Killakikitt feat. Slaine & N.B.S. - Lehettem Volna - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Killakikitt feat. Slaine & N.B.S. - Lehettem Volna

Lehettem Volna
I Could Have Been
Lehettem volna naplopó, szereken kattogó.
I could have been a slacker, a drug clacker.
De nem veszem el tőled, ez a te szereped faszszopó!
But I'm not taking it from you, it's your role, cocksucker!
Lehettünk volna sportolók, kegyetlen boxolók.
We could have been athletes, cruel boxers.
Hosszutávfutók, meg lepattant budikba koxolók!
Long-distance runners and bums!
Lehettem volna behajtó, akitől beszartok.
I could've been a debt collector who scared the shit out of you.
A pénzem nálatok lenne, amit tudnám hogy megadtok!
My money would be with you, which I know you'd give me!
Lehettünk volna orvosok, laborban dolgozók.
We could have been doctors, lab workers.
A halálos vírusunkat terjesztenék a hordozók!
Our deadly virus would be spread by the carriers!
Volt, hogy beszakadt a talaj alattam, ezért nem haladtam,
There were times when the ground broke under me, so I didn't make any progress,
A pokolban nagy sikert arattam, de én még maradtam!
I was a great success in hell, but I stayed!
Hogy kikerüljek a szarból, áldozatokat hoztam,
To get out of this shit, I made sacrifices,
Megálltam a lábamon, mert az álmok azok hajtottak!
I stood on my feet because the dreams they drove me!
én még hiszek az érzelmeket kifejező szakavakban,
I still believe in emotional expressions,
Sok meg kussol, mert a szájukon szigetelőszalag van.
A lot of them shut up because they have duct tape in their mouths.
A rap feltölt erővel, azt soha nem hagyom abba!
Rap fills me with power, I'll never stop!
Szarok a kiadókra! mind rohadt egy rablóbanda!
I don't give a shit about publishers! they're all fucking robberies!
Lehettem volna szolga, senki a mókuskerékben,
I could have been a slave, no one in the squirrel wheel,
Inkább adj mikrofont nekem, pénzt meg a koldus kezébe!
Give me a microphone, give money to the beggar!
árnyékországban élek, az otthonom homoksivatag,
I live in a shadow country, my home is a sand desert,
Még bírom, de néha úgy üvöltök - a torok kiszakad!
I can still stand it, but sometimes I scream so - the throat is tearing out!
Azt hittem megfizettem már a bűneimért.
I thought I'd paid for my sins.
Nem is értik sokan mért van kedvem kűzdeni még.
Many people don't understand why I still want to fight.
Soha nem állok le, pofán köpném magamat ha feladnám,
I'll never stop, I'd spit in my face if I gave up,
Ezrek fognak követni, ha a szavamat majd meg hallják!
Thousands will follow when they hear my word!
én az a fajta vagytok akinek ha baja van, akkor nem tartja magában,
I'm the kind of guy who doesn't keep it to himself when he has a problem,
Ha te meg hagyod, hogy elnyomjanak, kurva nagy madár vagy!
And if you let them oppress you, you're a fucking bird!
Nem jelent már senkinek semmit az őszinteség,
Honesty no longer means anything to anyone,
Pedig mind testvérek vagyunk, a vérünk az ősi pecsét!
But we are all brothers, our blood is the ancient seal!
Használd az öszöneid az előző életedből,
Use your talents from your past life,
Ismerd meg a világot, de ne letöltött tételekből!
Get to know the world, but not from downloaded items!
Annó tiszteltek minket, úgy mint egy harcos népet.
We were once respected as a warrior nation.
Ti meg hogy megint csatlósok leszünk, csak attól féltek!
You're afraid we're gonna be henchmen again!
Ez a XIII. kerület - Baljós Péntek!
This is the XIII century. district-ominous Friday!
A szöveg kaszabol, beléd baszom a sarlót, véged!
I'll fuck you with the sickle, you're dead!
Vadállat vagyok az ütemen, ti nem bírtok velem,
I'm a beast on the beat, you can't stand me,
ülést tartunk, eldöntjük a szöveg milyen gyilkos legyen!
we'll have a meeting, decide what kind of killer the text should be!
én lehettem volna egy elbaszott semmirekellő gyökér,
I could have been a fucked-up good-for-nothing twat,
és arról pofáznék az élet mennyire nem ösztökél.
and I'd be talking about how life doesn't push me.
De nem hiába lettem teljesen az ellenkezője,
But it was not for nothing that I became completely the opposite,
Sok köcsög nem tett semmit a raphez, csak elvett belőle!
A lot of fuckers didn't do anything to rap, they just took it!
I could've been killed, i could've been in jail,
I could've been killed, I could've been in jail,
I could've been a dead beat, i should've been a fail.
I could've been a dead beat, i should've been a fail.
I could've been a drug dealer, could've been trail,
I could've been a drug dealer, could've been trail,
Could've been fake. nah, fuck it! a nigga real!
Could've been fake. nah, fuck it! a nigga real!
Could've abandon both my kids, when their mothers had em,
Could've abandon both my kids, when their mothers had em,
Should've told 'em to abort them i was only smashin'
Should've told 'em to abort them i was only smashin'
Now i'm sitting in the court room over fuckin' rapping.
Now i'm sitting in the court room over fuckin' rapping.
Paying child support is crazy, and the judge is taxing.
Paying child support is crazy, and the judge is taxing.
And niggaz laughing. this is my life, son,
And niggaz laughing. this is my life, son,
The way i'm out here chasing paper, it like my wife,
The way i'm out here chasing paper, it like my wife,
I would die for her, lie for her, punch niggaz in eyes for her,
I would die for her, lie for her, punch niggaz in eyes for her,
Lay anyone of chump down and ride for her!
Lay anyone of chump down and ride for her!
I could've been the person my mans is,
I could've been the person my mans is,
But i put in work were my fans is,
But i put in work were my fans is,
Get money and raise kids!
Get money and raise kids!
I could've been the opposite, could've been a lot of shit,
I could've been the opposite, could've been a lot of shit,
But making this music was the obvious!
But making this music was the obvious!

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