IZARO - Donostia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction IZARO - Donostia

San Sebastian
Urtarrilak 20 joan zena
January 20th, passed
Danborkada bakoitzean paparrean odolusten bazaizu.
Every time you cough, you can taste blood in your throat.
Jauregi asmatu honetako korridoreko hormak
The walls of this hallway in this palace of the mind
Orroaka hurbiltzen bazaizkizu.
Approach you screaming.
Atzerria 5A-ko behatxulotik
Foreign land, from the 5A window
Ikus badezakezu
If you can see it
Utzi nahi ez arren, ate zaharrek zirrikitu asko, handiegiak
Even if you don't want to leave, old doors have many cracks, too big
Dituzte aizu,
They have them, you know
Eta bertatik isurtzen bazaitu zu
And if you leak out of them
Aurtengo udako iraungitze datak
This summer's expiration dates
Zertaz ari naizen badakizu.
You know what I'm talking about.
Garestia da alokairua.
Rent is expensive.
Salduz bizitza, sinatuz hitza, ate azpitik fakturaren printza.
Selling your life, signing the contract, a printed invoice under the door.
Jabearen dei bakoitzean azken helduko dela
Every time the landlord calls, he can see you'll be the last to arrive.
Ikusten baduzu zuk.
If you see it.
Hiru hondartza ez badira nahikoa txalupa galduak antaparatzeko
If three beaches are not enough to recover lost rowboats
Ze portu aurkituko dut nik gero
What port will I find later
Nire arima sosegatzeko.
For my soul to find peace?
Bosgarren zubitik barrena
Across the fifth bridge
Barneratzen banau gaur garenak, naizenak, zarenak.
Today I internalize the things that were, that I am, that you are.
Bost begi pareren isladek eraikitzen badute dena.
If the reflections of the five glass walls build everything.
Ordu galduez, ordu helduak, haizea orrazten harri zuloetan
Lost hours, ripened hours, combing the wind in stone holes
Lagun ezkutuetan memoriak irensten
Swallowing memories in hidden friends
Pega daitezen erraietan.
So they can be glued to the ashes.
Etxera bueltako ordu batek nola bana ditzaken bi mundu,
How an hour back home can divide me into two worlds,
Amaren lurraren sustrai errotuak eta
The rooted roots of my mother's land and
Taupadez diseinatutako mundu labainkor hura,
That unstable world designed with moles,
Ai, (h)ura.
Ah, that.
Galdu nahi ez dudan arren telefonorik ez duen hura.
That I don't want to lose, even though it doesn't have a phone.
Hiru hondartzak gatzez busten dituen ura.
The water that breaks the three beaches with salt.
Egarri naizen arren edan ezin dezakedan ura.
The water I can't drink even though I'm thirsty.
Infinitoa ez bada existitzen,
If infinity doesn't exist,
Betirakorik ezer ez bada.
And nothing is eternal.
Segundo orori etenak kenduko dizkiot
I will cut the pauses from every second
Denbora unitate bakarra sortu eta bertan bizitzeko.
And create a single unit of time and live in it.

Writer(s): Izaro Andres Zelaieta

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