Boyband - Roman Skamene - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Boyband - Roman Skamene

Roman Skamene
Roman Skamene
Aaa narodil sa chlapec prvý ven vyšiel valec
Aaa, a boy was born, the first one out, a rolling pin
v pórodnici bolo jasné do je alfasamec
Already in the maternity ward it was clear he was an alpha male
Bol to megatanec slivovice plný pohár
It was a mega dance, a full glass of slivovitz
Oslava života človiečik dostal meno Roman
A celebration of life, the little man was named Roman
Byl jak dobrman chcal sral kde se mu chtělo
He was like a Doberman, pissing and shitting wherever he wanted
V jeslích jak běsný dal učitelce ráno dělo
In the manger like a madman, he gave the teacher a cannon in the morning
Tou malou pěstí dělal pořádek jak Donatello
With that little fist, he kept order like Donatello
Pod slipama nosil Dalibora vlasy po rameno
Under his briefs, he wore Dalibor's shoulder-length hair
Nepil z flaše nechcel dudel jak väčšina decék
He didn't drink from a bottle, didn't want a pacifier like most babies
Naturálny typ Roman proste mal rád cecek
A natural type, Roman just liked breasts
Z jasél chodzil domov sám žádny doprovod
He walked home from daycare alone, no escort
Klúče na šnúrke na tričku jeho idol Robocop
Keys on a string, on his shirt his idol Robocop
Pomáhal dětem jako Bono Vox když bylo potřeba
He helped children like Bono Vox when needed
Tak odrážel rány jako hromosvod, když se nasral
So he deflected blows like a lightning rod when he got pissed off
Tak pěnil jako Louis de Funès řval jak Eminem
So he frothed like Louis de Funès, roared like Eminem
Když šel tak spal hodinu pod vodou
When he went, he slept an hour underwater
Nepil mléko ale молоко', mal rád Pomaranč mechanický najvác ze šeckých pokrmov
He didn't drink milk but молоко, he liked Pomaranč mechanical the most of all dishes
Prvý krát za školou bol v druhej tríde
He was behind the school for the first time in the second grade
Nebol to zlý chlapec ale potreboval výbeh
He wasn't a bad boy but he needed a run
První školní výlet výšlap na skály
The first school trip, a hike to the rocks
Učitelky chlastaly a děti žačly šílet
The teachers were boozing and the kids started to go wild
Horáková vzala kámen, Roman začal řvát jak ďábel,
Horáková took a stone, Roman started yelling like the devil,
Horáková napřáhla se, Roman zařval a krvácel.
Horáková stretched out, Roman screamed and bled.
A vtedy nastalo ticho, deti sa začali zbiehať k Romanovi ležiacemu na zemi,
And then there was silence, the children began to gather around Roman lying on the ground,
Vo vzduchu bol cítiť problém
There was a problem in the air
V jeho malej nevinnej hlavičke sa niečo zlomilo, Roman nikdy nebude taký ako pred tým
Something broke in his little innocent head, Roman will never be the same again
Práve v túto chvíľu sa zrodil Roman nový
It was at this moment that a new Roman was born
Roman skamene
Roman Skamene
R: Roman Skamene Ha mal iba 11, ked odišiel ze školy,
R: Roman Skamene Ha he was only 11 when he left school,
Pouličné bitky, hazard, vymenil za úlohy
Street fights, gambling, he exchanged for tasks
Rozdával bomby kadze chodzil, háky od spodu
He handed out bombs everywhere he went, hooks from below
Robert de Niro dostal jednu a skončil pod vodú
Robert de Niro got one and ended up underwater
Pak přišla první láska velká jako Věra Bílá
Then came the first love as big as Věra Bílá
No jenom z její strany v jeho srdci byla díra
But only on her part, there was a hole in his heart
On vlastně neměl srdce pěstoval tam netopýra
He didn't actually have a heart, he grew a bat there
Krmil ho nenávistí přes den spal a v noci lítal
He fed him with hatred during the day, slept and flew at night
Bol to výpalník hnusný ako výkal
He was a racketeer as disgusting as excrement
Nik by zaňho ruky do ohna nepichal
Nobody would put their hands in the fire for him
A každá, čo ho chcela, padla tvrdo na betón
And every one who wanted him fell hard on the concrete
čisté koncentrované zlo jak skeleton
pure concentrated evil like a skeleton
Svetr Benetton, džíny Levis, boty Baťa
Benetton sweater, Levis jeans, Baťa shoes
Na pedály Mercedesu nedosánul ze sedadla
He couldn't reach the pedals of the Mercedes from the seat
Viděl víc čurákú než pisoár víc píč než bidet
He saw more assholes than a urinal, more pussies than a bidet
Všichni ho chtěli v hrobě vidět on byl free jak Tibet
Everyone wanted to see him in the grave, he was free as Tibet
Synek byl inkognito jak šukání v kině
Synek was incognito like fucking in the cinema
Neměl svaly lámal skály báli se ho jako svině
He didn't have muscles, he broke rocks, they were afraid of him like a pig
Dámy slibně lákal na svúj závan mega pána
He enticingly lured the ladies to his mega-lord scent
Svižně odstavoval soupeře jak fízlové na cestě auta
He briskly parked his opponents like cops on the road
Roman mal sen bol animation career
Roman had a dream, he was an animation career
Mohol si ho vidzet jak večer na mesác zavíja
You could see him howling at the moon in the evening
Väčšinou žil sám aj ked bol legenda jak Banderas
He mostly lived alone even though he was a legend like Banderas
A ked nezomrel určite žije doteraz
And if he didn't die, he's definitely still alive

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