Bouwer Bosch feat. Jaco Van Der Merwe - (K)anker - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bouwer Bosch feat. Jaco Van Der Merwe - (K)anker

Liewe vader die lewe kruip nader
Dear (Cancer)
Jy het 'n engel wat oor jou kyk
You have an angel watching over you
Jy is sterker as die dood se hande
You are stronger than the hands of death
Sy is 'n mens met haar vlerke wyd
She is a human with wings wide
Ek ken jou goed jy is die een wat aanhou
I know you well you are the one who perseveres
Sy staan by jou soos 'n standbeeld vas
She stands by you like a statue
My held is gewond
My hero is wounded
En ek weet hy kan oorleef
And I know he can survive
Maar dit is nie in my hande nie
But it is not in my hands
Dit voel onregverdig
It feels unfair
Maar wie's ek om dit te
But who am I to say it
Dis genade wat ek hier wil
It's mercy I want here
Ek kry nie woorde om te hoe ek voel nie
I have no words to say how I feel
Die trane in jou help my ook nie
The tears in your eyes do not help me either
Ons huis is sterk hy is gebou vir oorlog
Our house is strong and it is built for war
Dis net omdat jy die fondament is
That's just because you are the foundation
Was ek net jonk en idealisties om te glo
Was I just young and idealistic to believe
Dat als pas presies in patrone op 'n oopgevoude bloudruk
That everything fits exactly into the patterns on an unfolded blueprint
Realisties moet ek toegee dat ek self nog nooit daai lyne kon begryp nie
Realistically I must admit that I have never been able to understand those lines myself
Ek swyg maar deur die eindelose vraagtekens dit lyk nie asof enige iemand doen nie
I remain silent through the endless question marks it seems that no one else does either
Ons sukkel met die plan laas jaar het my beste vriend van 'n dak af geval in japan
We struggle with the plan, last year my best friend fell off a roof in Japan
Hy het sy nek gebreek en doodgegaan in 'n verre vreemde land en ek voel ons lewens is maar net
He broke his neck and died in a faraway foreign land and I feel our lives are nothing more than
Vingers half vol sand maar in die nagte as dit stil is hoor ek soms die stem van God
Fingers half full of sand but in the nights when it is quiet I sometimes hear the voice of God
En in Sy aangesig sien ek my eie hart en hoe dit vrot maar ek voel ook sonder twyfel
And in His face I see my own heart and how it rots but I also feel without a doubt
Onmeetbare liefde van 'n vader en dis dan juis fokken dan wat weer glo in genade.
Immeasurable love from a father and that is precisely what makes me believe in mercy again.

Writer(s): B. Bosch, W. Delport

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