Jabberloop - 軌跡の果て - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Jabberloop - 軌跡の果て

The End of the Line
「愛されたい」と願う事を 諦めてしまった
I've given up on wanting to be loved
シビれた身体 罪の意識もないさ
My body is numb, and I feel no guilt
這いつくばった部屋の壁に 古い写真がある
I crawl along the wall of my cramped room and see an old photograph
幼い頃の俺と 無邪気な笑顔
A photo of me as a child, with an innocent smile
WOW 優しさは AH WOW 時として 人を傷つけた
WOW Sometimes, being kind can AH WOW hurt people
At the end of this awkward miracle
The love I found drove me to bite my own tongue
言葉を持たない血液はただ 静かに流れたまま
My blood is silent and wordless as it flows
朝を待ち続けては 戻れない旅と知る WOW
I wait for morning, and I know I can never go back WOW
Now I'm drowning in sincerity...
光りを目指す自分の為に 何もかも捨てたさ
I threw everything away to pursue my own light
家族を友を そして恋人さえも...
Family, friends, even you, my love...
嘘や欺瞞に目を潰して 手にした真実は
I shut my eyes to the lies and deceit, and the truth I found was this:
「おまえとの生活ほどの 夢はなかった」
“I've never had a dream as good as my life with you.”
WOW オマエがここにいたなら 俺を
WOW If you were here, would you forgive me?
Would you tell me "It's not your fault"?
I'm so sad at night, I want to cry
幻よ どうぞ消えないで
Illusion, please don't disappear
孤独に震えて流す涙を 拭い去る力は持てなくて
I can't wipe away the tears I shed in my loneliness
At the end of this awkward journey
I've lost something precious
暗闇に浮かぶ愛ってものに いくら尋ねてみても
No matter how much I ask the love that shines in the darkness
ゆっくりと微笑んで 手を振り続けるだけ
It just smiles slowly and waves goodbye
そして 誰もいなくなった
And then everyone was gone
Tonight I'll get drunk on someone else's blues
I'll surrender to the husky voice
「生き急ぐ事で 分かり合える」と
“We can only understand each other by living fast and hard,”
The heroes whispered
泣きたくなるほど切ない夜は 幻よ
I'm so sad at night, I want to cry
Illusion, please don't disappear
孤独に震えて流す涙を 拭い去る力は持てなくて
I can't wipe away the tears I shed in my loneliness
At the end of this awkward journey
I've lost something precious
憧れに生きた軌跡の果てに 大切な何かを失くしても
At the end of this journey of longing, I've lost something precious,

Writer(s): Ryo Kishimoto

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