Eason Chan - 落花流水 - Single Version - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Eason Chan - 落花流水 - Single Version

落花流水 - Single Version
Blossoms Flowing Away - Single Version
流水 像清得沒帶半顆沙
Flowing water is as clear as if it doesn't carry a grain of sand
前身 被擱在上游風化
My previous life was left upstream to weather
But that day, passing by that dam
斜陽又返照閃一下 遇上一朵 落花
The setting sun reflected and shone for a moment, meeting a fallen flower
相遇 就此擁著最愛歸家
Meeting, thus embracing my beloved and returning home
生活 別過份地童話化
Life shouldn't be overly romanticized
故事 假使短過這 五月落霞
A story, if shorter than this May sunset
沒有需要 驚詫
There's no need to be surprised
流水很清楚 惜花這個責任
The flowing water is clear about its responsibility to cherish the flower
Its true identity is just a carrier
If this journey can be considered happy
Then it's not a waste of this life
水點 蒸發變做白雲
Water droplets evaporate and turn into white clouds
花瓣 飄落下游生根
The petals float downstream and take root
淡淡交會過 各不留下印
Lightly intersecting, leaving no trace of each other
流水 在山谷下再次分岔
Flowing water forks again at the foot of the valley
情感 漸化做淡然優雅
Feelings gradually transform into a composed elegance
I feel my state of mind is like a clear mirror
為何為天降的稀客 泛過一點 浪花
Why did the rare guest sent from heaven cause a ripple?
天下 並非只是有這朵花
The world doesn't just have this flower
不用 為故事下文牽掛
No need to dwell on what happens next in the story
要是 彼此都有些 既定路程
If we both have some predetermined paths
學會灑脫 好嗎
Learn to let go, okay?
流水很清楚 惜花這個責任
The flowing water is clear about its responsibility to cherish the flower
Its true identity is just a carrier
If this journey can be considered happy
Then it's not a waste of this life
水點 蒸發變做白雲
Water droplets evaporate and turn into white clouds
花瓣 飄落下游生根
The petals float downstream and take root
命運敲定了 要這麼發生
Fate has decreed that it should happen this way
講分開 可否不再 用憾事的口吻
When we talk about parting, can we stop using the tone of regret?
習慣無常 才會慶幸
Getting used to impermanence makes us appreciate the present
講真 天涯途上 誰是客
Honestly, on the journey of life, who is a guest?
散席時 怎麼分
When the party's over, how do we part?
流水很清楚 惜花這個責任
The flowing water is clear about its responsibility to cherish the flower
Its true identity is just a carrier
If this journey can be considered happy
Then it's not a waste of this life
水點 蒸發變做白雲
Water droplets evaporate and turn into white clouds
花瓣 飄落下游生根
The petals float downstream and take root
淡淡交會過 各不留下印
Lightly intersecting, leaving no trace of each other
但是經歷過 最溫柔共震
But having experienced the most tender resonance

Writer(s): Eric Kwok, Wy Man Wong, Yi Xun Chen

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