劉若英 - 不營業的日常 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation 劉若英 - 不營業的日常

Daily Non-Operations
说不定 揪一局热闹
I may go out for a game of cards
也可能 谁都找不到
or I may not be able to find anyone
前一幕 才在家打扫
I was just cleaning the house
下一秒 订好机票
and the next thing I know, I've booked a flight
I want to spend some time with my
我的孤独 好好相处
loneliness and understand each other
或许发呆 散漫到极致
I may even just lay around and do nothing
人生很长 来得及任何事
Life is long, there's time for anything
任性 也就够了
I'll just be selfish for once
喘口气 把忽略的 照顾好
Take a break and take care of myself
深呼吸 想跟自己 再遇到
Take a deep breath and meet myself again
把生活 重新排版到我喜欢 的样子啊
Rearrange my life to how I like it
Isn't that great?
谢谢你 体谅我 没多打扰
Thank you for understanding and not being overbearing
欢迎你 等我回来 聊一聊
I'll talk to you when I get back
不营业的日常 想到就微笑
Thinking about my daily non-operations makes me smile
没多特别 却很重要
It's not special, but it's important
忙或不忙 都好
Busy or not, it's okay
Give me some space so my
我的忧郁 找个去处
sadness can have a place to go
幸福并非 太哲学的事
Happiness is not a philosophical concept
人生苦短 听过几千万次
Life is short, I've heard that millions of times
所以 等待什么
So what am I waiting for?
喘口气 把忽略的 照顾好
Take a break and take care of myself
深呼吸 想跟自己 再遇到
Take a deep breath and meet myself again
把生活 重新排版
Rearrange my life
to how I like it
Isn't that great?
谢谢你 体谅我 没多打扰
Thank you for understanding and not being overbearing
欢迎你 等我回来 聊一聊
I'll talk to you when I get back
不营业的日常 想到就微笑
Thinking about my daily non-operations makes me smile
没多特别 却很重要
It's not special, but it's important
忙或不忙 都好
Busy or not, it's okay
喘口气 把忽略的 照顾好
Take a break and take care of myself
深呼吸 想跟自己 再遇到
Take a deep breath and meet myself again
把生活 重新排版
Rearrange my life
to how I like it
Isn't that great?
谢谢你 体谅我 没多打扰
Thank you for understanding and not being overbearing
欢迎你 等我回来 聊一聊
I'll talk to you when I get back
不营业的日常 想到就微笑
Thinking about my daily non-operations makes me smile
完不完美 都很需要
Is it perfect? No, but it's what I need
想做什么 都好
I'll do whatever I want

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