Alpa El Rapero De La I feat. Emcee - No La Tienen - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Alpa El Rapero De La I feat. Emcee - No La Tienen

No La Tienen
They Don't Have It
La zona franca
The free zone
Yo tengo la calle que ustedes no tienen no tienen por eso este pleito no sale
I have the streets that you don't have, you don't have, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Yo tengo el respeto que ustedes no tienen por eso este pleito no sale
I have the respect that you don't have, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Aquí la tenemos ustedes no la tienen por esto este pleito no sale
We have it here, you don't have it, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Aquí la tenemos ustedes no la tienen por eso te pleito no sale
We have it here, you don't have it, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Yo tengo la calle que ustedes no tienen no tienen por eso este pleito no sale
I have the streets that you don't have, you don't have, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Yo tengo el respeto que ustedes no tienen por eso este pleito no sale
I have the respect that you don't have, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Aquí la tenemos ustedes no la tienen por esto este pleito no sale
We have it here, you don't have it, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Aquí la tenemos ustedes no la tienen por eso te pleito no sale
We have it here, you don't have it, that's why this fight doesn't come out
estabas vendiendo hierbita yo estaba rompiendo al BOA
You were selling weed, I was breaking the BOA
Sacando de 10 me tocaban 6 yo mi Flow ta no me dien Break
Taking out 10, I got 6, I know my flow is there, don't give me a break
En los proyectos de Boston Road llegando 15 sobraban 2
In the Boston Road projects, arriving at 15, there were 2 left over
Para repartirlo siempre entre dos jueguen Parche uno domino
To always split it between two, play Parche one domino
Y cuál es su miedo si freno con Alpa te muevo
And what are you afraid of, if I brake with Alpa, I'll move you
Quiero el 38 no quiero nada nuevo
I want the 38, I don't want anything new
Con BUBU la hierba la Perco comemos
With BUBU the weed, we eat the Perco
Yo no me la vivo con ella yo muero
I don't live with her, I die
Tu Heva pegada de
Your girl is stuck on me
Ella no es tuya ella ni está en ti
She's not yours, she's not even in you
Les doy mi respeto a los Real Gs
I give my respect to the Real Gs
Que salieron de un Toto a morir por mi
That came out of a Toto to die for me
Yo tengo la calle que ustedes no tienen no tienen por eso este pleito no sale
I have the streets that you don't have, you don't have, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Yo tengo el respeto que ustedes no tienen por eso este pleito no sale
I have the respect that you don't have, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Aquí la tenemos ustedes no la tienen por esto este pleito no sale
We have it here, you don't have it, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Aquí la tenemos ustedes no la tienen por eso te pleito no sale
We have it here, you don't have it, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Yo tengo la calle que ustedes no tienen no tienen por eso este pleito no sale
I have the streets that you don't have, you don't have, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Yo tengo el respeto que ustedes no tienen por eso este pleito no sale
I have the respect that you don't have, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Aquí la tenemos ustedes no la tienen por esto este pleito no sale
We have it here, you don't have it, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Aquí la tenemos ustedes no la tienen por eso te pleito no sale
We have it here, you don't have it, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Yo ando con pal de pesos
I walk with a couple of pesos
Pal de cueros
A couple of leathers
El dinero para es primero
Money is first for me
Tengo demasiada gente que me apoya
I have too many people who support me
Yo no conozco la olla
I don't know the pot
Tengo una tabla que no se me tranca
I have a board that doesn't get stuck on me
Aquí nos pasamos moviendo la blanca
Here we spend our time moving the white
Y si te damos con el hierro
And if we give you with the iron
Del suelo no te levantas
You don't get up from the ground
Si ven como vivo se Quillan
If they see how I live, they get pissed
Se Quillan si ven como vivo
They get pissed if they see how I live
Tu vive haciendo paquete
You live making a package
Yo lo mío no lo digo
I don't say mine
Siempre leal a mi coro
Always loyal to my chorus
Ni cuando me llamo me viro
Not even when they call me do I turn around
Igual que la independencia aquí se oyen los tiros
Just like the independence, you can hear the shots here
Mi coro se busca dinero por eso fue que no buscamos primero
My chorus looks for money, that's why we didn't look for it first
Los bolsillos tuyos no suben de cero
Your pockets don't rise from zero
vives quillao y te matan los celos
You live pissed off and jealousy kills you
Por eso me quillo
That's why I get pissed
Quieren Frontiarme Pero como quiera yo brillo
They want to front me but I shine anyway
Y si esto fuera baloncesto ya yo tuviera un anillo
And if this were basketball, I'd already have a ring
Yo tengo la calle que ustedes no tienen no tienen por eso este pleito no sale
I have the streets that you don't have, you don't have, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Yo tengo el respeto que ustedes no tienen por eso este pleito no sale
I have the respect that you don't have, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Aquí la tenemos ustedes no la tienen por esto este pleito no sale
We have it here, you don't have it, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Aquí la tenemos ustedes no la tienen por eso te pleito no sale
We have it here, you don't have it, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Yo tengo la calle que ustedes no tienen no tienen por eso este pleito no sale
I have the streets that you don't have, you don't have, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Yo tengo el respeto que ustedes no tienen por eso este pleito no sale
I have the respect that you don't have, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Aquí la tenemos ustedes no la tienen por esto este pleito no sale
We have it here, you don't have it, that's why this fight doesn't come out
Aquí la tenemos ustedes no la tienen por eso te pleito no sale
We have it here, you don't have it, that's why this fight doesn't come out

Writer(s): Joshuel Rodriguez

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