ADDA - Ma Doare Inima - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction ADDA - Ma Doare Inima

Ma Doare Inima
My Heart Hurts
Ma doare, ma doare
My heart aches, my heart aches
Tre' sa-ti iei o stare care vine si pleaca
You have to take a stance that ebbs and flows
Sa nu te pierzi, numai tu stii cum sa iesi
So you don't lose yourself, only you know how to get out
E soare afara, ochelari si o geaca
The sun is shining, sunglasses and a jacket
Te-ai ridicat, esti im miscare, esti fresh.
You're up, you're on the move, you're fresh.
Asta e jocul dragostei, asta e vibe-ul
This is the game of love, this is the vibe
Te-nvarti in hora in opincuti sau Nike-uri
You dance in a circle in moccasins or Nikes
N-ai cum sa stai pe doua .
You can't be in two minds.
Cand te loveste sageata lui Cupidon.
When Cupid's arrow strikes you.
(Adda Ma doare inima)
(Adda My Heart Hurts)
Si cand rostesc numele tau
And when I say your name
Cu buzele fierbinti
With burning lips
Mi se face atat de dor
I miss you so much
De vremurile in care nu eram cuminti
For the times we weren't good
And now...
Ma doare, ma doare inima
My heart aches, my heart aches
De vreo doua zile
For a couple of days
Hai sa cante muzica
Let the music play
Sa-mi treaca de tine.
To get over you.
Se zice ca iubirea vine o data in viata
They say that love comes once in a lifetime
De fapt ea vine doar atunci cand o chemi
In fact, it comes only when you call it
Si fericirea te alina, da' da-i hoata
And happiness soothes you, but give it a thief
Ca-ti ia mai mult de cat iti da, si iarasi te temi.
Because it takes more than it gives, and again you fear.
Ca legea atractiei nu mai functioneaza
That the law of attraction no longer works
Intre inimile ce au eroare de sistem
Between hearts that have a system error
Se cauta intinzator de suflete frante
Looking for a stretcher of broken souls
Sa le vindece de drama, sa le scape de blestem.
To heal them from the drama, to free them from the curse.
Si cand rostesc numele ta
And when I say your name
Cu buzele fierbinti
With burning lips
Mi se face atat de dor
I miss you so much
De vremurile in care nu eram cuminti
For the times we weren't good
And now...
Ma doare, ma doare inima
My heart aches, my heart aches
De vreo doua zile
For a couple of days
Hai sa cante muzica
Let the music play
Sa-mi treaca de tine.
To get over you.
Asta e piesa aia pentru inimile frante
This is the song for broken hearts
Poate chiar pentru inima ta
Maybe even for your heart
Daca plangi iar dupa el sau dupa ea, sa stii ca
If you're crying again after him or after her, know that
Te salveaza, sigur, muzica.
Music will save you for sure.
Ma doare, ma doare inima
My heart aches, my heart aches
De vreo doua zile
For a couple of days
Hai sa cante muzica
Let the music play
Sa-mi treaca de tineee.
To get over youuuu.

Writer(s): adda

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