Flo - Malemaritate - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Flo - Malemaritate

The Unhappily Married
Vieni nel convento delle malemaritate
Come to the convent of the unhappily married
Ci stanno le femmine che scontano i peccati
There are women here who atone for their sins
Di giovinezza, inciampicate in disonesta vita
Of youth, stumbled into a dishonest life
(?) la vecchiezza, ma con l'anima pulita
(?) old age, but with a clean soul
Pecorelle in mezzo ai lupi, qui trovate un tetto
Little sheep among wolves, here you find a roof
Ma siete troppe e dunque condividerete il letto
But you are too many and therefore will share the bed
E quel poco di pane che spartì nostro Signore
And the little bread that our Lord shared
Se è poco per il giusto non ce nnè po' peccatore
If it is little for the righteous, there is none for the sinner
A no, no, ninna, ninna, ninna o
Oh no, no, lullaby, lullaby, lullaby oh
Chesta ninna a chi la do, chesta ninna a chi la do?
This lullaby, to whom shall I give it, this lullaby, to whom shall I give it?
A no, no, a chi la do, a chi la do?
Oh no, no, to whom shall I give it, to whom shall I give it?
Chesta ninna a chi la do, mo' ca nisciuno cchiù la vo
This lullaby, to whom shall I give it, now that no one wants it anymore
Figliole, non c'è fame dove c'è la fratellanza
Daughters, there is no hunger where there is brotherhood
Ti assolvo dalla macchia se farai la penitenza
I absolve you from the stain if you do penance
Vieni fra le mie braccia per santa carità
Come into my arms for holy charity
Se non c'è mercimonio è un atto di pietà
If there is no trade, it is an act of piety
Il sacramento, padre, voi lo recitate bene
The sacrament, father, you recite it well
Ma senza mercimonio me ne tornerò al lampione
But without trade, I will return to the lamppost
Miseria per miseria, me tengo a libertà
Misery for misery, I hold on to freedom
La chiesa mi condanna, Gesù mi capirà
The church condemns me, Jesus will understand me
A no, no, ninna, ninna, ninna o
Oh no, no, lullaby, lullaby, lullaby oh
Chesta ninna a chi la do, chesta ninna a chi la do?
This lullaby, to whom shall I give it, this lullaby, to whom shall I give it?
A no, no, a chi la do, a chi la do?
Oh no, no, to whom shall I give it, to whom shall I give it?
Chesta ninna a chi la do, mo' ca nisciuno cchiù la vo
This lullaby, to whom shall I give it, now that no one wants it anymore
Beata fuje la femmena che venne ammore
Blessed was the woman who found love
'Na vota cu piacere e ciento cu dulore
Once with pleasure and a hundred with pain
A no, no, ninna, ninna, ninna o
Oh no, no, lullaby, lullaby, lullaby oh
Chesta ninna a chi la do, chesta ninna
This lullaby, to whom shall I give it, this lullaby
A chi la do, a chi la do, a chi?
To whom shall I give it, to whom shall I give it, to whom?
A no, no, ninna, ninna, ninna o
Oh no, no, lullaby, lullaby, lullaby oh
Ninna, ninna, ninna o, chesta ninna a chi la do?
Lullaby, lullaby, lullaby oh, this lullaby, to whom shall I give it?
Se la do all'uomo nero lui la tiene un anno intero
If I give it to the black man, he will keep it for a whole year
A strisciare il marciapiede quando è notte e non si vede
To crawl on the sidewalk when it is night and you can't see
Non si vede la vergogna della martire alla gogna
You can't see the shame of the martyr at the pillory
Tutto l'uomo può comprare, la coscienza fa dormire
Man can buy everything, conscience makes you sleep
Fa dormire questa ninna, chi la vuole se la piglia
It makes this lullaby sleep, whoever wants it can take it
Se la porta a far l'amore pure il figlio del dottore
He takes her to make love even the doctor's son
Il dottore si ammalò, ambarambaciccicoccò
The doctor got sick, ambarambaciccicoccò
Il figliolo intimorito se la porta in fonn'o vico
The son, frightened, takes her to the bottom of the alley
In fonn'o vico se ne resta mamma dietro la finestra
At the bottom of the alley, mother remains behind the window
Sta cantando "ninna o, chesta ninna a chi la do?"
She is singing "lullaby oh, this lullaby, to whom shall I give it?"
Beata fuje la femmena che venne ammore
Blessed was the woman who found love
'Na vota cu piacere e ciento cu dulore
Once with pleasure and a hundred with pain
A no, no, ninna, ninna, ninna o
Oh no, no, lullaby, lullaby, lullaby oh
Chesta ninna a chi la do, chesta ninna a chi la do?
This lullaby, to whom shall I give it, this lullaby, to whom shall I give it?
A no, no, a chi la do, a chi la do?
Oh no, no, to whom shall I give it, to whom shall I give it?
Chesta ninna a chi la do, mo' ca nisciuno cchiù la vo
This lullaby, to whom shall I give it, now that no one wants it anymore
A no, no, ninna, ninna, ninna o
Oh no, no, lullaby, lullaby, lullaby oh
Chesta ninna a chi la do, chesta ninna a chi la do?
This lullaby, to whom shall I give it, this lullaby, to whom shall I give it?
A chi la do?
To whom shall I give it?
Chesta ninna a chi la do, mo' ca nisciuno cchiù la vo?
This lullaby, to whom shall I give it, now that no one wants it anymore?


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