so ku sonhus
A lot of difficulties, I'm drowning in dreams alone
So ku planos complicado, ku nha filha internado
Alone with complicated plans, with my daughter hospitalized
Princesa ta puxan ku gana pior ki pensamento
Princess is pulling with more desire than the worst of thoughts
Diabu ta rodan pa abalan nhas fundamento
The devil is spinning to shake our foundations
Mas atento, n'sa mo bento ta difini trajetórias
But attentive, I know the wind defines trajectories
E si tudo kaba hoji, n' fazi parti di bu storias
And if everything ends today, I won't be part of your stories
Ti fim
The End
Ti fim di tudo mi n'ta fica li
The end of everything, I won’t stay there
Manda letras pa nha street
Send lyrics to my street
Manti real MC
Keep it real MC
Ti fim
The End
Ti fim di tudo mi n'ta manti mi
The end of everything, I won’t lie to myself
Kaga na kes metas si pa menti podi manti free
Screw those goals if you can lie to be free
Ti fim
The End
Ti fim di tudo mi n'ta fica li
The end of everything, I won’t stay there
Manda letras pa nha street
Send lyrics to my street
Manti real MC
Keep it real MC
Ti fim
The End
Ti fim di tudo mi n'ta manti mi
The end of everything, I won’t lie to myself
Kaga na kes metas si pa menti podi manti free
Screw those goals if you can lie to be free
E na meio di um dilema ki ta kria problema
And in the middle of a dilemma that creates problems
N'ta vive triste, xinti dor di kes ki diabu leba
I won’t live sadly, feeling the pain of those the devil takes away
N'tenta carega nhas sonhus ku txeu speransa
I try to carry my dreams with a lot of hope
Pa alento profundo pa munti kes ki sta na cela
For a deep breath to lift those who are in jail
Selvas di Pedra, ghetto tras di monopólio
Jungles of Stone, ghetto behind monopoly
Rio di sangue ta travessa terras di petróleo
Rivers of blood cross the lands of oil
Munti morri na caminho, nada ka di sel
Many die along the way, nothing is certain
Refugiado na quatro cantos mo torre di Babel
Refugee in the four corners like the Tower of Babel
E mi n'ta sufri
And I won’t suffer
Disculpan pa kel nhas laguas
Sorry for my tongues
Pe sa fugi
My feet ran away
Diskeci tudo ke nhas magua
I forgot everything that was my magic
Ka sa larga nha luta
I won’t give up my fight
Sempri fantasma dimbula
Ghosts are always haunting me
Nes mar di karma sen fama
In this sea of karma without fame
E vive na ignorância
And living in ignorance
Ma n'ka podi
But I can't
Ó ki n' lembra na bu olhara
Oh what I remember in your eyes
Ó ku txoman papa
Oh with so much hunger babe
Ta lembra di kes ki nunca tevi um lar
Remember those who never had a home
Ta pega na caneta, expressa tudo ki n'ta xinti
I'll take the pen, express everything I feel
N'kre salva vida ku nhas rimas sen bu anjo intendi
I wanna save lives with my rhymes without your angel understanding
Ti fim
The End
Ti fim di tudo mi n'ta fica li
The end of everything, I won’t stay there
Manda letras pa nha street
Send lyrics to my street
Manti real MC
Keep it real MC
Ti fim
The End
Ti fim di tudo mi n'ta manti mi
The end of everything, I won’t lie to myself
Kaga na kes metas si pa menti podi manti free
Screw those goals if you can lie to be free
Ti fim
The End
Ti fim di tudo mi n'ta fica li
The end of everything, I won’t stay there
Manda letras pa nha street
Send lyrics to my street
Manti real MC
Keep it real MC
Ti fim
The End
Ti fim di tudo mi n'ta manti mi
The end of everything, I won’t lie to myself
Kaga na kes metas si pa menti podi manti free
Screw those goals if you can lie to be free
Na silêncio madrugada ta medita
In the silence of dawn I meditate
Sintinela scriba
Sentinel writer
Pensamento ta domina
Thoughts dominate
Disculpan nha amor, si panhan melancolia
Sorry my love, if they bring melancholy
N'ka ten sonu, nha corason ten gana fria
I can't sleep, my heart is cold
Pa ke sabi di verdade si e um fazi pa nha costa
Why know the truth if it's a stab in my back
Pamó n' grita revolution, ma nha povu ka sa corda
Because I shout revolution, but my people don't wake up
Ma voz na fundo nha alma ta flan pan continua
My voice in the depths of my soul tells me to continue
Ami é anju ki ta guarda munti kes ki sa na rua
I'm the angel who keeps many of those who are on the street
Rap salva nha vida
Rap saved my life
N'kre salva ku nha rap
I want to save with my rap
Rap mostran saida
Rap shows the way out
N'kre mostra ku nha rap
I want to show you with my rap
Prega mon na tudo skinas, se vigia ki ta manda
I preach in every corner, watch out for who’s in charge
Alegria ku poesias
Joy with poetry
Muda vida ku nha rap
Change lives with my rap
Rap salva nha vida
Rap saved my life
N'kre salva ku nha rap
I want to save with my rap
Rap mostran saida
Rap shows the way out
N'kre mostra ku nha rap
I want to show you with my rap
Prega mon na tudo skinas, se vigia ki ta manda
I preach in every corner, watch out for who’s in charge
Alegria ku poesias
Joy with poetry
Muda vida ku nha rap
Change lives with my rap
Ti fim
The End
Ti fim di tudo mi n'ta fica li
The end of everything, I won’t stay there
Manda letras pa nha street
Send lyrics to my street
Manti real MC
Keep it real MC
Ti fim
The End
Ti fim di tudo mi n'ta manti mi
The end of everything, I won’t lie to myself
Kaga na kes metas si pa menti podi manti free
Screw those goals if you can lie to be free
Ti fim
The End
Ti fim di tudo mi n'ta fica li
The end of everything, I won’t stay there
Manda letras pa nha street
Send lyrics to my street
Manti real MC
Keep it real MC
Ti fim
The End
Ti fim di tudo mi n'ta manti mi
The end of everything, I won’t lie to myself
Kaga na kes metas si pa menti podi manti free
Screw those goals if you can lie to be free

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