MC HotDog - 嘿嘿 Taxi - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation MC HotDog - 嘿嘿 Taxi

嘿嘿 Taxi
Hey Hey Taxi
The taxi driver must be secretly laughing at me
你不能喝 還要喝 結果吐的一車
Hey, you can't drink, you keep drinking, and end up puking all over the car
How dare you still call yourself the number one in the rap industry?
你快付我兩千 我等等要洗車
You better pay me two thousand, I'm going to get my car washed
兩千就兩千 你別耍老千
Two thousand and two thousand, don't play tricks on me
我在台北市的房子 就不只兩間
I have more than two houses in Taipei
Drunk people always talk big
Don't provoke him because he might die
我的視線 忽隱忽現 就快看不見
My vision is fading in and out, I can hardly see
Listening to Mayday in a taxi at midnight
你要去哪裡 到底要去哪裡
Where are you going, where are you going?
喝的太醉 我沒有辦法回答你
I can't answer you when I'm too drunk
時間 滴答 滴答滴
Time, tick-tock, tick-tock
嘔吐物在嘴裡 好像是炸雞
The vomit in my mouth tastes like fried chicken
Why did you stop the car here?
This doesn't seem to be my destination
嘿嘿Taxi 你要開到哪裡去
Hey hey taxi, where are you taking me?
嘿嘿Taxi 別把我丟在這裡
Hey hey taxi, don't leave me here
嘿嘿Taxi 我明天要投訴你
Hey hey taxi, I'm going to report you tomorrow
嘿嘿Taxi 但是車牌忘了記
Hey hey taxi, but I forgot your license plate number
超衰的 我昨天載到一個醉鬼
I'm so unlucky, I picked up a drunkard yesterday
His vomit almost destroyed the back seat
他喝醉了在那邊 灰灰灰
He was drunk and kept saying, "blah blah blah"
他吐完了竟然就 睡睡睡
After he finished vomiting, he fell asleep
他說他叫什麼狗 什麼狗
He said his name was something Dog, something Dog
喝醉的動物都很醜 是管牠什麼種
Drunk animals are all ugly, no matter what kind
不景氣半夜開車 你懂是什麼懂
Business is bad, driving at midnight, you know what I mean
吐我車上 兩千 是夠還不夠
You puked in my car, two thousand, is that enough?
越想越氣 看著照後鏡
The more I think about it, the angrier I get, and I look in the rearview mirror
那個該死的拖油瓶 竟然還戴著墨鏡
That damn deadbeat, he's even wearing sunglasses
沒有用 活像是壞掉的樂器
No use, looks like a broken musical instrument
我決定 把你丟在路邊 烏煙又瘴氣
I decided to dump you on the side of the road, where it's full of smog
問你住哪 你無言 那是你放棄
Asked you where you lived, you were speechless, that's giving up
You'll forget everything when you wake up
醉鬼我看多了 你又不是皇帝
I've seen a lot of drunks, you're not the emperor
這次丟熱狗 我上次丟Gary
This time I dumped Hotdog, last time I dumped Gary
嘿嘿Taxi 你要開到哪裡去
Hey hey taxi, where are you taking me?
嘿嘿Taxi 別把我丟在這裡
Hey hey taxi, don't leave me here
嘿嘿Taxi 我明天要投訴你
Hey hey taxi, I'm going to report you tomorrow
嘿嘿Taxi 但是車牌忘了記
Hey hey taxi, but I forgot your license plate number
我像具無名的屍體 躺在無名的公園
I'm like an unknown corpse, lying in an unknown park
醒來這裡是哪 那狐疑的空間
When I woke up, where was this suspicious place?
Find me in da club 星期五都在SPARK
Find me in the club, every Friday at SPARK
和我的兄弟 饒舌界的Young Stars
With my brothers, rap industry's Young Stars
只記得 我們一直喝 一直Shot
All I remember is that we kept drinking, kept doing shots
回憶著 最後帶著一票馬子去CashBox
Remembering that we finally took a bunch of girls to CashBox
I'm not an easy person
But when I'm casual, I'm simply not human
That's why everyone likes to hang out with me
We're the brightest in the nightlife
But now I'm so embarrassed
全身上下的行頭 都被人扛走
All my clothes and accessories were taken away
現在到底幾點鐘 別問我
What time is it now? Don't ask me
手錶 手機 墨鏡被人拿走順手
Watch, phone, sunglasses, all taken away
到底 為何我會在這裡
Why the hell am I here?
對了 有一台Taxi
Oh, right, there was a taxi
嘿嘿Taxi 你要開到哪裡去
Hey hey taxi, where are you taking me?
嘿嘿Taxi 別把我丟在這裡
Hey hey taxi, don't leave me here
嘿嘿Taxi 我明天要投訴你
Hey hey taxi, I'm going to report you tomorrow
嘿嘿Taxi 但是車牌忘了記
Hey hey taxi, but I forgot your license plate number
Hey hey taxi
Hey hey taxi
嘿嘿Taxi 你要開到哪裡去
Hey hey taxi, where are you taking me?
嘿嘿Taxi 別把我丟在這裡
Hey hey taxi, don't leave me here
嘿嘿Taxi 我明天要投訴你
Hey hey taxi, I'm going to report you tomorrow
嘿嘿Taxi 但是車牌忘了記
Hey hey taxi, but I forgot your license plate number
Hey hey taxi
Hey hey taxi
Hey hey taxi

Writer(s): 姚中仁

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