Kendo Kaponi - Danger - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kendo Kaponi - Danger

El sol se acuesta y la luna se levanta
The sun sets and the moon rises
Junto a recuerdos que revivo en canciones
Along with memories that I revive in songs
Y aunque en ocasiones me confunda
And although sometimes I get confused
Entre tantas por conveniencia propia no se canta
Among so many for my own convenience, you don't sing
Esto es la calle enfermedad sin cura la suerte a nadie
This is the street, an incurable disease, luck to no one
Le asegura que subestimes despues de tantos winners
It assures you that you underestimate after so many winners
Y hoy te quedes con la corta en la cintura
And today you are left with the shorty at your waist
Esto es la calle enfermedad sin cura la suerte a nadie
This is the street, an incurable disease, luck to no one
Le asegura que subestimes despues de tantos winners
It assures you that you underestimate after so many winners
Y hoy te quedes con la corta en la cintura Seguir Leyendo
And today you are left with the shorty at your waist Continue Reading
Porque eso es Danger
Because that's Danger
El que esta a tu lado se canso e gerrear por ti
The one next to you got tired of fighting for you
Te tiene ubicao eso suena como Danger
He has you located, that sounds like Danger
El mismo de al lao que montastes a cazar
The same one next door that you rode to hunt
Esta virao y terminastes tu cazao
He turned around and you ended up being hunted
El que esta a tu lado se canso e gerrear por ti
The one next to you got tired of fighting for you
Te tiene ubicao eso suena como Danger
He has you located, that sounds like Danger
El que se la bebe pendiente al sello e nieve
The one who drinks it pending the seal and snow
Cuidao que cuando venda no se eleve
Be careful that when you sell it doesn't rise
En la corta es el piloto y en la calle andan tos fuera de foco
In the shorty he is the pilot and in the street there are many out of focus
Te la dejo pega pal cristal como el difunto brocko
I leave it to you, stick it to the glass like the late brocko
La 40 grita y el diablo los visita donde jalen el gatillo
The 40 screams and the devil visits them wherever they pull the trigger
Hasta los muertos resucitan tranquilos en el piso bailan break
Even the dead are resurrected calmly on the floor they dance break
Y los castillos te lo dije jajaja ya los lobos no soplan ladrillos
And the castles I told you hahaha the wolves no longer blow bricks
Te escribimos tu nombre encima del cuaderno
We write your name on top of the notebook
Y nos vemos mamabicho alla abajo en el infierno
And we'll see you, mamabicho, down there in hell
Danger el que esta a tu lado se canso e gerrear por ti
Danger, the one next to you got tired of fighting for you
Te tiene ubicao eso suena como Danger
He has you located, that sounds like Danger
El mismo de al lao que montastes a cazar esta virao
The same one next door that you rode to hunt is turned around
Y terminastes tu cazao
And you ended up being hunted
Danger el que esta a tu lado se canso e gerrear por ti
Danger, the one next to you got tired of fighting for you
Te tiene ubicao eso suena como Danger
He has you located, that sounds like Danger
El que se la bebe pendiente al sello e nieve
The one who drinks it pending the seal and snow
Cuidaoque cuando venda no se eleve
Be careful that when you sell it doesn't rise
Animal de rama seca buscandole el martillo a las glock et tool
Animal of dry branch looking for the hammer for the glock et tool
Se quedaron pal tiempo de las berettas y los tatuajes de tribal
They stayed for the time of the berettas and the tribal tattoos
Tu eres lo nuevo maliante solar con los cortos de jordan y la camisa aeropostale
You are the new solar thug with the Jordan shorts and the Aeropostale shirt
Trabajamos en diferencia de porcion tu cocinas escuchas releated
We work in a difference of portion you cook you listen releated
Y nosotros en olla de presion es un problema cada ves que kaponi
And we in a pressure cooker is a problem every time that Kaponi
Saca otro tema gente buena sale pa la calle con el demonio dentro de las venas
Releases another good people theme, go out to the street with the devil inside their veins
Los problemas los amarran y no viven lo que narran
The problems tie them up and they don't live what they narrate
Cuando escriben guindate un hilo e guitarra
When they write, guide a string and guitar
A ninguno ya le sale una barra para muchos mi letra fue un bautizo
None of them get a bar for many, my lyrics were a baptism
Y pa otros un suicidio de un noveno piso
And for others a suicide from a ninth floor
Somos panas hasta el dia en que te toque la ventana
We are friends until the day it's your turn at the window
Te lo dije huelebicho no se bregar con la fama
I told you, huelebicho, I can't deal with fame
El favorito te tiene la vida hecha de cuadritos
The favorite has your life made of squares
Y como dice el mago bajale blanquito
And as the magician says, lower it, whitey
Danger el que esta a tu lado se canso e gerrear por ti
Danger, the one next to you got tired of fighting for you
Pal mismo de al lao que se viro y hoy esta pa ti
For the same one next door who turned around and is now for you
Sencillo ahora vamos a demostrar si no te gusta
Simple now, let's show you if you don't like it
Donde me veas breguen conmigo
Wherever you see me, deal with me
Este es el momento que todo el mundo espera cada ves que yo hago un
This is the moment that the whole world waits for every time I do a
Tema el outro
Theme the outro
Donde siempre aclaro un par de cosas
Where I always clarify a couple of things
Se repite la historia not speak in english
History repeats itself not speak in english
Tu papa oite tu papa y tu lo sabes
Your dad listens to your dad and you know it
Sabes porque, porque 7 temas corridos copiaos
You know why, because 7 copied tracks in a row
No puede ser causalidad
It can't be a coincidence
Luigi traeme la llave del rino vamo a correr el rino luigi si es rino
Luigi bring me the rhino key we are going to run the rhino luigi if it is rhino
Es chino
It's Chinese
Dale loco mira oye tirale un dm desde luigi porfa y preguntale como
Give it crazy look hey throw him a dm from luigi please and ask him how
Es que el hace para comprar followers jajajaja mira yo no se de donde
It is that he does to buy followers hahaha look I don't know where
Compra tanto followers yo creo que el aprendio desde que solto la
Buy so many followers I think he learned from when I released the
Cuenta e pistoko jajajaja y yo no te ovy a tirar porque yo no voy a
Pistoko's account hahaha and I'm not going to shoot you because I'm not going to
Ser culpa de tu parkinson yo no te voy a tirar papi yo no tengo nada
Be the culprit of your parkinson I'm not going to shoot you daddy I have nothing
Que ver con esto
To do with this
Is now me is now me is freezer no es freezer es freiser jajaja
Is now me is now me is freezer it's not freezer it's freiser hahaha
Mago dile al saca pico que siempre estoy con osama dentro del mapa que me avise jajaja
Mago tell the beak puller that I'm always with osama inside the map that he let me know hahaha
Porque el es asi el hombre es fuerte
Because he is like that the man is strong
Dale ya ya ya vamos pa la pauta oye un saludo a pacho y la jota un
Give it now now now we are going to the guideline hey greetings to pacho and the iota a
Saludo a osama en el mapa un saludo a tan y ese combo alla arriba e
Greeting to osama on the map a greeting to tan and that combo up there e
La c que son los duros un saludo a luian el ravo de oro un saludo a
La c that are the hard ones greetings to luian the golden ravo greetings to
Bm un saludo a mercurio un saludo a yanyo ahh y que no se me olvide
Bm greetings to mercury greetings to yanyo ahh and don't forget
Un saludo a los de la fal company se acuerdan se acuerdan los de la
Greetings to those of the fal company remember remember those of the
Fal te mandan saludos a ti tambien dicen que estan locos que estan
Fal they send you greetings too they say they are crazy they are
Locos de verte jajaja un saludo a los lobos un saludo a oreja un
Crazy to see you hahaha greetings to the wolves greetings to ear a
Saludo a andres y un saludo a basuca un saludo a correa
Greetings to Andres and greetings to Bazooka greetings to Correa
Oye y yo que te lo habia dicho pero el tiempo me dio la razon un
Hey and I had told you but time proved me right a
Saludo a chino un saludo a dalmata un saludo a ange que sabe que
Greetings to Chino greetings to Dalmatian greetings to Ange who knows that
Donde tu vives el es el que manda un saludo a los 16 que me escriben
Where you live he is the one in charge greetings to the 16 who write to me
Un saludo al duro al mago que sabe que tenemos las promesas con pacho
Greetings to the tough guy to the magician who knows that we have the promises with pacho
Y le vamo a dar hasta que el corazon se rompa y como a ti te gusta
And we're going to give it to him until the heart breaks and as you like it
Frontear monchi me mando a decirte que tienes que dejarte llevar
Confront monchi I'm here to tell you that you have to let yourself be carried away
Adentro y afuera jajajaja gaby music centeno grapchics rome la mano
Inside and outside hahaha gaby music centeno grapchics rome the black hand
Negra rockstar dimelo jomar no te dejes negro kene un saludo a los
Black rockstar tell me jomar don't let yourself black kene greetings to the
Lobos mundial a los kaponi family mundial un saludo a los alqaeda
Worldwide wolves to the worldwide kaponi family greetings to the alqaeda
Worldwide remember now is me is freezer jajajaja lo lleve mal de
Worldwide remember now is me is freezer hahaha I took it wrong again
Nuevo puñeta
Damn new

Writer(s): Cedeno Urbani Mota, Luis Jorge Romero, Morales Rivera

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