Frenkie feat. Kontra, Indigo & Shtuka - Bratmoi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Frenkie feat. Kontra, Indigo & Shtuka - Bratmoi

Hajmo bacat' listić, dok ima sigurica
Let's roll the dice, while we have some safety
Vazda igram srcem, ne mogu protiv Leeds-a
I always play with my heart, I can't against Leeds
Iz X-a u 2-cu, dojava za Nicu
From X to 2, a tip for Nice
Polovimo bratski, pa upadnemo u špicu sutra opet ima sigurica kol'ko ho'š
Let's split the loot like brothers, and we'll be on top again tomorrow
Vjeruj bratu svom, nemo'š bit' loš nikako sve na Talijane igramo
Trust your brother, you can't be bad at all we're all betting on the Italians
čekamo Torino sve Milane imamo
we are waiting for Turin we have all the Milans
Air Force Najke i kraljevske kajle
Air Force Nikes and royal sneakers
Bratmoi, moja braća
Homies, my brothers
Gotov belaj budući, bio si mi u kući
Future bad boy, you were in my house
Bratmoi, moja braća
Homies, my brothers
Oči moje lijepe, gradsko si dijete
Oh my beautiful eyes, you're a city kid
Bratmoi, moja braća
Homies, my brothers
Brate ti si brat naš, svaku sliku lajkaš bratmoi, moja braća
Bro you are our bro, you like every picture Homies, my brothers
Maksuzija, rakija i stroga čaršija
Money, rakı and full of neighborhood
Sike moj braca, naša mahala i avlija
Calm down my brothers, our neighborhood and yard
Tišina, ni riječi, upadamo klizeći
Silence, no words, we're sliding in
Najjači u Tuzli, Saraj'vu i Bileći
The strongest in Tuzla, Sarajevo and Bileća
Vozamo skutere, ganjamo putere
We ride scooters, we chase women
Teretana, utege, šta ima u tebe?
Gym, weights, what do you have?
Daj brudi šutere, se penjem na lustere
Come on bro, I'm climbing chandeliers
Ako neko pisne - braća su uz tebe
If someone's beeping - your brothers are with you
Brat čuva brata, znaš broj, zovi
Bro protects his bro, you know my number, call
Brat stiže odmah, kaži gdje gori
Bro arrives immediately, tell me where it burns
Na straži smo vazda, stanje pripravnosti davno si pokaz'o bratu lojalnost
We are always on guard, the state of readiness you have long shown loyalty to your brother
Bengamo Jeezy-a k'o u pjesmi od Kendrick-a
We bang Jeezy like in a song by Kendrick
Pijemo uz Šabana, jebi ga - genetika
We drink with Šaban, fuck it - genetics
Jebi ga, nismo u Parizu, ni Londonu estetika, znaš da su braća po bontonu
Fuck it, we're not in Paris, nor London aesthetics You know that the brothers are on the etiquette
Air Force Najke i kraljevske kajle
Air Force Nikes and royal sneakers
Bratmoi, moja braća
Homies, my brothers
Gotov belaj budući, bio si mi u kući
Future bad boy, you were in my house
Bratmoi, moja braća
Homies, my brothers
Oči moje lijepe, gradsko si dijete
Oh my beautiful eyes, you're a city kid
Bratmoi, moja braća
Homies, my brothers
Brate ti si brat naš, svaku sliku lajkaš bratmoi, moja braća
Bro you are our bro, you like every picture Homies, my brothers
Upadam sa braćom i nije bitno je l' na beat il' u sako vazda fin, to je brat moj
I crash with my brothers and it doesn't matter if it's on a beat or in a suit always fine, that's my brother
Namazane njuške, suprotnosti sušte
Greased faces, complete opposites
šta god da bude - brat za brata tu je
whatever happens - brother is here for brother
A brata drže ljubav i lojalnost
And love and loyalty hold the brother
Ne ono šta radi, ne šta fura pod haubom šta treba braći, brat je iznad svega vlastita država, narod - paradžemat
Not what he does, not what he steals under the hood what brothers need, brother is above all their own state, people - a paradigm
S bratom na pivicu, on je u svakom biznisu trebaš li iPhone, il' Playstation igricu
With a brother in danger, he is in every business you need an iPhone, or a Playstation game
Ka'š snimit' vers? Normala brate, snimit ću
How to shoot a verse? Normally bro, I'll shoot it
I de ba vrati mi onu pornjavu na DiviX-u bratmoi lijepi, kad ćemo furat' u grad?
And where are you gonna give me that porn on DiviX, beautiful brother, when are we gonna go stealing in the city?
Da drmnem koji Tuzlak i bacimo šupljak kakav ti novi Tupac? Meni grmi
To fuck some Tuzlak and throw up some shrapnel what kind of new Tupac? I'm hyped
Mada mi je bolje sjeo njegov album prvi
Although his first album was better for me
Braća bratova vazda brojčano nadmoćna treba nam sat? Eto nas za pola
Brothers of brothers always numerically superior we need a watch? Here we are for a half
šinama, preko pune ne dajemo žmigavac brat za brata tu, ne izdaje ga nikada
with tires, over full we don't give a blinker brother for brother here, never betrays him
Zajebi Pariz, Champs-Élysées
Fuck Paris, Champs-Élysées
Vidi braće svaki od njih rasni je ker
See the brothers each of them is a pure ace
Oko, stajling je za pet, braća moja lijepa brat bi za brata i na kraj svijeta
Around, the styling is for five, my beautiful brothers brother would go with his brother to the end of the world
Mi u kafani, ljudi se sjebali
We're in a cafe, people are fucked up
Mi u teretani, ljudi se sjebali
We're in the gym, people are fucked up
Mi u kuglani, ljudi se sjebali
We're in the bowling alley, people are fucked up
Mi u toplani, ljudi se sjebali
We're in a power station, people are fucked up
Air Force Najke i kraljevske kajle
Air Force Nikes and royal sneakers
Bratmoi, moja braća
Homies, my brothers
Gotov belaj budući, bio si mi u kući
Future bad boy, you were in my house
Bratmoi, moja braća
Homies, my brothers
Oči moje lijepe, gradsko si dijete
Oh my beautiful eyes, you're a city kid
Bratmoi, moja braća
Homies, my brothers
Brate ti si brat naš, svaku sliku lajkaš bratmoi, moja braća
Bro you are our bro, you like every picture Homies, my brothers
Bratmoi, moja braća
Homies, my brothers
Bratmoi, moja braća
Homies, my brothers
Bratmoi, moja braća
Homies, my brothers
Bratmoi, moja braća
Homies, my brothers

Writer(s): Mirza Rahmanovic, Zlatan Hajlovac, Adnan Hamidovic, Mirza Turkovic

Frenkie feat. Kontra, Indigo & Shtuka - Bratmoi
date de sortie

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