Sima Martausová - Podoby - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Sima Martausová - Podoby

Pre jedného príliš veriaca a pre druhého príliš málo
To one, too much of a believer and to another, too little
Vždy sa nájde na mne niečo, čo zlepšiť by sa dalo
There is always something on me which could be improved
No nik nevidí mi vnútro ako on
But no one can see inside me like he can
Pre niekoho príliš emotívna
To some, too emotional
A potom zas bez citu
And then again, without emotion
Ach, som divná, ak sa bojím malých vecí
Oh, I am strange if I am afraid of small things
Ale viem, že si tu blízko
But I know you are near
Je to iba láska a podoby jej
It is only love and its many shades
Je to iba láska a podoby jej
It is only love and its many shades
Pre niekoho je to chladný odstup
To some, it is a chill distance
A pre druhého túžba veriť
And to another, a desire to believe
Priznávam, je toho dosť
I admit, it is a lot
No stále málo na papieri
But still too little on paper
Nezachytí, ak nemá
It will not capture if it cannot
Som len žena, ktorá prežila si
I am just a woman who has lived through
Ťažké a aj nadnesené
Difficult and also exaggerated things
Hľadajúca prístav
Searching for a haven
Ktorý prináleží každej žene
Which belongs to every woman
Je to iba láska a podoby jej
It is only love and its many shades
Je to iba láska a podoby jej
It is only love and its many shades
Nechcem podliehať tomu, čo letí
I do not want to succumb to that which flies
Ani ťarchám, čo mi nesú plecia
Nor to the burdens that my shoulders carry
Človek nemá súdiť
Man should not judge
Na to je vyšší sudca predsa
For that, there is a higher judge, after all
Neviďme do myšlienok druhým
Let us not see into the thoughts of others
Pokiaľ sami nás tam nevpustili
Unless they themselves have let us in
Stiahnime široké lakte
Let us draw in our wide elbows
Ak to nemá byť, tak škoda sily
If it is not meant to be, then it is a waste of energy
Je to iba láska a podoby jej
It is only love and its many shades
Je to iba láska a podoby jej
It is only love and its many shades

Writer(s): Sima Martausova

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