Little Baby Bum Nursery Rhyme Friends - Animal Sounds - translation of the lyrics into French

Lyrics and translation Little Baby Bum Nursery Rhyme Friends - Animal Sounds

Animal Sounds
Les sons des animaux
The dog says woof
Le chien dit ouaf
Woof, woof, woof
Ouaf, ouaf, ouaf
The cat says meow
Le chat dit miaou
Meow, meow, meow
Miaou, miaou, miaou
The duck says quack
Le canard dit coin coin
Quack, quack, quack
Coin coin, coin coin, coin coin
Woof, meow, quack
Ouaf, miaou, coin coin
The cow says moo
La vache dit meuh
Moo, moo, moo
Meuh, meuh, meuh
The sheep says baa
Le mouton dit bêêê
Baa, baa, baa
Bêêê, bêêê, bêêê
The pig says oink
Le cochon dit groin
Oink, oink, oink
Groin, groin, groin
Moo, baa, oink
Meuh, bêêê, groin
The bird says tweet
L'oiseau dit tweet
Tweet, tweet, tweet
Tweet, tweet, tweet
The mouse says squeak
La souris dit couic
Squeak, squeak, squeak
Couic, couic, couic
The chicken says cluck
La poule dit cot cot cot
Cluck, cluck, cluck
Cot cot cot, cot cot cot, cot cot cot
Tweet, squeak, cluck
Tweet, couic, cot cot cot
The snake says hiss
Le serpent dit siffle
Hiss, hiss, hiss
Siffle, siffle, siffle
The horse says neigh
Le cheval dit hennissement
Neigh, neigh, neigh
Hennissement, hennissement, hennissement
The frog says ribbit
La grenouille dit croa
Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit
Croa, croa, croa
Hiss, neigh, ribbit
Siffle, hennissement, croa
The bear says growl
L'ours dit grogne
Growl, growl, growl
Grogne, grogne, grogne
The lion says roar
Le lion dit rugit
Roar, roar, roar
Rugit, rugit, rugit
The elephant says pawoo
L'éléphant dit trompette
Pawoo, pawoo, pawoo
Trompette, trompette, trompette
Growl, roar, pawoo
Grogne, rugit, trompette

Writer(s): Aaron Anthony Marsden

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