Frenkie Feat. Edo Maajka - Gurbeti - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Frenkie Feat. Edo Maajka - Gurbeti

(Hajde jebemu državu,hopa,cupa,epa)
(Come on, let's fuck the country, hopa, cupa, epa)
Moji prsti non-stop na pičkin sok smrde
My fingers always smell like pussy juice
Jezik mi je izlizan, tako mi cure tvrde
My tongue is licked, that's what my girls say
Na bosanski me zove Mirjana, na hrvatski Ivana
Mirjana calls me Bosnian, Ivana calls me Croatian
Ja im lažem da sam gay i da guzim Sinana
I lie to them that I'm gay and that I fuck Sinan
Al' nevjeruju ništa, kažu nisam u dure (oop)
But they don't believe anything, they say I'm not in a good mood (oop)
Danas stvarno nije lako zajebati cure
It's really not easy to fuck girls today
Ljute se i tjeraju me u kurac kada ih varam
They get angry and send me to fuck when I cheat on them
Al' kažu potrudi se barem da ja to ne saznam.
But they say at least try so that I don't find out.
Moja karina je bila u tvojoj curi
My Karina was in your girl
Kada me vidi počinje iz pičke da curi (jap)
When she sees me she starts to drip from the pussy (jap)
Kada me nema onda počinje da ludi
When I'm not there she starts to go crazy
U pola noći se budi i hoće ga u bulji.
She wakes up in the middle of the night and wants to get it in the eye.
Ja sam gurbet, tvrdoglav, volim kontrat
I'm a gurbet, stubborn, I love a contract
Nije to ništa, tek će te me sada upoznat'
It's nothing, you'll get to know me now
Šovinistička svinja puna perverznih rima
A chauvinistic pig full of perverted rhymes
Moji starci se pravdaju kod familije zbog sina.
My parents apologize to the family because of their son.
Edi je crnjak i želi me izbacit' iz benda
Edo is a blackmailer and wants to kick me out of the band
Al' zna da bez mene ba koncertu pički nema.
But he knows that without me there are no pussies at the concert.
Znam da nekad pretjeram i nije u dure
I know I sometimes go too far and it's not in a good mood
Al' Frenkie je jedno malo, neodoljivo slatko đubre!
But Frenkie is a small, irresistible, sweet piece of garbage!
Od Svet-a, Express-a pa sve do Story-a
From Svet, Express to Story
Pišu kako se širi gurbetofobija
They write about how gurbetofobia is spreading
Kurčimo se, dio smo najjačeg lobija
We brag, we are part of the strongest lobby
FMJAM od Tuzle pa do Tokija
FMJAM from Tuzla to Tokyo
Od Svet-a, Express-a pa sve do Story-a
From Svet, Express to Story
Pišu kako se širi gurbetofobija
They write about how gurbetofobia is spreading
Kurčimo se, dio smo najjačeg lobija
We brag, we are part of the strongest lobby
FMJAM od Tuzle pa do Tokija
FMJAM from Tuzla to Tokyo
Dođem u njihov grad i nadam se da battle biće
I come to their city and hope the battle will be
Oni bi došli na binu al' ispred su im pičke njihove
They would come to the stage but their pussies are in front of them
Znaju nam stihove, na licu im kes
They know our lines, a cash on their faces
Boli ih al' vole kad im stavimo u ass.
It hurts them but they love it when we put it in their ass.
Samo 29 godina, ponosi se rodbina
Only 29 years old, relatives are proud
Javljaju mi se čak i petnesta koljena
Even the fifteenth generation is contacting me
I svaka voljena bivša, otkako Lana otišla
And every beloved ex, since Lana left
Kaže đe si Edo, šta mi radiš srbi me pička?
She says where are you Edo, what are you doing, Serbs are fucking me?
Meni nešto smrdi to što nju svrbi
Something smells to me what makes her itch
I to baš sad kad trebam dobit avans od Menert-a prvi
And that's just now when I need to get the first advance from Menert
Glavonja nije glup, glupe cure ne časti
The head is not stupid, stupid girls don't honor
Moram kupit babi Fehimu palme u bašti!
I have to buy Fehim's grandmother palm trees in the garden!
Materi zube i to porculan fajne
Mother's teeth, and that fine porcelain
I zlatni lavor da iz njeg' uzima abdest
And a golden basin for her to take abdest from it
Reko curo znaš da mi treba lova za haš
I said girl, you know I need money for hash
Za more psihijatara kad padnem u plač
For a sea of psychiatrists when I start crying
Moram platit' beatove i mix, Miro i Čađ
I have to pay for beats and mix, Miro and Čađ
Moram kurac liječit', zapustio sam se štaš'
I have to heal my cock, I've neglected myself, what do you want
Marš, marš dobro si čula
Go away, go away, you heard well
Čuvamo pare, Idemo na svadbu od Woo-a
We're saving money, we're going to Woo's wedding
Od Svet-a, Express-a pa sve do Story-a
From Svet, Express to Story
Pišu kako se širi gurbetofobija
They write about how gurbetofobia is spreading
Kurčimo se, dio smo najjačeg lobija
We brag, we are part of the strongest lobby
FMJAM od Tuzle pa do Tokija
FMJAM from Tuzla to Tokyo
Od Svet-a, Express-a pa sve do Story-a
From Svet, Express to Story
Pišu kako se širi gurbetofobija
They write about how gurbetofobia is spreading
Kurčimo se, dio smo najjačeg lobija
We brag, we are part of the strongest lobby
FMJAM od Tuzle pa do Tokija
FMJAM from Tuzla to Tokyo
Od Svet-a, Express-a pa sve do Story-a
From Svet, Express to Story
Pišu kako se širi gurbetofobija
They write about how gurbetofobia is spreading
Kurčimo se, dio smo najjačeg lobija
We brag, we are part of the strongest lobby
FMJAM od Tuzle pa do Tokija
FMJAM from Tuzla to Tokyo
Od Svet-a, Express-a pa sve do Story-a
From Svet, Express to Story
Pišu kako se širi gurbetofobija
They write about how gurbetofobia is spreading
Kurčimo se, dio smo najjačeg lobija
We brag, we are part of the strongest lobby
FMJAM od Tuzle pa do Tokija
FMJAM from Tuzla to Tokyo

Writer(s): Adnan Hamidovic, Miralem Salihovic

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