E SENS - Unknown Verses - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction E SENS - Unknown Verses

Unknown Verses
Unknown Verses
Forever young. 그토록 이루고 싶어하던 뭐였지?
Forever young. What was it that you wanted so badly?
부실듯한 표정으로 덤볐네 겁없이
You jumped in with a look on your face like you were going to break everything, fearless.
근데 처음 다쳐보고서는 언제 떨어질지를
But then, after getting hurt for the first time, you started to worry
걱정하기 시작했네 행복의 언저리에
about when you'd fall, clinging to the edge of happiness.
걸쳐 있다 여기며 밀어붙였네 점점
You pushed and pushed, thinking you were right there.
시간은 빨리 흐르는 듯해 손엔 목적지가
Time seemed to flow so fast. In my hand, a map with no destination
표시안된 지도 한없이 넓게 보였지
marked, just an endless expanse.
걷는 속도론 닿지 못할 곳에 놓여진게
The treasure I seek, is it placed somewhere beyond my reach?
내가 찾는 보물일까. 보물이란건 있나?
Is there even such a thing as treasure? Time slips away if you don't hold on.
흘러가면 잡지못할 시간.
Time that you can't catch if it flows away.
누구 마따나 어릴때나 쫓는 가치인가.
Like someone said, is it a value chased only in youth?
아무도 정확히 나에게 가르쳐 주지않네
No one can tell me for sure.
걷는 밖에
All I can do is walk.
밖에 날씨가 괜찮네
The weather's nice outside.
기분하곤 반대로
Unlike my mood.
밖에 날씨는 괜찮네
The weather's nice outside.
몇년간 차가웠던 여름. 머릿 뜨거운 겨울.
Years of a cold heart in the summer, a hot winter in my mind.
몇계절 겨우 넘기며 I just follow the road sign
Barely making it through a few seasons, I just follow the road signs.
수월한 날이 없네. 버겁고 쏠려도 한잔 더.
There are no easy days. Even when it's tough and I'm overwhelmed, one more drink.
손가락 넣고 변기에 얼굴 처박아도
Even if I stick my fingers in the toilet and dunk my head,
혼란함은 안없어지네. 정신차리니 여기네
the confusion doesn't go away. I came to my senses, and here I am.
나를 믿지 못하니 남들도 쉽게 믿네
If I can't trust myself, it's hard to trust others, too.
가식 욕하는 얼마나 솔직해?
How honest am I, the one who criticizes fakeness?
쓰린 부여잡고 일어나보니 외로운 섬이네.
Clutching my bitter stomach, I stood up to find myself on a lonely island.
누가 내게.
Someone tell me.
뜨거워 식혀.
Hey, cool down your burning body.
조금만 물러서는 익혀
Hey, learn to step back a little.
모난 돌로 살어 혼자선 이겨.
Hey, why are you living like a rock? You can't win alone.
그런 문제 아닌데. 내가 그러고 싶어
That's not the problem. Why would I want to do that?
하는 밖에
All I can do is do it.
누군 나를 부러워 하네
Someone envies me.
기분하곤 반대로
Unlike my mood.
내가 서는 무대는 화려하네
The stage I stand on is dazzling.

Writer(s): Min Ho Kang, Daniel Dicky Klein

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