Edo Maajka - Ona je bomba - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edo Maajka - Ona je bomba

Ona je bomba
She's a bomb
Najbolji stil, najbolji deliveri
Best style, best delivery
Kad cuju glas, skacu cak i hipsteri
When I hear the voice, even hipsters jump
Svi vole kada ga zabiberim
Everybody loves it when I spice it up
Fmjam, ostajemo lideri
Fmjam, we stay leaders
Hejtere zakucam kao da su ziceri
I nail haters like they are chickpeas
Niste losi ali konkurencija niste mi
You're not bad, but you're no competition for me
Moji fanovi svi ste vi
All of you are my fans
Znate mi album napamet, haj, budte iskreni
You know my album by heart, come on, be honest
Mi po gasu, vi vozite u leru
We're on the gas, you're driving in the mud
Koncert ti je kurac, ne mos dic atmosferu
Your concert sucks, don't try to create an atmosphere
Znam disaj Frenkija i Edu
I know the breath of Frenkie and Edu
Mozda ti to ozivi karijeru
Maybe that will revive your career
Vase cure nase albume imaju
Your girls have our albums
Dodju na koncert i hoce da se slikaju
They come to the concert and want to take pictures
Za potpis i nas broj pitaju
They ask for an autograph and our number
Au, hoce da se pipaju
Oh, they want to touch themselves
Ulazim u klub i ne mogu da se snadjem
I enter the club and can't find my way around
Pogledam na sank, pa konobaru mahnem
I look at the bar, and wave to the waiter
Meni daj majk, a Soulu gajbu piva
Give me a mic, and Soul a crate of beer
I pokazi, brate, gdje je ta bina
And show me, bro, where the stage is
A kad se DJ spoji i mikrofoni moji
And when the DJ connects and my mics
Onda sve gori, samo ritam rima, care
Then everything burns, only rhythm rhyme, man
Drugo nista ne postoji
Nothing else exists
Jer ovo se voli
Because it's loved
Glavatar na majku, Fmjam sam interventna
Headbang on the mother, Fmjam is the intervention
Posalju me, ja poderem solo i bez benda
They send me, I tear the solo without a band
Imam legacy Nintenda i ne prestajem nikad
I have the legacy of Nintendo and never stop
Dodjem ko Edo Maajka, odem ko Edo gigant
I come like Edo Maajka, I leave like Edo giant
Posle mene drugi ti zvuce ko pirat
After me, others sound like a pirate
Ja sam jedan od onih sto nove ne mora ni snimat
I'm one of those who doesn't need to record new ones
Rijedak ko zirant, imam skila za dilat
Rare like zirant, I have skills for dilation
Ja sam antifasizam ako me moras sortirat
I am anti-fascism if you have to sort me
Glavatar na majku, care najbolji u fahu
Headbang on the mother, the best in the profession
Odradim jedan trening, pa te poderem u sahu
I do one workout, and then I tear you down in chess
Deset puncheva po dahu, skuham freestyle na sabahu
Ten punches per breath, I cook freestyle in the morning
Stavi kocku secera i jednog Billaina u prahu
Put a cube of sugar and one Billine in powder
I mijesaj, popij, okreni, ogledaj
And mix, drink, turn, watch
Mi smo vamo ispred, evo ti dvogleda
We're here in front of you, here's some binoculars
Ne moze bolje ba, ne mogu bolje ba
It can't be better, it can't be better
Fmjam je ovdje, a druge iza samo poredaj
Fmjam is here, and others just line up behind

Writer(s): Edin Osmic, Luka žužić, Oneya, Teo Aničić

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