B.U.G. Mafia feat. Jasmine. - Cu talpile arse - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction B.U.G. Mafia feat. Jasmine. - Cu talpile arse

Cu talpile arse
With Burned Soles
In est nu e ca in vest, frate
It's not like in the West, sister,
Norii negri se aduna peste noapte,
Dark clouds gather overnight,
Dar am poezia mea pentru libertate
But I have my poetry for freedom
Si tortele aprinse pentru eternitate.
And torches lit for eternity.
Nu ca as fi vrut, insa am trecut de mic
Not that I wanted to, but I went through hell since I was young,
Prin focurile iadului, e totul sau nimic.
Through the fires of hell, it's all or nothing.
Victoria este-a celor care cad, dar se ridica,
Victory belongs to those who fall but rise again,
Stii, viata este lupta in care nu e loc de frica,
You know, life is a fight where there's no room for fear,
Asa ca: drepti! drepti in picioare m-am ridicat
So: straight! I stood up straight
Si ca David cu Goliat am luptat,
And like David with Goliath I fought,
Am respectat ce era de respectat
I respected what was to be respected
In rest am dat totul la o parte cu un gest.
For the rest, I brushed it all aside with a gesture.
Asta e un manifest, este inca un protest
This is a manifesto, it's another protest
Am indurate prea mult ca Mandela in arrest.
I've endured too much like Mandela under arrest.
Am trecut iarasi prin foc, il mai simt inca in talpa,
I went through fire again, I can still feel it in my soles,
Dar acum frate, pot sa merg pe apa?
But now, sister, can I walk on water?
Hei, a fost tot mai greu ce am simtit o sa stiu doar eu,
Hey, only I will know how hard it was,
M-am luptat cu umbrele din jur mereu,
I fought with the shadows around me always,
Fara sa stiu ca asta-i iadul meu,
Without knowing that this is my hell,
Dar cu talpile arse m-am ridicat, si am incercat
But with burned soles I rose, and I tried
Am trecut prin foc inca o data ca sa ajung acum sa merg pe apa.
I went through fire again to get to walk on water now.
Hei, a fost tot mai greu ce am simtit o sa stiu doar eu,
Hey, only I will know how hard it was,
M-am luptat cu umbrele din jur mereu,
I fought with the shadows around me always,
Fara sa stiu ca asta-i iadul meu,
Without knowing that this is my hell,
Dar cu talpile arse m-am ridicat, si am incercat
But with burned soles I rose, and I tried
Am trecut prin foc inca o data ca sa ajung acum sa merg pe apa.
I went through fire again to get to walk on water now.
Sunati alarma! Lumea arde-n jurul meu, poate e karma,
Sound the alarm! The world is burning around me, maybe it's karma,
Dar eu sunt obisnuit deja cu drama,
But I'm already used to the drama,
Si n-o sa astept sa ma salveze Obama.
And I won't wait for Obama to save me.
Pregatit sa rezist, sa folosesc adrenalina
Ready to resist, to use the adrenaline
Din anii in care am stat sa-mi taie capul ghilotina
From the years when the guillotine was about to cut my head off
Experimentul romanesc a fost un dar
The Romanian experiment was a gift
Care m-a invatat cum sa marsaluiesc pe jar.
That taught me how to walk on embers.
M-a invatat ca atunci cand viata pare roz
It taught me that when life seems rosy
O sa ajung inevitabil in genunchi, in moloz.
I will inevitably end up on my knees, in rubble.
Cum, cat, unde o sa doara?
How, how much, where will it hurt?
Cum sa zgarii peretii ca sa ies din groapa afara.
How to scratch the walls to get out of the pit.
M-am scuturat de praf, si ca un coregraf
I shook off the dust, and like a choreographer
O sa dansez cu frica! chemati un fotograf!
I will dance with fear! Call a photographer!
Reporter de teren, pe net la CNN
Field reporter, online at CNN
Ca merg usor pe apa... acum nu ma mai tem.
That I walk easily on water... now I'm not afraid anymore.
Hei, a fost tot mai greu ce am simtit o sa stiu doar eu,
Hey, only I will know how hard it was,
M-am luptat cu umbrele din jur mereu,
I fought with the shadows around me always,
Fara sa stiu ca asta-i iadul meu,
Without knowing that this is my hell,
Dar cu talpile arse m-am ridicat, si am incercat
But with burned soles I rose, and I tried
Am trecut prin foc inca o data ca sa ajung acum sa merg pe apa.
I went through fire again to get to walk on water now.
Am combinatia devastatoare
I have the devastating combination
De forta, minte si cuvinte, frate sunt tare.
Of strength, mind and words, sister, I'm strong.
Am inima neagra, ca un miner din vale,
I have a black heart, like a miner from the valley,
Dar rad in intuneric sa se faca soare.
But I laugh in the dark to make the sun shine.
Metafora, peste capul tau am dat,
Metaphor, I went over your head,
Te-ai bucurat, ai crezut ca am plecat.
You rejoiced, you thought I was gone.
Soc, unu pentru show, doi pentru bani stop stai
Shock, one for the show, two for the money stop wait
Care-ai stat pe loc, in timp ce am mers prin foc.
Who stood still while I walked through fire.
Fugi, vin tot la treningul negru si adidasi,
Run, I still come in the black tracksuit and sneakers,
Tot cu fosti, viitori si actuali puscariasi
Still with former, future and current inmates
Zi si smecherie BUG, azi strada,
Say it's BUG cunning, today the street,
Nu vreau premii MTV.
I don't want MTV awards.
Stii, sunt dependent de beat-uri grele nu de tobe proaste
You know, I'm addicted to heavy beats, not bad drums
De bani adevarati pe ani de ganduri trase.
To real money over years of drawn-out thoughts.
De fratii mei, nu de cunostinte false,
To my brothers, not to false acquaintances,
Merg acum pe apa, cu talpile arse
I walk on water now, with burned soles
Hei, a fost tot mai greu ce am simtit o sa stiu doar eu,
Hey, only I will know how hard it was,
M-am luptat cu umbrele din jur mereu,
I fought with the shadows around me always,
Fara sa stiu ca asta-i iadul meu,
Without knowing that this is my hell,
Dar cu talpile arse m-am ridicat, si am incercat
But with burned soles I rose, and I tried
Am trecut prin foc inca o data ca sa ajung acum sa merg pe apa.
I went through fire again to get to walk on water now.

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