Fendi - C'est la vie - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Fendi - C'est la vie

C'est la vie
This is life
Ei ei c'est la vie c'est la vie c'est la vie
Oh oh this is life, this is life, this is life
Ei ei ei c'est la vie c'est la vie c'est la vie
Oh oh oh this is life, this is life, this is life
C'èst la vie c'est la vie c'est la vie
This is life, this is life, this is life
Ho fatto questi soldi per averti conmigo
I made this money to have you with me
Ma forse per questo mi volevi contigo
But maybe that's why you wanted me with you
Non so se capisci quello che dico
I don't know if you understand what I'm saying
C'èst la vie c'est la vie c'est la vie
This is life, this is life, this is life
Ho fatto questi soldi per averti conmigo
I made this money to have you with me
Ma forse per questo mi volevi contigo
But maybe that's why you wanted me with you
Non so se capisci quello che dico
I don't know if you understand what I'm saying
Ho fatto di tutto per averti conmigo
I did everything to have you with me
Ho mandato a fanculo tutte per stare contigo
I sent everyone away to be with you
Je ne se pa dai che ci rivediamo chi lo sa
I don't know when we'll see each other again
Lascia la finestra aperta arrivo come piter pan
Leave the window open, I'll come like Peter Pan
E cambio spesso air nike non cado mai
And I change my Nike shoes often, I never fall
Per correre più forte lontano dai miei guai
To run faster away from my troubles
Sono confuso non ricordo se ho mai amato
I'm confused, I don't remember if I've ever been in love
Mi sa che pure per quello sono svogliato yha
I guess that's why I'm not motivated
E Mentre tu ci credi infondo io tocco il fondo
And while you believe me, I'm actually hitting rock bottom
E quante cose ti nascondo e non ti rispondo
And I don't tell you a lot of things and I don't answer you
Vorrei cambiare city viaggiare adesso
I'd like to change cities and travel now
Ma questo mood e quasi sempre lo stesso yha
But this mood is almost always the same
E tu mi chiedi cos'è successo uo
And you ask me what happened
Ne giro un'altra e non ci penso uo
I'll roll another one and not think about it
Bevo troppo non ho mai smesso uo
I drink too much, I never stopped
Ho fatto troppo da ora smetto uo uo uo
I've done too much, I'm going to stop now
C'est la vie c'est la vie c'est la vie
This is life, this is life, this is life
Ho fatto questi soldi per averti conmigo
I made this money to have you with me
Ma forse per questo mi volevi contigo
But maybe that's why you wanted me with you
Non so se capisci quello che dico
I don't know if you understand what I'm saying
C'èst la vie c'est la vie c'est la vie
This is life, this is life, this is life
Ho fatto questi soldi per averti conmigo
I made this money to have you with me
Ma forse per questo mi volevi contigo
But maybe that's why you wanted me with you
Non so se capisci quello che dico
I don't know if you understand what I'm saying
Ti ho regalato rose per averti conmigo
I gave you roses to have you with me
Non pensavo alle mie ex quando stavo contigo
I didn't think about my exes when I was with you
Je suis complet in una suit con te
I'm complete in a suit with you
Lontani o vicini non smetto sentirmi un re
Far or near, I always feel like a king
Io penso che tu pensi che io non cambia mai
I think you think that I never change
Ma ora so capirti senza chiederti come stai
But now I can understand you without asking how you are
Forse e troppo quello che mi hai dato
Maybe it's too much that you've given me
Mi sono reso conto che sono un viziato yha
I've realized that I'm spoiled
Mi parli con gli sguardi mentre faccio sbagli
You talk to me with your eyes as I make mistakes
Lo capisco quando è tardi scappo faccio i bagagli
I understand when it's late and I run away and pack my bags
Se potessi cambiare l'avrei già fatto
If I could change, I would have already
Giuro mi odio per come ti tratto
I swear I hate myself for the way I treat you
Ma tu non capisci se sono matto
But you don't understand if I'm crazy
E sembra che mene sbatto il cazzo
And it seems like I don't care
Ma ci aspetta un letto disfatto
But a rumpled bed awaits us
C'est la vie c'est la vie c'est la vie
This is life, this is life, this is life
Ho fatto questi soldi per averti conmigo
I made this money to have you with me
Ma forse per questo mi volevi contigo
But maybe that's why you wanted me with you
Non so se capisci quello che dico
I don't know if you understand what I'm saying
C'est la vie c'est la vie c'est la vie
This is life, this is life, this is life
Ho fatto questi soldi per averti conmigo
I made this money to have you with me
Ma forse per questo mi volevi contigo
But maybe that's why you wanted me with you
Non so se capisci quello che dico
I don't know if you understand what I'm saying

Writer(s): Davide Zanda

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