Protiva - Heterophobic 2 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Protiva - Heterophobic 2

Heterophobic 2
Heterophobic 2
Tuna lidí denně píše hovna o tom, jakej jsem
Lots of people write crap every day about what kind of person I am
Ale nikdo z nich nezná nanana nana na
But none of them know me, no no
A chtěli by vidět padat hubou dolu na zem
They want to see me flat on the ground
Koruna tam, koruna sem, jdeme na rum
Heads, tails, let's go drink
A za půl bodu tam
And there
Sick, jako tvoje hoe,
As ill as your hoe
Ill, jako tvoje máma
As crazy as your mom
Tak jsem mimo nebo co je sváma
So, am I out of my mind or what's up with you guys
Nemám náladu ti o tom nějaky info dávat
I'm not in a mood to give you any info
Buď máte bloody nebo dissim všechny v republice
Either come at me or diss everyone in the country
Vidím je, potím se, tlemim se
I see them, I smile
Tak teda sranda nebo mám vzít gun a
So, are we having fun or should I get my gun
Sejmout prvního buzeranta, prezidenta
And take out that first queer, the President
Zaslech jsem, že je mentál, jdem dál
I hear he's a psycho, moving on
Tvoje máma je ženská, syn je gay
Your mom's a woman, your son's gay
A táta to prej vzdal, sténá
And your dad just gave up and groans
Modlí se, sám sebe nezná
He prays but doesn't know himself
Odpal ho, odtáhni, pošli dál
Finish him off, drag him away, pass him on
Zlej slova polykal
He swallowed insults
Nový auto svýmu sousedovi poplival
He spit on his neighbor's new car
Je jako ségra, je to motyka
He's like a sister, he's a hoe
Low kick na koule je boží dar
A low kick to the balls is a damn good thing
Slapni tu děvku, kecá ti hovna, chce
Step on that chick, she's talking crap, she wants you
K sobě svázat, ano udělej to teď hned
To tie you up, yes do it right now
Chytni za ksicht a vyveď jí, bye bye
Grab her face and get her out of here, bye-bye
Slapni tu děvku, kecá ti hovna, chce
Step on that chick, she's talking crap, she wants you
K sobě svázat, ano udělej to teď hned
To tie you up, yes do it right now
Chytni za ksicht a vyveď jí, bye bye
Grab her face and get her out of here, bye-bye
sednu si, naleju si, to co můžu beru si
I'll sit down, pour myself a drink, I'll take what I can get
A lidi kecaj hovna vole, k srdci to neberu si
And people talk crap, don't take it seriously
Dělám to, co musim děvko, někdy to, co nemusim
I do what I have to do, sometimes what I don't have to do
Proto budu tolik, že mi půjde pěna od pusy
I'll earn so much that I'll foam at the mouth
Sorry, teď jsem trochu sick, tohle si dej do pusy
Sorry, I'm a little ill now, you can put this in your mouth
A zaplujeme mezi lidi, mezi lidi, vítězim
And let's brave the world, the world, I'm winning
Vítězim a kdo jde semnou vítězí
I'm winning and you win if you're with me
Flašky padaj na zem
Bottles fall on the floor
jsem z každy trochu vytěžil
I've profited a little from each one
Nevim, co se děje, je tu horko, neslyšim
I don't know what's happening, it's hot, I can't hear you
Dneska je to jedno, nechci klid
Tonight it doesn't matter, I don't want peace
A nechci ticho, dík
And I don't want silence, thanks
Nechci tvoje piko, nechci piko, dík
I don't want your shot, I don't want a shot, thanks
Dám si další flašku vodky, vína
I'll have another bottle of vodka, wine
Je to všechno
It's all mine
Dneska v noci nemám limit, dolít drink
I have no limit tonight, refill my drink
Dneska v noci vypnu mobil, nevim pin
I turn off my cell phone tonight, I don't know the pin
Sedim v zádu v autě, sedim, jako pimp
I'm sitting in the back of the car, like a pimp
Sedim v zádu v autě, ven nevidim
I'm sitting in the back of the car, I can't see outside
Slapni tu děvku, kecá ti hovna, chce
Step on that chick, she's talking crap, she wants you
K sobě svázat, ano udělej to teď hned
To tie you up, yes do it right now
Chytni za ksicht a vyveď jí, bye bye
Grab her face and get her out of here, bye-bye
Slapni tu děvku, kecá ti hovna, chce
Step on that chick, she's talking crap, she wants you
K sobě svázat, ano udělej to teď hned
To tie you up, yes do it right now
Chytni za ksicht a vyveď jí, bye bye
Grab her face and get her out of here, bye-bye

Writer(s): Pavel Protiva

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