Mc Unabez, Frainstrumentos, Matiah Chinaski, Portavoz & Dj Perez - Cuenta Hasta Tres - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Mc Unabez, Frainstrumentos, Matiah Chinaski, Portavoz & Dj Perez - Cuenta Hasta Tres

Cuenta Hasta Tres
Count to Three
En historia me aburría y no era culpa de la historia
In history class I was bored, but it wasn't history's fault,
Me dormía y no aprendía por la mía sin raptoria, tu raptoratoria y su parafernalia vacía
I'd fall asleep and wouldn't learn, by my own choice, without any forceful abduction, your forced abduction and its empty paraphernalia.
El novio espera a la novia que aún lleva 3 días perdia
The boyfriend waits for his girlfriend who has been missing for 3 days,
No me importaría que a Martín Larraín le apliquen la bacseptomia
I wouldn't mind if Martín Larraín was given a vasectomy,
Atropellalo con un kia
Run him over with a Kia,
Señor mantén mi cabeza fría mi sueño es encontrarte pero sin las manos vacías, me encanta mirar como el toro atraviesa al torero
Lord, keep my head cool, my dream is to find you, but not empty-handed, I love watching the bull go through the bullfighter,
Empezar una rima y que la termine un compañero, el silencio en la mesa que quiebra en pedazos el florero
Start a rhyme and have a partner finish it, the silence at the table that shatters the vase,
En la calle hay sorpresas y creen que existe el viejo pascuero
There are surprises on the street, and they think Santa Claus exists,
Vo' no queri fantasear queri alumbrar que rapeai, que mierda te hace creer que me interesa lo que pensai, yo no te obligo a escucharme conchetumare que tanto opinai cambia el puto tema o ponle stop cachai?!
You don't want to fantasize, you want to show off that you rap, what the hell makes you think I care what you think? I don't force you to listen to me, motherfucker, why do you have so many opinions, change the damn subject or press stop, you know?!
Nosotros sabemos controlar lo que hablamo y decimo se me olvidan las canciones pero nunca de donde venimo
We know how to control what we say and what we do, I forget the songs, but I never forget where we come from.
Hicimo este camino al andar y ya cortando maleza en esta selva aprendimo a caminar y cada año que pasa el invierno me quiere asesinar
We made this road by walking, and cutting through the undergrowth in this jungle, we learned to walk, and every year that passes, winter wants to kill me.
Yo solo puedo contemplarte soy como un tigre mi instinto es animal y puede que me zarpe
I can only contemplate you, I am like a tiger, my instinct is animal, and I may pounce.
Este es mi arte te pongo el punto aparte, puedo improvisarte y sacarte de aquí parte por parte
This is my art, I put the full stop, I can improvise and take you out of here part by part.
Compruébalo, son toneladas de flow
Check it out, it's tons of flow.
Supéralo! Cuando cerramos sudaos el show
Get over it! When we close a sweaty show.
Pa que se esfuerzan tanto en sacar un tema bueno, los temas no se esfuerzan, vuelan y son toluenos
Why do you try so hard to come up with a good song, songs don't try, they fly and they are toluene.
Hoy desenfundo, una actitud que no se mide en puntos
Today I unsheath an attitude that is not measured in points.
Ni el simce ni la psu evalúan este asunto
Neither the SIMCE nor the PSU evaluate this matter.
Corruptos como el presidente de la cup del puto grupo que está en el concierto
Corrupt like the president of the fucking group's cup who is at the concert.
Solo por chuparlo mucho
Just for sucking him off a lot.
Discuto con aquel que sólo trae argumentos de choro
I argue with the one who only brings up thug arguments.
No con el que lo saca de internet y repite como loro
Not with the one who gets it off the internet and repeats it like a parrot.
Colabora y mis notas explotan por todos mis foros
Collaborate and my notes explode all over my forums.
Tu no sabes na de mi rap realidad
You don't know shit about my real rap.
Yo rapeaba y tu estabas en los cocos de tu papá
I was rapping and you were in your dad's balls.
Donde vas con esa actitud de malo
Where are you going with that bad boy attitude?
Voy a seguir boxeando en el ring
I'm going to keep boxing in the ring.
Como ahí mis rimas son botellas y hacen ring
Like there, my rhymes are bottles and they make a ring.
Mi rap es tan ordinario extraordinario
My rap is so ordinary, extraordinary.
Somos el diario de lo que acá vivimos a diario
We are the diary of what we live here every day.
Cuenta hasta tres y respira profundo, perdón pero la perfección no es pal mundo
Count to three and take a deep breath, sorry, but perfection is not for this world.

Writer(s): Raquel Sofia Borges, Jodi Marr, George Noriega

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