Don Strapzy - Get It In (Feat. Jack Jones & Carnage) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Don Strapzy - Get It In (Feat. Jack Jones & Carnage)

Get It In (Feat. Jack Jones & Carnage)
Get It In (Feat. Jack Jones & Carnage)
Porque me cabiaste
Why did you switch me
Si yo te amaba
If I loved you
Mas me duele pensar que solo estabas conmigo para pasar el rato, mientras buscabas
But it hurts me to think that you were only with me to pass the time, while you were looking,
A alguien mas,
For someone else,
Y asi facil me olvidaste de
And so easily, you forgot me,
La noche a la mañana
From night to morning,
Hoy me encuentro medio triste
Today I find myself half sad,
Recordando lo que hiciste
Remembering what you did,
De lo mal que te portaste y a
How badly you behaved and to
Mi corazon mentiste
My heart, you lied.
Ya que me hablaste y
I know you talked to me and,
Luego te hice caso
Then I listened to you,
Pues mi corazon flechaste y amarraste con un lazo.
For my heart, you shot and tied with a lasso.
Crecio una amistad
A friendship grew,
Cariño demostraste
Darling, you showed,
Confianza y apoyo eso
Confidence and support, that
Siempre me brindaste
You always gave me.
Con el tiempo aumemto
Over time, it increased,
Este amor que yo sentía
This love that I felt,
No que paso creo que
I don't know what happened, I think
Me echaste brujeria
You cast witchcraft on me.
Tu amistad que pasó
Your friendship that passed,
Hacer otra cosa sentia algo
Doing something else, I felt something,
Mas y no por ser hermosa
More and more beautiful,
La confianza aumentaba cada vez que te miraba rodo parecia como un cuento de hadas
The trust grew every time I looked at you, everything seemed like a fairy tale.
Y asi pasron los dias de ti me fui enamorando, decirte lo que sentia es lo que estaba pensando al pensarlo un buen tiempo yo por fin me decidí te pedí fueras mi novia y me dijiste que si
And so the days passed, I fell in love with you, telling you what I felt was what I was thinking, thinking about it for a long time, I finally decided, I asked you to be my girlfriend and you said yes.
Me deje llevar por aquellas tantas llamadas por aquellos mensajes que tu a mi mandabas
I let myself be carried away by those many phone calls, by those messages that you sent to me.
Me dijiste que me amabas y yo me la fui creyendo, recuerdo las promesas que nos fuimos construyendo
You told me that you loved me and I believed it, I remember the promises we made.
De la noche a la mañana lograste ilusionarme nunca pense que por otro ibas a reemplazarme ya por la mañana desperté muy asustado pues tuve una pesadillas en que te ibas de mi lado
From night to morning, you managed to give me illusions, I never thought that for another you would replace me, already in the morning I woke up very scared because I had a nightmare in which you were leaving my side.
Hoy ya no kiero pensar que de mi tu te vas auque sea difícil aunque sea dificil te tengo que olvidar
Today I don't want to think that you are leaving me, even if it is difficult, even if it is difficult, I have to forget you.
Aunque me duela el corazon hoy te doy la razón te dejo ser feliz en otros brazos
Even if it hurts my heart, today I give you the reason, I let you be happy in other arms.
Dijiste que lo nuestro estaria ya terminado te marchaste de mi lado
You said that ours would already be over, you left my side
Sin habermelo explicado, fue mas de una semana en la que la pase triste, no entendia la razon por la cual tu te fuiste
Without having explained it to me, it was more than a week in which I spent sad, I did not understand the reason why you left.
Me sentia muy mal tenia ganas de llorar valdrá la pena me lo quise preguntar ya muy tarde me di cuenta que conmigo tu jugaste
I felt very bad, I wanted to cry, it will be worth asking myself, very late I realized that you played with me,
Ya muy tarde me di cuenta que solo me utilizaste
Very late, I realized that you only used me.
Ahora todo se ha borrado ha quedado en el paso, ya te fuiste con otro y me has dejado abandonado si hacerme sufrir es era tu gran mision te doy la buena noticias lo hiciste a la perfeccion
Now everything has been erased, it has been left in the past, you have already left with another and you have left me abandoned, if making me suffer was your great mission, I give you the good news, you did it perfectly.
Te deseo ser feliz por que yo lo seré de la noche a la mañana en mi mente te saqué ya eres cosa del pasado y es que has quedado atras
I wish you to be happy because I will be from night to morning in my mind I took you out, you are already a thing of the past and you have been left behind.
Adios no te pensare jamas
Goodbye, I will never think of you again.

Writer(s): Derek L Johnson

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