Jony J feat. Cola - 我的快樂很便宜 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Jony J feat. Cola - 我的快樂很便宜

My Happiness Is Cheap
You see a lot of Benzes and Ferraris
Thugs in suits and women with big floral sleeves
Living in this concrete jungle doesn't feel too oppressive
Anyway, at night, all walks of life don't seem so different
At parties, rich kids show off and burn money on alcohol
To have a good meal, women take photos and post them on social media
Thinking foreigners are super cool, and locals with dark skin are uncool
Native-born dogs who love to speak in English are inferior and arrogant
都想跟上流社会靠近 浮夸的要命
They all want to cling to high society, showing off desperately
Three parts human, seven parts money; those who are alone are poor because they deserve it
夜店里玩的烂趴 我真的算是稀客
I'm not a regular at nightclubs
Chilling with my friends on the roof, not going to 1912
看这城市光怪陆离 我穿着hoodie
Watching the strange lights of the city, I wear a hoodie
I'm quiet and observe the world, and they think I'm a loner
说做音乐没出息 留根中指让你面子胖
Saying that making music is useless, giving you the finger to embarrass you
Until I'm smiling on your TV
再跟你打个招呼 走红了也没包袱
Greeting you again, no airs, even though I'm famous
We don't play the loser's game, we're not on the same level
一边守住我的hood 一边扩大版图
Defending my neighborhood while expanding my territory
When you're learning to be greedy, I'm learning to be content
To gain strength, you have to go down
With real ability, I'm not afraid of bad news or trouble
不需要跟你炫耀 反正你都会见到
No need to show off to you, you'll see it anyway
Time will prove that we're not the same
My happiness is cheap, but money can't buy it
I just want to be carefree and happy, don't bother me
Your vanity and hypocrisy will all come to nothing
I'm the kind of person you'll never be able to buy
My happiness is cheap, but money can't buy it
I just want to be carefree and happy, don't bother me
Your vanity and hypocrisy will all come to nothing
I'm the kind of person you'll never be able to buy
戴个爵士帽在街上走 一边走还要遛条狗
Wearing a jazz hat, walking down the street, walking my dog
对面的女孩挥挥手 她想要和我说hello
The girl opposite waves, she wants to say hello
打完招呼吃个早饭 生物钟不被扰乱
After greeting her, I have breakfast, my sleep cycle undisturbed
荷包蛋是我早餐 点杯美式在那搅拌
Fried eggs and a cup of black coffee
我如愿以偿 没有什么事好烦
My wish has come true, nothing bothers me
生活还欠我快乐 它什么时候还
Life still owes me happiness, when will it be repaid?
我有我选择的权利 你管我跟谁联系
I have the right to choose, you can't control who I associate with
更不爱去占便宜 恩爱的如此甜蜜
And I hate taking advantage of others, love is so sweet
自在的像个逍遥客 de de de
Free and easy like a wanderer, de de de
是你们家的小可乐 de de de
I'm your little Cola, de de de
我有我生活的方式 不用豪华替我装饰
I have my own lifestyle, no need for luxury to decorate it
在家无聊看个央视 不爽就飙些脏字
Bored at home, watching CCTV, not afraid to curse
自在的像个逍遥客 de de de
Free and easy like a wanderer, de de de
是你们家的小可乐 de de de
I'm your little Cola, de de de
别用钱来衡量艺术 就像快乐买不到
Don't use money to measure art, just like happiness can't be bought
我会真的付出行动 不靠那那几颗药
I'll really take action, not relying on those pills
我的钱我的票 都要用在对的地方
My money and my time, I'll use them on the right things
愿上天你听到 把我丢进三维立方
May heaven hear you and throw me into a three-dimensional cube
有人哭 也有人闹 有人躲在背后笑
Some people cry, some people make a fuss, some people hide behind and laugh
Some people don't even know who you are and still want to add you on WeChat
第一句话就问你是谁 我是你亲爹
The first thing they ask is: who are you? I'm your father
用歌把酒言欢奉陪 幽默的拼接
Singing songs, drinking and talking, witty banter, oh

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