Gamba - Piluj, Makaj, Dri - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gamba - Piluj, Makaj, Dri

Piluj, Makaj, Dri
Hone, Grind, Drive
Piluj, makaj, dri na seba nazabudni,
Hone, grind, drive, don't forget yourself,
Možno to potrvá dni nebude to raz, dva, tri.
It may take days, it won't be one, two, three.
Piluj, makaj, dri toto fakt nejsi ty,
Hone, grind, drive, this is not really you,
Nikdo ti nevezme čo dal si ty.
No one can take what you've given.
Výsledok sa dostaví.
The result will come.
Piluj, makaj, dri na seba nazabudni,
Hone, grind, drive, don't forget yourself,
Možno to potrvá dni nebude to raz, dva, tri.
It may take days, it won't be one, two, three.
Piluj, makaj, dri toto fakt nejsi ty,
Hone, grind, drive, this is not really you,
Nikdo ti nevezme čo dal si ty.
No one can take what you've given.
Výsledok sa dostaví.
The result will come.
Temná noc no štúdio tvorí,
The dark night, but the studio creates,
Múza pri mne nech sa mi dvorí.
The muse is with me, let her court me.
Lietajú rými nech to horí,
Rhymes fly, let it burn,
Zapni majk a beat ti zborým.
Turn on the mic and I'll crush the beat.
Hra je sa dáva stále nepoznám že nedá sa
The game is on, it keeps going, I don't know "impossible"
Mám piči aj keď mám na mále idem ako esclasa.
I'm pushing even when I have little, going like a Tesla.
Furt plný plný plyn zošlápnem a pridá sa,
Always full throttle, I step on it and it speeds up,
Sústredím sa na veci jak na obrazy picassa.
I focus on things like Picasso's paintings.
Preto veci čo ťa bavia rozvíjaj a ďalej rob,
Therefore, develop the things you enjoy and keep doing them,
Nemaj trému ale vieru aj keby to trvá rok.
Don't be shy, but have faith, even if it takes a year.
Nedaj stop nemaj blok, plávaj ďalej v tom jak mlok,
Don't stop, don't get blocked, keep swimming like a newt,
Naby hlavu ako glock daj to von a uži to.
Charge your head like a Glock, let it out and enjoy it.
Aj keď ti nikto nedá návod, ako neprehrať ten závod,
Even if no one gives you instructions on how to win the race,
Sprav aspoň niečo málo a to nebude zhoda náhod.
Do at least a little something and it won't be a coincidence.
Pôjdeš rýchlo ako to fáro tvojou zásluhou tvoje právo,
You'll go fast like that car, your merit, your right,
Neoprísatelný pocit neboj sa a povedz áno.
An indescribable feeling, don't be afraid and say yes.
YEAH ha tak čo je sa neboj povedať áno! pome s chuťou do toho!
YEAH ha, so what, don't be afraid to say yes! Let's go for it with gusto!
Piluj, makaj, dri na seba nazabudni,
Hone, grind, drive, don't forget yourself,
Možno to potrvá dni nebude to raz, dva, tri.
It may take days, it won't be one, two, three.
Piluj, makaj, dri toto fakt nejsi ty,
Hone, grind, drive, this is not really you,
Nikdo ti nevezme čo dal si ty.
No one can take what you've given.
Výsledok sa dostaví.
The result will come.
Piluj, makaj, dri na seba nazabudni,
Hone, grind, drive, don't forget yourself,
Možno to potrvá dni nebude to raz, dva, tri.
It may take days, it won't be one, two, three.
Piluj, makaj, dri toto fakt nejsi ty,
Hone, grind, drive, this is not really you,
Nikdo ti nevezme čo dal si ty.
No one can take what you've given.
Výsledok sa dostaví.
The result will come.
Si na pokraji síl, rozdrvený ako íl,
You're on the edge of your strength, crushed like clay,
Keď sa tackáš tým obdobím ako keby si pil.
When you stumble through that period as if you were drunk.
Možno nechceš letieť pretože si pravdu odokryl,
Maybe you don't want to fly because you've uncovered the truth,
Viem život niekedy nemá chuť a ani feel real.
I know life sometimes doesn't have that taste and doesn't even feel real.
Je to o tom ako príjmeš to čo príde,
It's about how you accept what comes,
či znova rozprestrieš pár tvojich daných krídeľ,
Whether you spread your given wings again,
či dvihneš hlavu a vychytáš to nech to víjde,
Whether you raise your head and catch it, let it work out,
Alebo či budeš čakať na to jak na prídel.
Or whether you'll wait for it like a handout.
A preto hlavu hore daj keď si na pokraji nervov,
So keep your head up when you're on the edge,
Nestrácaj čas v prítomnosti s negatívnou zverbou.
Don't waste time in the present with negative beasts.
Trhaj všetko na kusy buť divý ako VearWolf,
Tear everything to pieces, be wild like a Werewolf,
Snažím sa ťa motivovať s tajfúnovou delbou.
I'm trying to motivate you with the typhoon's share.
Kalaschnikou do ruky a ukáž kto je tu pánom,
Kalashnikov in hand and show who's boss,
Noc je dlhá maká sa a črtá sa ráno.
The night is long, work is being done, and morning is dawning.
vidíš tie možnosti ktoré čakajú za bránou.
You already see the possibilities that await beyond the gate.
Je to lagúna čo bola skrytá hneď za vodopádom.
It's a lagoon that was hidden right behind the waterfall.
Piluj, makaj, dri na seba nazabudni,
Hone, grind, drive, don't forget yourself,
Možno to potrvá dni nebude to raz, dva, tri.
It may take days, it won't be one, two, three.
Piluj, makaj, dri toto fakt nejsi ty,
Hone, grind, drive, this is not really you,
Nikdo ti nevezme čo dal si ty.
No one can take what you've given.
Výsledok sa dostaví.
The result will come.
Piluj, makaj, dri na seba nazabudni,
Hone, grind, drive, don't forget yourself,
Možno to potrvá dni nebude to raz, dva, tri.
It may take days, it won't be one, two, three.
Piluj, makaj, dri toto fakt nejsi ty,
Hone, grind, drive, this is not really you,
Nikdo ti nevezme čo dal si ty.
No one can take what you've given.
Výsledok sa dostaví.
The result will come.

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