Pedro Infante - Coplas - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Pedro Infante - Coplas

La gente dice sincera
People say in sincerity
Cada que se hace un casorio
Every time a marriage is made
Que el novio siempre la quiera
That the groom should always love her
Sino que le hagan velorio
Otherwise have a wake for him
Para esta novia no hay pena
For this bride there is no sorrow
Pues va tener buen marido
Because she's going to have a good husband
Porque bueno es cosa buena
Because good is a good thing
Por lo menos de apellido
At least in name
Jorge Bueno es muy bueno hijo de bueno tambien
Jorge Bueno is very good son of good also
Y su abuelo hay que bueno
And his grandfather oh so good
Quién se llamara como el
Who was named like him
Procurare ser tan bueno
I'll try to be as good
Como dice mi apellido
As my last name says
Que se trague su veneno
Let him swallow his venom
El que velorio a pedido
The one who has asked for a wake
Pedro es malo de apellido
Pedro is bad by last name
Retachar es su cuarteto
Retachar is his quartet
El nomas es presumido
He is only conceited
Porque no es malo es... maleta
Because he is not bad he is... a bad one
Pedro malo es muy malo
Pedro malo is very bad
Malo por obligación
Bad by obligation
Y su abuelo, uy que malo
And his grandfather, oh so bad
Ay que comprarle su león
Oh, we must buy his lion
En una mañana de oro
In a golden morning
Alguien nublaba el paisaje
Someone was clouding the landscape
Eran un cuervo y un loro
They were a crow and a parrot
Arrancandose el plumaje
Plucking each other's feathers
Hay que olvidar lo pasado
Let's forget the past
Si la culpable es la suerte
If the culprit is good fortune
Que bueno y malo mezclado
That good and bad mixed
En regular se convierte
Turns into regular
Yo soy malo, no lo niego
I am bad, I don't deny it
Pero quiesiera mezclar malo y bueno
But I would like to mix bad and good
Por si sale, algo que sea regular
To see if something comes out that is regular
Cierta alacrán de carroña
A certain scorpion of carrion
Un colmenar visitaba
Was visiting an apiary
Para ver si la ponzoña
To see if its poison
Con la miel se le quitaba
Would be cured with the honey
Cómo no será lo bueno para
How good must it be for
Placer del malvado
The pleasure of the wicked
Con la miel y su veneno
With the honey and its poison
Hoy anda el pobre, urgado
Today the poor man is in pain
Que lo entienda, que lo entienda
Let them understand it, let them understand it
Si es que lo sabe entender
If it is that they know how to understand
Y si acaso no lo entiende
And if by chance they do not understand
Hay que obligarlo a entender
They must be made to understand
Te consta que no soy tonto
You know that I'm not a fool
Como tú, lo has presumido
As you have presumed
Tonto no, entrometido
Not a fool, yes a meddler
Por el hambre, de amistades
For the hunger, of friendships
El hambre siempre la calmo con el manjar del amigo
I always calm the hunger with the delicacy of a friend
Mendigo es sino mendigo el que roba a sus amigos
A beggar is if not a beggar the one who steals from his friends
Tu lo dices
You say so
Lo sontengo
I sustain it
No te vayas a cansar
Don't get tired
No le saques
Don't take it out on me
Si le saco
If I take it out on you
Pues se acabo este cantar
Then this song is over

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