Maya Berovic - Javi Šta Ti Je U Glavi - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Maya Berovic - Javi Šta Ti Je U Glavi

Javi Šta Ti Je U Glavi
Call Me, What's on Your Mind
Znam da me vise nema
I realize that I'm no longer there
Na tvojoj mapi
On your map
Da sam ti lanjski snijeg
That I'm last year's snow
Na staroj kapi
On the eaves
Znam da bas nije normalno
I realize it's not really normal
Al jos uvijek boli to
But it still pains me
Mozda su rane te
Maybe these wounds
I dalje svijeze
Are still fresh
I neka tanka nit
And some thin thread
Za tebe me veze
Connects me to you
Mozda uzalud tjesim se
Maybe I'm consoling myself in vain
Da nije gotovo sve
That all is not yet over
Zato imaj milosti malo za mene
So have a little mercy on me
Nemoj me blizu te zene
Don't bring me near that woman
Javi, javi sta ti je u glavi
Call me, call me, what's on your mind
Gdje nocas vodis nju
Where are you taking her tonight
Da ne budem ja tu
So that I won't be there
Samo javi,
Just call me,
Jer sramota me od svijeta
Because I'm ashamed before the world
Sto ce svi prsten moj
That everyone will see my ring
Vidjeti na njoj
On her
Skini ruke bar sa nje
At least take your hands off her
Kada negdje vidis me
When you see me somewhere
Da te zabravim
To forget you
Radim na tome
I'm working on it
Ali oko tebe sve
But everything around you
Misli jos lome
Still breaks my thoughts
Svima bih rekla sta mi je
I would tell everyone what's wrong with me
Al ne smijem nikome
But I must not to anyone
Zato imaj milosti malo za mene
So have a little mercy on me
Nemoj me blizu te zene
Don't bring me near that woman
Javi, javi sta ti je u glavi
Call me, call me, what's on your mind
Jer nocas vodis nju
Because tonight you're taking her
Da ne budem ja tu
So that I won't be there
Samo javi,
Just call me,
Jer sramota me od svijeta
Because I'm ashamed before the world
Sto ce svi prsten moj
That everyone will see my ring
Vidjeti na njoj
On her
Skini ruke bar sa nje
At least take your hands off her
Kada negdje vidis me
When you see me somewhere
Javi, javi sta ti je u glavi
Call me, call me, what's on your mind
Jer nocas vodis nju
Because tonight you're taking her
Da ne budem ja tu
So that I won't be there
Samo javi,
Just call me,
Jer sramota me od svijeta
Because I'm ashamed before the world
Sto ce svi prsten moj
That everyone will see my ring
Vidjeti na njoj
On her
Skini ruke bar sa nje
At least take your hands off her
Kada negdje vidis me
When you see me somewhere

Writer(s): Marina Tucakovic, Damir Handanovic

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