Poeta Callejero - No Le Pegues - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Poeta Callejero - No Le Pegues

No Le Pegues
Don't Hit Her
Entre otro pescozón sin razón ella oculta un moretón
Among another senseless slap, she covers up a bruise
Tratando de engañar al corazón
Trying to fool her heart
Ese abusador le echa la culpa de su error
That abuser blames her for his mistake
El alcohol que estaba dentro de ese bote de ron
The alcohol that was inside that bottle of rum
No es motivo para maltratar a quien vive contigo
Is no reason to mistreat the one who lives with you
Antes de pagarle a ella piensa ne la que te pario
Before you pay her back, think of the one who gave birth to you
Y aunque no te denuncio
And even though she doesn't report you
Y en el lugar no hubo testigos
And there were no witnesses at the scene
Sabemos que es un pecado y no tiene perdón de Dios
We know that it's a sin and God will not forgive you
//Tu no debe pegarle mas?
//Shouldn't you hit her anymore?
Las mujeres no se hicieron para maltratarlas
Women were not made to be abused
Se hicieron para quererlas
They were made to be loved
Para cuidarlas
To be cared for
Para amar y respetarlas//
To be loved and respected//
Tu casa es un castillo y la mujer una princesa
Your house is a castle and the woman a princess
Que se hizo pa cuidar y respetar su belleza
Who was made to be cared for and to respect her beauty
Ella se ahoga en la tristeza si no hay un plato en su mesa
She drowns in sadness if there's no food on her table
Mientra tu te bebe una cerveza
While you're drinking a beer
Así que no te vaya en esa
So don't go there
Disque de darle golpe no sea torpe y reacciona
So you say you don't hit her? Don't be foolish and react
Que al hombre no le pertenece ni dirigir sus pasos
That a man does not have the right to direct her steps
Y menos de pegarle a otra persona
And much less to hit another person
Dios castiga al ser humano que abusa de su poder
God punishes the human being who abuses his power
Y la joya mas linda que tiene el hombre es la mujer
And the most beautiful jewel that man has is a woman
Y no se debe maltratar
And she should not be mistreated
Ni con pétalos de rosa
Not even with rose petals
Las mujeres son tiernas como
Women are as delicate as
Mátalas de un beso
Kill her with a kiss
Galletas de ternura que te llenan de malicia
Tender cookies that fill you with mischief
Son transparentes como el cristal
They are as transparent as glass
Una cajita musical que no se debe maltratar
A music box that should not be mistreated

Writer(s): Geraldo Gabriel Santana

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