Zohid - Endi Mani Yuragim - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Zohid - Endi Mani Yuragim

Endi Mani Yuragim
Endi Mani Yuragim
Vaqt meni davolar yo qilar adolar,
Time heals my wounds but not my sorrows,
Yokida davolar, davolar bilmam.
I don't know where my sorrows are.
Nima bo′ladi ertam, nimalar bilan
What will become of me tomorrow, how will I
Ovunib kun o'tkazarman?
Spend my days and entertain myself?
Eshitiladi sadolar, olisdan sadolar,
Voices in the distance can be heard,
Sani mayin ovozing, ovozing chorlar.
The gentle sound of your voice, your voice is lovely.
Yana o′sha bo'shliq tomon, yana armon tomon,
Once again, I am drawn to that emptiness, to that longing,
Xayollarim olib ketaveradi sog'inch.
My imagination continues to carry my yearning.
Endi mani yuragim
Now, my heart,
Sendan boshqasini qilmaydi qabul.
It can accept no one but you.
Endi mani yuragim,
Now, my heart,
Kechir mani yuragim.
Forgive me, my heart.
Endi mani yuragim
Now, my heart,
Sendan boshqasini qilmaydi qabul.
It can accept no one but you.
Endi mani yuragim,
Now, my heart,
Yuragimning tub-tubidasan butkul.
You are completely in the depths of my heart.
Sani yana bir ko′rsam, ko′rganda to'yib olsam,
If I could see you again, If I could be satisfied by seeing you again,
Sani yana bir bora, bir bora tuysam.
If I could feel you once again, just once more.
Iliq qo′llaring qo'llarimga bosib takror,
Clasping your warm hands in mine once again,
Sani qanchalar sog′inganimni aytsam.
I would tell you how much I have missed you.
Seni sog'inadi yurak, yurak, uni unutish kerak,
My heart yearns for you, my heart, it must forget you,
Kerak, unutish kerak, lek oson bo′lmasa kerak.
It must forget you, but it will not be easy,
Oson bo'lmasa kerak, orzularimiz ne bo'lar endi?
It will not be easy, what will become of our dreams now?
Qiynarversa kerak xastagina yuragimni meni.
My sick heart is tormented by your absence.
Endi mani yuragim
Now, my heart,
Sendan boshqasini qilmaydi qabul.
It can accept no one but you.
Endi mani yuragim,
Now, my heart,
Kechir mani yuragim.
Forgive me, my heart.
Endi mani yuragim
Now, my heart,
Sendan boshqasini qilmaydi qabul.
It can accept no one but you.
Endi mani yuragim,
Now, my heart,
Yuragimning tub-tubidasan butkul
You are completely in the depths of my heart.

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