Asiaboy & Lizi - Turn It Off (feat. BG8Locc) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Asiaboy & Lizi - Turn It Off (feat. BG8Locc)

Turn It Off (feat. BG8Locc)
Turn It Off (feat. BG8Locc)
Step on my line
Internet trolls love to complain
Leave your number and meet me in the streets
You're cool with dissing my elders
其實我根本就 Don′t give a shit
I don't give a shit
坐上了賓士 我亂丟煙蒂
Riding in my Mercedes, flicking my cigarette
你喜歡按檢舉 你就拿去
You love to report me, go ahead
衝爆了流量 跟我隨便交的兄弟
Blowing up my traffic, with my random friends
羨慕嫉妒恨 我懂 你是應該生氣
Envy and hate, I understand, you should be mad
Always had big dreams
Fuck 拿主機敲那白癡
Fuck it, smash that idiot with my console
誰七辣又被幹 關我屁事
Who's that pussy getting fucked again, none of my business
網路線電你 嘲笑那 pussy
Internet radio, you can mock that pussy
臉書放話 後果你得負起
Talk shit on Facebook, you'll face the consequences
別打一堆屁話 你們從來不會放屁
Don't talk nonsense, you never fart
人你會烙 乾哥能否救你
You'll call for help, can your brother save you?
都別怕辣 整顆滑鼠塞進嘴裡
Don't be scared, shove the whole mouse in your mouth
垃圾留言 別拿竅
Garbage comments, don't bother
聽你在屁 螢幕都關掉
Listening to your farts, turning off the screen
Start a dungeon and everyone laughs at you
鎖上熱點 Wi-Fi 都關掉
Locking the hotspot, turning off the Wi-Fi
垃圾留言 別拿竅
Garbage comments, don't bother
聽你在屁 螢幕都關掉
Listening to your farts, turning off the screen
Start a dungeon and everyone laughs at you
鎖上熱點 Wi-Fi 都關掉
Locking the hotspot, turning off the Wi-Fi
靠鍵盤才是 what shit
The keyboard is the only shit
不上網才是我 fans
Not going online is my fanbase
Open your arms wide
好幾個白癡 學網路耍 flex
A bunch of idiots, playing online flex
Those wires in your clothes
配上條 chain 沒有你 fake
With a chain, you're not as fake
No face online
網路流氓 都沒空見面
Internet thugs, no time to meet
當個麻煩 don't lie to me
Be a nuisance, don't lie to me
行為舉止關心別人的 bitch
Care about others' behavior
耍著高調 不太在意
Flaunting it, not caring
Draky-boy 鍵盤當成 cocaine
Draky-boy, treating his keyboard like cocaine
好多人說唱得像 Lil Pump
Many say I rap like Lil Pump
腦袋裡面只有 P I M P
Brain only thinks about P I M P
想要我唱 一定 okay
If you want me to sing, it's okay
前提 mic drop 就得 give me the pay
But you have to pay me if I drop the mic
太多的批評 我從來都不聽
Too much criticism, I never listen
Online trolls use their keyboards as weapons
別打了一堆廢話 吸引別人注意
Don't talk nonsense to get attention
你的歌太難聽 真的需要一點鼓勵
Your song is too bad, it really needs some encouragement
你愛的歌手 因為鈔票而擺布
The singer you love is manipulated by money
所以聽到我的歌 他們全部人呆住
That's why when they hear my song, they're all stunned
儘管跑吧 我在後面不要被我逮住
Run if you want, I'm behind you, don't let me catch you
有種到我面前 talk shit I will fight you
Come talk shit to my face, I'll fight you
Popped another sane sipping lean getting the green
Popped another sane sipping lean getting the green
盜夢空間 am I living in the dream?
Inception, am I living in the dream?
每個 poser 都想當個台北市的 king
Every poser wants to be the king of Taipei
來吧 給我錢吧 然後我才幫你 feat
Come on, pay me, then I'll feat you
太多評論 都是過去 在我的後面追著
Too many comments, all in the past, chasing me
但是沒有人能阻止我去拿取屬於我的 paper
But no one can stop me from getting my paper
十字架我揹著 誰人的腦袋賊的
I carry the cross, whose brain is the thief?
Fake trapper you a actor
Fake trapper, you're an actor
垃圾留言 別拿竅
Garbage comments, don't bother
聽你在屁 螢幕都關掉
Listening to your farts, turning off the screen
Start a dungeon and everyone laughs at you
鎖上熱點 Wi-Fi 都關掉
Locking the hotspot, turning off the Wi-Fi
垃圾留言 別拿竅
Garbage comments, don't bother
聽你在屁 螢幕都關掉
Listening to your farts, turning off the screen
Start a dungeon and everyone laughs at you
鎖上熱點 Wi-Fi 都關掉
Locking the hotspot, turning off the Wi-Fi
你喜歡看 跨尛
You like to watch, what the hell
你喜歡看 跨尛
You like to watch, what the hell
你喜歡看 跨尛
You like to watch, what the hell
你喜歡看 跨尛
You like to watch, what the hell
你喜歡看 跨尛
You like to watch, what the hell
你喜歡看 跨尛
You like to watch, what the hell
你喜歡看 跨尛
You like to watch, what the hell
你喜歡看 跨尛
You like to watch, what the hell
(So tired)

Writer(s): Asiaboy 禁藥王, Lizi 栗子, W. Lin

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