Lildami - Immortal - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Lildami - Immortal

Tots volen olorar el perfum però només oloren fum.
All want smell the perfume but only smell smoke.
Mira com piso el gas els deixo enrere, brum brum.
See how I step on the gas I leave them behind, brum brum.
Loco si estic pegao′ em canviaré el nom em diré Dami Imedio,
Crazy if I'm stuck I'll change my name I'll call myself Dami Imedio,
Ara sono serio, mereixo programa Juan y Medio.
Now I'm serious, I deserve program Juan and Medio.
El teu fill parla de mi, el teu pare sap qui soc,
Your son talks about me, your father knows who I am,
Perquè m'he guanyat el respecte de la gent sense empunyar una glock.
Because I've earned the respect of the people without wielding a glock.
Admiració i no por,
Admiration and not fear,
Dedicación no por la pasta que ha pagao′ tu viejo per posar-te al top.
Dedication not because of the money your old man paid to put you at the top.
Sembla un aparador, només veig imatge, cap parla amb el cor,
Looks like a window, I only see image, no one speaks with the heart,
Mai m'he considerat un rei però esperaven el retorn.
I've never considered myself a king but they expected the return.
No pot ser sano, loco visc en tensió,
It can't be healthy, crazy I live in tension,
Entre putos nens demanant likes intenten cridar l'atenció.
Among fucking kids asking for likes trying to get attention.
Les meves frases cotitzen rollo NASDAQ i tot això,
My sentences are traded in the style of NASDAQ and all that,
Tots miren el para-xocs, no si es calenta el meu motor,
All look at the bumper, not if my engine gets hot,
I el final de la carrera està més a prop del que creia,
And the end of the race is closer than I thought,
No et confonguis jo no visc una epopeia.
Don't be fooled I don't live an epic.
Soc més normal del que creus,
I'm more normal than you think,
Però el que puguin parlar de mi...
But what they may talk about me...
Em genera el mateix respecte que una creu.
Generates the same respect as a cross.
Però vull a tothom en peu, alço la veu,
But I want everyone on their feet, I raise my voice,
Llegeixo un passatge de la meva vida i tothom creu.
I read a passage of my life and everyone believes.
Imparabla fins la mort B, en la vaina en català soc OG.
Unstoppable until death you know, in Catalan lyrics I'm OG.
Es creuen llops ferotges, mengen de la meva com Lassie.
They think they're fierce wolves, they eat out of my hand like Lassie.
Jo no de Do Re Mi, només parlo de la meva vie,
I don't know about Do Re Mi, I only talk about my life,
Per lo que sigui sembla que la gent s′identifica amb mi.
For whatever reason it seems that people identify with me.
Tinc problemes que ni però tinc un beat del Chen,
I have problems that I don't even know but I have a beat by Chen,
Lo teu és comparar Nostradamus i Aramís Fuster,
Yours is comparing Nostradamus and Aramís Fuster,
Un supergato a un coet, Sant Josep i un fuster,
To compare a super cool cat and a rocket, Saint Joseph and a carpenter,
Lo teu es comparar bròquil contra aquest caramelet.
Yours is comparing broccoli to this caramel candy.
I encenem el coet i pugem i pugem
And we light the rocket and we go up and up
God damn, em sento immortal com Punset.
God damn, I feel immortal like Punset.
Tots em miren, sento els ulls al clatell,
All look at me, I feel the eyes on the back of my neck,
Si entrem al camp, omplim el cistell.
If we enter the field, I fill the basket.
I estic callant una altra boca zip zip,
And I'm silencing another mouth zip zip,
Relaxa el cul que hem vingut a ballar,
Relax your butt because we've come to dance,
Tinc el temps just no et vull escoltar,
I have just enough time I don't want to listen to you,
Ets un xapes com ton pare.
You're a snitch like your father.

Writer(s): Lildami

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