Edo Maajka - Savske Meduze - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edo Maajka - Savske Meduze

Savske Meduze
Sava Jellyfish
Gadno je, odvratno je bilo
It was awful, it was disgusting
Viza mi u rukama, a u srcu mi je shilo
Visa in my hands, but a shiv in my heart
U istom je trenutku i sreca i gorcina
Happiness and bitterness at the same time
Misli o boljim danima, misli o izgubljenim jaranima
Thoughts of better days, thoughts of lost buddies
Ja dijete, i žena - familija moja i njena
Me a child, and a wife - my family and hers
More jarana, na stolu je pivo i hrana
A sea of friends, beer and food on the table
Smijeh i suze, puno domaće mjuze: roka Halid
Laughter and tears, lots of domestic music: rock, Halid
Pjevamo ja i ljudi sto ćemi falit'
I and the people I'll miss are singing
Idem u jedan a zasobom ostavljam drugi svijet
I'm going to one world, leaving another behind
Nije vazno koji je bolji, vazno je da sutra imam let
It doesn't matter which one is better, what matters is that I have a flight tomorrow
Ja letim ko savski galeb kad peca
I fly like a Sava seagull when it's fishing
Smijem se stjuardesi, a usebi jecam
I smile at the stewardess, but inside I'm sobbing
Ja dodjoh, evo je Amerika
I arrived, here's America
Težak jezik, težak zrak
Heavy language, heavy air
Al fino spavam, i dobar mi tlak
But I sleep well, and my blood pressure is good
Svaki pocetak je tezak, al biće lakše
Every beginning is hard, but it will get easier
Samo da se neki posao nadje Biće!
Just need to find a job It will!
Amerika nije rad i znoj
America is not just work and sweat
Stulicu lag'o si, jeboli te onaj stih tvoj
Stulic you lied, fuck you and your verse
Amerikanci su supci, ona najgora mraka
Americans are assholes, the worst kind of darkness
Kod njih ti se radi od jutra do mraka
With them, you work from dawn till dusk
Nema ko kod nas ono: pauzica-kafica-cigara
There's no such thing as a coffee-cigarette break like we have
Kod njih se sve vrti oko para
Everything revolves around money with them
Nema onog u goste ne najavljen
There's no such thing as an unannounced visit
Sa kesom mesa za rostilja
With a bag of meat for a barbecue
Kod njih se iz fiseka pije piva (e jebiga)
They drink beer from bottles (damn it)
Al' gotiva je plata, standard je jebiga, dobar
But the salary is good, the standard of living is good, damn it
Imas za zivot čak i ako si sobar
You can make a living even if you're a maid
Jebote čovječe, ovdje pečaju samo grgeče
Damn, man, they only catch perch here
I to one veće, manje kulturno bace
And the big ones, they throw the smaller ones back
Koriste umjetne mamce
They use artificial lures
Zajebavanu nas Bosance
Fucking with us Bosnians
Jebem im sve
Fuck them all
Zena koja mi je iznajmljivala stan
The woman who rented me the apartment
Objasnjavala mi kako se pali TV
Explained to me how to turn on the TV
(Hej meni, bolan, hej - alo)
(Hey to me, man, hey - hello)
A u svakoj sobi sam imao po jedan
And I had one in every room
Da žena gleda serije dok ja fudbal gledam
So my wife could watch series while I watched football
Joj utakmice ove klinci vam ne jebu ni pet pošto
Oh, these kids don't give a damn about these games
Kod njih je to sve glupo i preprosto zamisli!
For them, it's all stupid and too simple, imagine!
Ni ovi nasi sto su dosli nisu isti
Even our people who came here are not the same
Upeli se, fo fol postali gospoda
They've gotten stuck up, pretending to be gentlemen
Ono zavlace kad pričaju
They drag their words when they talk
To je sad ovdje moda
It's the fashion here now
You understand, motherfucker, I'm a Bosnian yeah?
You understand, motherfucker, I'm a Bosnian yeah?
Neki dan mi sin reče: Daddy
The other day my son said to me: Daddy
Odmah sam mu reko:
I immediately told him:
Odi vamo sjedi - Jeboli ti daddy mater
Come here and sit down - Fuck your daddy mother
Za tebe sam babo - a ne daddy - father
I'm babo to you - not daddy - father
Al dobar je on, jelde sine?
But he's good, right son?
Preko kompjutera mi domaće muzike skine
He downloads domestic music for me on the computer
On je tu odrasto, sta če
He grew up here, what can you do
Nije mu jasno zašto babo place - kad čuje Indekse
He doesn't understand why his dad cries when he hears Indexi
Jebiga, pjesma te ponese
Damn it, the song carries you away
Malo te ponese, malo te guši
It carries you away a little, it chokes you a little
Al kad places pase duši
But when you cry, it soothes the soul
Tu i tamo, skupa odemo dole
Now and then, we go down there together
A kad donesemo para
And when we bring money
Onda nas dole svi još više vole
Then everyone down there loves us even more
Misle nama je lako
They think it's easy for us
Pa dobro, jes nam lakše
Well, it is easier for us
Al nikog ne zanima kakve su brige naše
But nobody cares about our worries
Al' Sava zna - Sava guta suze
But Sava knows - Sava swallows tears
Suzama se hrane moje savske meduze
My Sava jellyfish feed on tears
Al' Sava zna - Sava guta suze
But Sava knows - Sava swallows tears
Suzama se hrane moje savske meduze
My Sava jellyfish feed on tears
Al' Sava zna - Sava guta suze
But Sava knows - Sava swallows tears
Suzama se hrane moje savske meduze
My Sava jellyfish feed on tears
Al' Sava zna - Sava guta suze
But Sava knows - Sava swallows tears
Suzama se hrane moje savske meduze
My Sava jellyfish feed on tears
Al' suze su gorke - jer su emocije jake
But the tears are bitter - because emotions are strong
Suze moje, moga oca, seke, brata i majke
My tears, my father's, my sister's, my brother's and my mother's
Moje, i suze raje, moje i dusmana mojih
Mine, and the tears of my people, mine and my enemies'
Nije bitno čije su, meduza ih voli
It doesn't matter whose they are, the jellyfish loves them
Ona ih guta, srce, ona od suza sjaji
It swallows them, heart, it shines from tears
Meduza postane lak plijen u mojoj Savi
The jellyfish becomes easy prey in my Sava
Stuke jedu meduze, mi jedemo stuke
Pikes eat jellyfish, we eat pikes
Opet nas tuga gusi, opet se tresu ruke
Sorrow chokes us again, hands tremble again
Opet iste emocije, opet iste suze
Same emotions again, same tears again
Opet isti strahovi, al su nove meduze
Same fears again, but the jellyfish are new
Al' Sava zna - Sava guta suze
But Sava knows - Sava swallows tears
Suzama se hrane moje savske meduze
My Sava jellyfish feed on tears
Al' Sava zna - Sava guta suze
But Sava knows - Sava swallows tears
Suzama se hrane moje savske meduze
My Sava jellyfish feed on tears
Al' Sava zna - Sava guta suze
But Sava knows - Sava swallows tears
Suzama se hrane moje savske meduze
My Sava jellyfish feed on tears
Al' Sava zna - Sava guta suze
But Sava knows - Sava swallows tears
Suzama se hrane moje savske meduze
My Sava jellyfish feed on tears

Writer(s): David Vurdelja, Edin Osmic

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