Dame - Je Mi to Lúto / Málo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dame - Je Mi to Lúto / Málo

Je Mi to Lúto / Málo
I Feel Sorry / So Little
Je mi to ľúto, že musia klamať keď chcú zaujať a smútok im ide z očí
I feel sorry that they have to lie when they want to impress, and sadness fills their eyes.
A ten pocit ako hlúpo sa musíš sám pred sebou
And that feeling of how stupid you must feel in front of yourself
Cítiť keď to vidíš že to zistí niekto iný jak si krivý.
When you see it, that someone else will find out how crooked you are.
Je mi to ľúto, že musia klamať keď chcú zaujať a smútok im ide z očí
I feel sorry that they have to lie when they want to impress, and sadness fills their eyes.
A ten pocit ako hlúpo sa musíš sám pred sebou
And that feeling of how stupid you must feel in front of yourself
Cítiť keď to vidíš že to zistí niekto iný jak si krivý.
When you see it, that someone else will find out how crooked you are.
Je mi fakt ľúto,
I really feel sorry,
Ľudí čo nevedia dať najavo city, ľudí čo nevedia fakt zaujať ničím.
For people who can't express their feelings, people who can't truly impress with anything.
Tých čo ticho,
Those who are silent,
Pritom dusia v sebe problém, ktorý z hlbky, z nútra o pomoc kričí.
Yet they suffocate a problem within them, which screams for help from the depths, from within.
Jeee mi to ľúto, je mi to ľúto, je to paradox, je
I feel so sorry, I feel so sorry, it's a paradox, I
Mi ľúto aj tých pár ľudí čo ma zklamalo, vďaka bohu, žial čo
Feel sorry even for those few people who disappointed me, thank God, unfortunately what
Sa stalo sa stať malo, len škoda že v nich niečo ľudšké skapalo.
Happened had to happen, it's just a pity that something human died in them.
Nevešám hlavu, nemám v sebe lútosť, nehcem, idem
I don't hang my head, I don't have regret in me, I don't want to, I go
Dalej cez ten tieň, viem čo dnes chcem.
Further through that shadow, I know what I want today.
Ľúto je že nevedia sa správať s
It's a pity they don't know how to behave with
úctou, vidím čoho schopný a je to hnus.
Respect, I see what they are capable of and it's disgusting.
Čo narobíme, keď nemajú v sebe ten kúsok slusnošti, je mi to ľúto.
What can we do when they don't have that bit of decency in them, I feel sorry for them.
No ta lútosť není dobrá emocia, nevadí,
But that pity is not a good emotion, never mind,
Skus to precítiť a pochop obrana není vždy útok.
Try to feel it and understand that defense is not always attack.
Je mi to ľúto, že musia klamať keď chcú zaujať a smútok im ide z očí
I feel sorry that they have to lie when they want to impress, and sadness fills their eyes.
A ten pocit ako hlúpo sa musíš sám pred sebou
And that feeling of how stupid you must feel in front of yourself
Cítiť keď to vidíš že to zistí niekto iný jak si krivý.
When you see it, that someone else will find out how crooked you are.
Je mi to ľúto, že musia klamať keď chcú zaujať a smútok im ide z očí
I feel sorry that they have to lie when they want to impress, and sadness fills their eyes.
A ten pocit ako hlúpo sa musíš sám pred sebou
And that feeling of how stupid you must feel in front of yourself
Cítiť keď to vidíš že to zistí niekto iný jak si krivý.
When you see it, that someone else will find out how crooked you are.
Je mi to ľúto, že ľudia tvária sa čestne, prito
I feel sorry that people pretend to be honest, while they
M prejdú po nohách kľudne bratovi, sestre,
Would step on their brother's or sister's feet,
Prejdú hoci čo v ceste, keď chcú nahrabať ešte viac.
They would cross anything in their path if they wanted to grab even more.
Škoda že nevedia k sebe aspoň rešpekt mať.
It's a pity they don't even know how to have respect for each other.
Je mi ľúto,
I feel sorry,
Že všetci chcú byť tak umelý, každý chce vyzerať ako keby bol gumený.
That everyone wants to be so artificial, everyone wants to look like they're made of rubber.
Pohrdá sa umením, cení sa gýč jak suvenýr.
Art is despised, kitsch is valued like a souvenir.
Je mi to lúto, ale skôr som tým zhnusený
I feel sorry, but I'm more disgusted by it
Moja sestra, moja mama robia v kuse ako otrokyne,
My sister, my mother work constantly like slaves,
Aj tak stále zarobia tak málo, podla dneska, podla teraz,
Yet they still earn so little, according to today, according to now,
Podla včera, súdim že niečo není v poriadku s tým naším štátom.
According to yesterday, I judge that something is wrong with our state.
Pokiaľ nehráš proti, nemáš nohy v teple,
Unless you play against it, you don't have your feet warm,
Nemaš z čoho vyplatiť ani ten predražený nájom.
You have nothing to pay even the overpriced rent.
Pokial neojebávaš tak nemáš ojebaváť
If you don't cheat, you don't have to cheat
Seba, necháš touto našou zkurvenou vládou.
Yourself, you let this fucked up government of ours do it.
Stále tak málo, pritom tak málo by stačilo a nebol by rozdiel medzi
Still so little, yet so little would be enough and there would be no difference between
Králom, medzi tým pánom a stádom, týc
The king, between the lord and the herd, those
H poddaných čo robia do nemoti ako blázon, za pásom.
Subjects who work tirelessly like crazy, behind the belt.
Stále tak málo, stále tak málo ľudí podporí a málo kto aj
Still so little, still so few people support and few even
Otvorí, keď klope niekto o pomoc za bránou.
Open, when someone knocks for help at the gate.
Potom sa čudujeme kto tvorí, drž sa, da
Then we wonder who creates, hold on, until you
Kým nepostoríš, jak ojebať tak nezarobíš prácou.
Figure out how to cheat, you won't earn anything by working.
Od malička hovoria že máme držať hubu.
Since childhood, they've told us to keep our mouths shut.
Máme sa učiť poslúchať a veriť slubu.
We should learn to obey and believe the promise.
Za mojich 30 rokov nemám pocit žiadnej zmeny.
In my 30 years, I don't feel any change.
Prečo by som mal ďalších 30 tomu veriť?
Why should I believe it for another 30?
Keby sa nepostavím, nemám, k
If I don't stand up, I don't have,
Eby robím to čo treba, tak mám ledva sám pre seba.
If I do what I have to, then I barely have enough for myself.
Taká rodina ako matka deťom dávať viac, ako
A family like that has to give more to their children than
vstávať sa a smiať keď sama strach.
She has to get up and laugh when she's scared herself.
Z toho že nemá ani to čo byť
From the fact that she doesn't even have what should be
Bežné, je to absurdné, smutné smiešne.
Normal, it's absurd, sad and even funny.
Preto nemám rešpekt štátu čo vedne.
That's why I have no respect for the state that leads it.
Svet je v piči ale Slovensko fakt pekne
The world is fucked up, but Slovakia is really beautiful

Writer(s): Adam Dame

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