F.Charm feat. Jianu - Animale de prada - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction F.Charm feat. Jianu - Animale de prada

Animale de prada
Animals of Prada
Crescuti in puf sau pe strada
I grew up in comfort or on the streets
Oamenii-s animale de prada
People are animals of prey
Cad ma, ridic stau, in garda
I fall, I rise, I stand guard
Tin in piept inima calda si in mana o grenada 2x
I hold a warm heart in my chest and a grenade in my hand 2x
In viata m-au lovit destul de multe
Life has hit me enough
Si d-aia privesc unii oamenii ca pe niste brute
That's why I look at some people like brutes
Nascuti din dragoste mare pura si oarba
Born from pure and blind love
Copii apoi adulti sau animale de prada
Children then adults or beasts of prey
Ca-n spatele fetei nu se-ascund ganduri de bine
Because behind the face there are no good thoughts hidden
Imi zambesc abia asteapta sa stearga pe jos cu mine
They smile at me, just waiting to wipe me out with their lies
De la straini la prieteni si la cunostinte noi
From strangers to friends and new acquaintances
Ai cascaval iti sterg cu limba gheata de noroi
If you have money, they'll kiss your boots
Dar mama m-a crescut cu grija m-am simtit iubit
But my mother raised me with care, I felt loved
Am invatat sa nu fac rau ca se-ntoarce inzecit
I learned not to do wrong because it comes back tenfold
Dar scarbele profita cand nu bagi de seama
But evil takes advantage when you're not paying attention
Si facerea de bine e futere de mama
And doing good is like feeding your mother
Si i-am vazut pe multi cum au disparut in noapte
And I've seen many of them disappear into the night
Cand buzunarul meu a pierdut din greutate
When my pocket lost its weight
Ii vedeam ca frati, imi plange inima
I saw them as brothers, my heart cries
Ca mi-am facut singur un rau chiar cu mana mea
Because I did myself an evil even with my own hand
Crescuti in puf sau pe strada
Growing up in comfort or on the streets
Oamenii-s animale de prada
People are animals of prey
Cad, ma ridic, stau in garda
I fall, I rise, I stand guard
Tin in piept inima calda si in mana o grenada 2x
I hold a warm heart in my chest and a grenade in my hand 2x
Stiu ca este vorba de fapte mereu
I know it's always about actions
Da' nu-i nimic atata timp cat simt ca-n spatele meu
But it's nothing as long as I feel someone behind me
Exista o persoana care ma scoate mereu
Who always gets me out
Din impas si m-ajuta cand mi-atarna faptele greu
And helps me when my actions weigh me down
Asa credeam pana l-am prins pe fratele meu
That's what I thought until I caught my brother
Cum incerca sa bea p-ascuns laptele meu
Trying to secretly drink my milk
Atunci am realizat c-aproapele meu s-a schimbat
That's when I realized my loved one had changed
Nu, de fapt el a fost sarpe mereu
No, in fact, he was always a snake
D-aia acum sunt paranoic!
That's why I'm paranoid now!
Tu ce vrei? de ce ranjesti? ce pandesti?
What do you want? Why are you smiling? What are you waiting for?
Tu de ce-mi zambesti? la ce te gandesti?
Why are you smiling at me? What are you thinking?
Da', Alex e fresh, da' nu vrea sa faceti cash
Yeah, Alex is cool, but he doesn't want to make cash
Fiindca stie ca daca s-ar putea l-ai lasa pe pres, vezi
Because he knows that if he could, you'd leave him out in the cold, see
Stiu o gramada de-animale care stau mult la panda pana sa bage-n burta
I know a lot of animals who lay in wait for a long time before they feed
Dar stiu si d-alea care-ataca rapid ca viata-i scurta
But I also know those who attack quickly because life is short
Ma pregatesc sa ies iar printre ele, Doamne ajuta-ma!
I'm getting ready to go out among them again, God help me!
Crescuti in puf sau pe strada
Growing up in comfort or on the streets
Oamenii-s animale de prada
People are animals of prey
Cad, ma ridic, stau in garda
I fall, I rise, I stand guard
Tin in piept inima calda si in mana o grenada 2x
I hold a warm heart in my chest and a grenade in my hand 2x

Writer(s): vlasceanu bogdan florin

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