Bvcovia feat. Marko Glass - Nu Te Mai Recunosc - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bvcovia feat. Marko Glass - Nu Te Mai Recunosc

Nu Te Mai Recunosc
I Don't Recognize You Anymore
De câte ori mai minți?
How many more times are you going to lie to me?
Nu ești tu, ci-altcineva
You're not yourself, you're someone else
Ai uitat de omu' care ți-ar fi coborât și-o stea
You forgot about the man who would have brought you down a star
Te rog pleacă de-aici, ai ajuns o tinichea
Please leave, you've become a phony
Nu te mai recunosc, da' te știe altcineva
I don't recognize you anymore, but someone else knows you
Așa că-s high, noooo
So I'm high, noooo
Nu rămân blocat, tu ce credeai?
I'm not stuck, what did you think?
Sper că, totuși, în final ai primit ce meritai
I hope you finally got what you deserved
Ca uit trag din pai, după pai, după pai
To forget I smoke one after the other, after the other
După pai, nu pun stop
After the other, I don't stop
Simt mor, nu mai pot
I feel like I'm dying, I can't take it anymore
Lacrimi cad, câte-un strop
Tears fall, one by one
Curg încet, sufoc
They flow slowly, I'm suffocating
Ai fost rai, ai fost tot
You were evil, you were everything
Ai plecat, nu te-ntorci
You left, you're not coming back
Simt cum totul se dărâmă și n-am cum construiesc la loc, no
I feel like everything is falling apart and I can't build it back up, no
La loc
Simt cum totul se dărâmă și n-am cum construiesc la loc (La loc)
I feel like everything is falling apart and I can't build it back up (Back)
De câte ori mai minți?
How many more times are you going to lie to me?
Nu ești tu, ci-altcineva
You're not yourself, you're someone else
Ai uitat de omu' care ți-ar fi coborât și-o stea
You forgot about the man who would have brought you down a star
Te rog pleacă de-aici, ai ajuns o tinichea
Please leave, you've become a phony
Nu te mai recunosc, da' te știe altcineva
I don't recognize you anymore, but someone else knows you
Așa că-s high, noooo
So I'm high, noooo
Nu rămân blocat, tu ce credeai?
I'm not stuck, what did you think?
Sper că, totuși, în final ai primit ce meritai
I hope you finally got what you deserved
Ca uit trag din pai, după pai, după pai
To forget I smoke one after the other, after the other
Câte vrei lași în spate, văd orice-ți convine
How much do you want to leave behind, because I see that everything suits you
Două sute de motive nu încurc cu tine
Two hundred reasons not to mess with you
Ia din rai, ce de filme
Take from heaven, what a movie
Pai cu pai, uit de mine
One after the other, I forget about myself
Vreau te uit dracu' odată, altcumva nu văd bine
I want to forget you now, otherwise I won't feel good
Nu lasă fantomele mai dorm
The ghosts won't let me sleep anymore
Erai singura care putea calma ușor
You were the only one who could calm me down easily
Nu contează cine-urmează după mine, n-are rost
It doesn't matter who comes after me, it's pointless
Am o mie de vedenii, te-am iubit d-asta a fost
I have a thousand visions, I loved you because of that
De câte ori mai minți?
How many more times are you going to lie to me?
Nu ești tu, ci-altcineva
You're not yourself, you're someone else
Ai uitat de omu' care ți-ar fi coborât și-o stea
You forgot about the man who would have brought you down a star
Te rog pleacă de-aici, ai ajuns o tinichea
Please leave, you've become a phony
Nu te mai recunosc, da' te știe altcineva
I don't recognize you anymore, but someone else knows you
Așa că-s high, noooo
So I'm high, noooo
Nu rămân blocat, tu ce credeai?
I'm not stuck, what did you think?
Sper că, totuși, în final ai primit ce meritai
I hope you finally got what you deserved
Ca uit trag din pai, după pai, după pai
To forget I smoke one after the other, after the other

Bvcovia feat. Marko Glass - Bando 2 - EP
Bando 2 - EP
date de sortie

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