Astro'n'out - Tūlīt - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Astro'n'out - Tūlīt

Right Away
Tu biji šeit vakar, es - šodien
You were here yesterday, I'm here today
Cik prasmīgi nesatikties var
How skillfully we avoid meeting each other
Un kosmoss, šķiet, kļūdās vēlreiz
And the cosmos, it seems, makes another mistake
Es pārāk ilgi tevi meklēju
I've been looking for you for too long
Aiz soļiem, kas neatskanēs
Behind the steps that won't make a sound
Aiz soļiem, kas nesolīs nekā
Behind the steps that won't promise anything
Bet viss notiek šeit un tagad
But everything happens here and now
Bet, ja vēl nenotiek,
But if it still hasn't happened,
Tad zinu tūlīt
Then I know it'll be right away
Tūlīt, tūlīt viss notiks, kam bij' jānotiek
Soon, right away, everything that was supposed to happen will happen
Tu būsi man līdzās
You'll be next to me
Būsi šeit, līdz izzūd laiks
You'll be here until time disappears
būsi šeit vienmēr
That way you'll always be here
Viss virpulī sagriezies mainās
Everything changes as it swirls about
Kas vakar bij' augstu, šodien krīt
What was high yesterday, falls today
Un, kaut arī neesi man blakus
And, although you're not next to me
Man viegli sevi vienu piemānīt
It's easy for me to deceive myself
Izjust pat tavu elpu,
To feel even your breath,
Šķiet, matiem viegli pāri slīd
It seems to gently glide over my hair
Un viss notiek šeit un tagad,
And everything happens here and now,
Bet, ja vēl nenotiek,
But if it still hasn't happened,
Tad zini tūlīt
Then know it'll be right away

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