Wongrey - Všetky rovnaké - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Wongrey - Všetky rovnaké

Všetky rovnaké
Same All
Prečo keď ste každá iná tak ste všetky rovnaké
Why if you are each of them different, you are still all the same
Najprv zlomíš moje srdce a potom tu ostať chceš
First you break my heart and then you want to stay here
Holky tie dôvodom na slzy úsmev trápenie
You girls are the reason for tears, smiles, and suffering
Prečo keď ste každá iná tak ste všetky rovnaké
Why if you are each of them different, you are still all the same
Prečo keď ste každá iná tak ste všetky rovnaké
Why if you are each of them different, you are still all the same
Najprv zlomíš moje srdce a potom tu ostať chceš
First you break my heart and then you want to stay here
Holky tie dôvodom na slzy úsmev trápenie
You girls are the reason for tears, smiles, and suffering
Prečo keď ste každá iná tak ste všetky rovnaké
Why if you are each of them different, you are still all the same
Jeden príbeh dookola replay ako hra
One story in circles replay like a game
Si iná ako všetky pritom stále rovnaká
You are different from all of them, yet still the same
Asi mám len deja-vu asi sa mi to zdá
I probably just have deja vu, maybe this is a dream
Sorry neberiem to vážne počul som to tisíc krát
Sorry, I do not take you seriously, I’ve heard this a thousand times
Lucid dreams na LSD Havana wasted nights
Lucid dreams on LSD, Havana wasted nights
Časy ktoré s tebou trávim baby wasted times
The time I spend with you, baby, wasted times
Wicked games hrajeme wicked games
Wicked games we play, wicked games
Rovnaký shit iný deň rovnaký shit iný day
Same shit, different day, same shit, different day
Lucid dreams na LSD Havana wasted nights
Lucid dreams on LSD, Havana wasted nights
Časy ktoré s tebou trávim baby wasted times
The time I spend with you, baby, wasted times
Wicked games hrajeme wicked games
Wicked games we play, wicked games
Rovnaký shit iný deň rovnaký shit iný day
Same shit, different day, same shit, different day
Prečo keď ste každá iná tak ste všetky rovnaké
Why if you are each of them different, you are still all the same
Najprv zlomíš moje srdce a potom tu ostať chceš
First you break my heart and then you want to stay here
Holky tie dôvodom na slzy úsmev trápenie
You girls are the reason for tears, smiles, and suffering
Prečo keď ste každá iná tak ste všetky rovnaké
Why if you are each of them different, you are still all the same
Prečo keď ste každá iná tak ste všetky rovnaké
Why if you are each of them different, you are still all the same
Najprv zlomíš moje srdce a potom tu ostať chceš
First you break my heart and then you want to stay here
Holky tie dôvodom na slzy úsmev trápenie
You girls are the reason for tears, smiles, and suffering
Prečo keď ste každá iná tak ste všetky rovnaké
Why if you are each of them different, you are still all the same
Drogy v double cup-e holka vedľa mňa je mood
Double cupped with drugs, the girl next to me is the vibe
Ľahko pamätať si klamstvá keď vlastne true
It’s easy to remember lies when they are actually true
Stretol som ich milión uložil do Pro Tools
I met a million of them, saved them in my Pro Tools
Emócie zraroval založil do folder-u
Zeroed out my emotions, and put them in a folder
Lucid dreams na LSD Havana wasted nights
Lucid dreams on LSD, Havana wasted nights
Časy ktoré s tebou trávim baby wasted times
The time I spend with you, baby, wasted times
Wicked games hrajeme wicked games
Wicked games we play, wicked games
Rovnaký shit iný deň rovnaký shit iný day
Same shit, different day, same shit, different day
Lucid dreams na LSD Havana wasted nights
Lucid dreams on LSD, Havana wasted nights
Časy ktoré s tebou trávim baby wasted times
The time I spend with you, baby, wasted times
Wicked games hrajeme wicked games
Wicked games we play, wicked games
Rovnaký shit iný deň rovnaký shit iný day
Same shit, different day, same shit, different day
Prečo keď ste každá iná tak ste všetky rovnaké
Why if you are each of them different, you are still all the same
Najprv zlomíš moje srdce a potom tu ostať chceš
First you break my heart and then you want to stay here
Holky tie dôvodom na slzy úsmev trápenie
You girls are the reason for tears, smiles, and suffering
Prečo keď ste každá iná tak ste všetky rovnaké
Why if you are each of them different, you are still all the same
Prečo keď ste každá iná tak ste všetky rovnaké
Why if you are each of them different, you are still all the same
Najprv zlomíš moje srdce a potom tu ostať chceš
First you break my heart and then you want to stay here
Holky tie dôvodom na slzy úsmev trápenie
You girls are the reason for tears, smiles, and suffering
Prečo keď ste každá iná tak ste všetky rovnaké
Why if you are each of them different, you are still all the same

Writer(s): Tomáš Kuchtanin

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