Banda Carnaval - Los Minions - En Vivo Desde Mazatlán, Sinaloa/México 2016 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Banda Carnaval - Los Minions - En Vivo Desde Mazatlán, Sinaloa/México 2016

Los Minions - En Vivo Desde Mazatlán, Sinaloa/México 2016
The Minions - Live From Mazatlan, Sinaloa/Mexico 2016
Una cuadrilla de morros anda fuerte en Culiacán.
A squad of young guys are going strong in Culiacán.
se auto nombraron los minions
They call themselves the Minions
y andan dando de que hablar.
And they're making waves.
Aunque les suene chistoso son peligrosos de más,
Although their name may sound funny, they're more than dangerous,
siempre fieles a la empresa bien firmes viene el Iván.
Always loyal to their business, Iván leads them firmly.
Dice un dicho conocido que pal' amor no hay edad,
A well-known saying goes that there's no age for love,
para trabajar tampoco si se quiere progresar.
And neither for work, if you want to succeed.
Da la misma 15-30 que sesentesón ni hablar,
It's the same for a 15-year-old as it is for a 60-year-old, no doubt about it,
lo que valen son los hechos y las ganas de triunfar...
What matters are the actions and the desire to triumph...
Al igual que los monitos de amarillo con azul,
Just like the little yellow and blue monkeys,
se miran inofensivos y hasta tiernos de actitud.
They look harmless and even tender in their attitude.
No te fíes de la apariencia pues te puede traicionar,
Don't trust appearances, because they can betray you,
los menores son violentos pero finos pa' chambear.
The minors are violent, but they're skilled at their work.
•Y ahí le va mi compa nene kevin,
•And there you have my dear friend Kevin,
puro culichi! su compa mario el cachorro delgado
A true Culiacán native! His friend Mario, the skinny puppy,
siempre a la órden. es madel•
Always ready to help. It's Madel•
Se presentan en manadas a la hora de atacar,
They appear in packs when it's time to attack,
pero es que no sean chacales es su forma de operar.
But it's not because they're jackals, it's just their way of operating.
Aquí nos morimos todos es el lema de los minions,
Here we all die, that's the Minions' motto,
ah caray diría mi abuela que adelantados los niños.
Oh dear, as my grandmother would say, these kids are so precocious.
Doce rubicons blindados patrullan en Sinaloa,
Twelve armored Rubicons patrol Sinaloa,
cuidan los pasos del hijo por que dios guarde la hora.
They watch over the son's steps, because God forbid the time.
Respetan mucho al ranchero que nunca ha pisado un penal,
They respect the rancher who has never been to prison,
el árbol da buena sombra no nos podemos quejar...
The tree gives good shade, we can't complain...
En el antro por respeto no les preguntan la edad,
In the nightclub, out of respect, they don't ask their age,
una 3-57 les sirve de credencial...
A 3-57 serves as their ID...
Si se enfiestan segurito van a cerrar el lugar,
If they party, they'll surely close the place down,
con la banda y con morritas pero alerta y sin pistear.
With music and girls, but always alert and sober.


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