Flashy Ice Cream - Enamorat - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Flashy Ice Cream - Enamorat

La brisa del mar, tu amb gust de sal
The sea breeze, you taste of salt
El llit ple de sorra i la copa Brugal
The bed is full of sand and the Brugal glass
Em poso de genolls, per tu tinc fe
I kneel down, I have faith in you
Adicte a la festa, als teus ulls verds
Addicted to the party, to your green eyes
Tens res a perdre i tot per guanyar
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain
Em vingut a la vida només per triomfar
I came to life only to triumph
Deixa de banda qui et va fer plorar
Forget who made you cry
Em enamorat, em enamorat
I'm in love with you, I'm in love with you
Em deixa parat quan em mira la terra no gira
I'm speechless when you look at me, the world doesn't turn
Si està al meu costat
If you're by my side
Em enamorat, em enamorat
I'm in love with you, I'm in love with you
Podria passar-me la vida contant-li les pigues
I could spend my life counting your freckles
Un cel dibuixat
A drawn sky
Ella vol mambo, a les tantes perreando
She wants mambo, dancing around in heels
O al club fumant Gelato
Or at the club smoking Gelato
Vol mambo, coloco com Ronaldo
Wants mambo, I score like Ronaldo
No vull la teva caritat si puc fer-ho sol
I don't want your charity if I can do it myself
Vaig sobrat amb la squat celebrem el gol
I'm overflowing with the squat, we celebrate the goal
Colocat, tot pagat ja no hi ha dolor
Stoned, all paid for, there is no pain anymore
Només la teva olor dins el meu llençol
Only your scent on my sheet
I ara solo, solo, solo, no et vaig saber cuidar
And now alone, alone, alone, I didn't know how to take care of you
Amb la sala plena i no estàs
With the room full and you're not there
I ara canten, el que et vaig dedicar
And now they sing, what I dedicated to you
Em enamorat, em enamorat
I'm in love with you, I'm in love with you
Podria passar-me la vida contant-li les pigues
I could spend my life counting your freckles
Un cel dibuixat
A drawn sky
Ella vol mambo, a les tantes perreando
She wants mambo, dancing around in heels
O al club fumant Gelato
Or at the club smoking Gelato
Vol mambo, coloco com Ronaldo
Wants mambo, I score like Ronaldo
Que puja la fama però no canvio
Fame is rising but I don't change
Que sonem als carros i a la ràdio
We sound in the cars and on the radio
Que amb els de la placa jo no parlo
I don't talk to the police
No no, jo no canvio
No no, I don't change
Es queden mirant als gelats a la party
They stare at the ice cream at the party
Jo em quedo mirant la més guapa del barri
I stare at the most beautiful girl in the neighborhood
Sap que controla
She knows she's in control
Milano i París a l'armari
Milan and Paris in the closet
Em enamorat, em enamorat
I'm in love with you, I'm in love with you
Em deixa parat quan em mira la terra no gira
I'm speechless when you look at me, the world doesn't turn
Si està al meu costat
If you're by my side
Em enamorat, em enamorat
I'm in love with you, I'm in love with you
Podria passar-me la vida contant-li les pigues
I could spend my life counting your freckles
Un cel dibuixat
A drawn sky

Writer(s): Pol Vidal Ribas, Arnau Sabater Rodriguez

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