Koffi Olomide - Love Story - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Koffi Olomide - Love Story

Love Story
Love Story
Aah Nono Yembo
Aah Nono Yembo
Jolie Kiala na Toulouse
Pretty Kiala in Toulouse
Ngoya- Ngoyarto eeh
My desire, my yearning, oh
Zua n'o ngayi eeh na maboko ma yo (Lorenzo bien-aimé eeh)
Take me in your arms (Lorenzo, my beloved, oh)
Eeeh zwa n'o ngayi eeh Laurent Lorenzo (Lorenzo bien-aimé eeh)
Oh, take me, Laurent Lorenzo (Lorenzo, my beloved, oh)
Ndengé o prometaki nga depuis le début des âges
The promise you made me since the dawn of time
Na zalaka n'attente ango ndegé zelo eloko ya mpela
I've been waiting, hoping, it's not just an empty word
Ezela mayi ya mvula po eya ko arrosé yango ooh
Wait for the rain to come and water it, oh
Na zua mal na nga en patience po nasi na bondela la mort
I'm taking my pain with patience, for we're flirting with death
A ndima kaka koya mokol'ako kuta ngayi
Just agree to come and lie on top of me
(Na maboko ya Laurent Lorenzo oooh)
(In the arms of Laurent Lorenzo, oh)
Sala olinga ngayi, opesa ngayi feu vert na liwa (na liwa aah)
Do what you want with me, give me the green light to die (to die, ah)
Na lembi ko vivre ngayi moto oyo ba souvenir ya mabé (ya mabé eeh)
I'm tired of living, darling, with these bad memories (bad memories, oh)
E multiplia âge na ngayi, 27 ans fois cent aaaah
Multiply my age, 27 years times a hundred, aaaaah
(Laurent Lorenzo ooh aah)
(Laurent Lorenzo, oh ah)
Lorenzo na nga mon amour, mon amour, mon amour oouuhh
Lorenzo, my love, my love, my love, oouuhh
Lorenzo mon amour aaah
Lorenzo, my love, aaah
L'amitié n'existe que pour rendre les sourires à tout les gens
Friendship only exists to bring smiles back to all the people
Que l'amour a fait pleurer
That love has made cry
Yaka ofuta ngayi niongo na nga ya ba calins
Come and pay me my debt of hugs
Niongo na nga ya ba dodo ooh
My debt of sleeps, oh
Niongo na nga ya ba voyages
My debt of journeys
Espace na oyo ya temps
Through space and time
To salaki likelemba ya ba baiser
We made a promise of kisses
Classe, tendresse, affection plus
Class, tenderness, affection plus
Boni ekomi tour na nga ya kolia
Now it's my turn to eat
Okomi indiffèrent
You've become indifferent
Ya mbala oyo ata na mbula-matari
This time, even in a hailstorm
Toko koma po na affaire (ya love story)
We'll meet for our affair (our love story)
Laurent eeeh
Laurent eeeh
Ko kendé nanu
Don't play with me
Amour na motema na nga, epesi melesi oh ooh
Love in my heart, you've given me no peace, oh ooh
Awa naza motema ekoma na stade ya suka ya liwa
Now my heart is in the final stage of death
Suicide esimbeli nga déjà imprévu pona extrême ya onction
Suicide has already become my unforeseen plan for extreme unction
Soki ozalaki ata mbongo, ndelé façon na nga ya ko gerer yo
If you were even money, I wouldn't know how to manage you
Ba mbanda ba lingaki iih
Bandits would love to, iih
Ko benga nga picsou pois vert kutu moke Laurent Lorenzo, Aimant Ndongala
Call me Scrooge McDuck, green peas, even a little, Laurent Lorenzo, Aimant Ndongala
Sala mbangu oya eeh, noki te ebembe na nga
Hurry up and come, oh, don't let my grave
Ba ko fréter yango
Be rented out
Na adresse na yo Laurent Lorenzo
At your address, Laurent Lorenzo
Po tango oko mona ebembé na nga
Because when you see my grave
Oko sala semblant ya ko lela eeh
You'll pretend to cry, oh
Ngayi na profiter, na yoka mongongo nayo mbala suka eeh
Let me take advantage, hear your voice one last time, oh
Oyo elobelaki ngayi lobi Madova, je t'aime
The one that told me last night, Madova, I love you
Lelo ebongwani quelque chose infernal Laurent
Today it's changed into something infernal, Laurent
Lorenzo na Londres eeh
Lorenzo in London, oh
Ne t'en fait pas ata okundi nga na honneur ya ba prématurés eeh eh
Don't worry, even if you bury me in the honor of premature babies, oh eh
Ya ba mort-nés to oyo ya soldat inconnu
Of stillborns or the unknown soldier
Kuna na mboka ya ba wa, nako zala le plus heureux
There in the land of the dead, I will be the happiest
Koleka ba rois na ba empereurs oyo ba selela bango
More than the kings and emperors who hold for them
Ba deuil nationaux na liwa na bango aah
National mourning at their deaths, aah
Yaka ofuta ngayi niongo na nga ya ba calins
Come and pay me my debt of hugs
Niongo na nga ya ba dodo ooh
My debt of sleeps, oh
Niongo na nga ya ba voyages
My debt of journeys
Espace na oyo ya temps
Through space and time
Bana ya campus lel'oyo soki na we
Children of the campus, listen to this, if I die
Bo beta ba noko ooh, ndoki l'amour
Don't beat the drums, oh, I only died of love
Po moko moto a préféré ko kumba nga na ya mabelé
Because one person preferred to bury me in the ground
Kasi plutôt, bo bolongola nga motema eeh
But instead, remove my heart, oh
Bo tumba ngo na mbeka lokola culture ya ba Chinois
Bury it in an urn like the Chinese culture
Bo kamata cendre botiya ngo na molangi eeh
Take the ashes and put them in a perfume bottle, oh
Bo pesa ngo na ba centre ya recherche
Give it to research centers
Po ba salela ngo ba comprimées contre ba souci
So they can make pills for worries
Po oyo ya ngayi souci elekaki mbeka George Weah Waka-Waka
Because my worry has surpassed the Waka-Waka World Cup
Nzambé eeeh wa bolingo ooh
God eeeh of love, oh
Palado na bondeli yo, osala ngayi ata mua faveur
Palado, I beg you, do me even one favor
Olongola semence ya bolingo kati na nga aaah
Remove the seed of love from within me, aaah
Na lingi nazanga nanga aah
I love without loving, aah
Souci ya ko ooh aimer eeh
The worry of loving, oh
Lokola vingt-quatre vieillards ba vandaka tout autour na trône nayo
Like the twenty-four elders who were all around your throne
24 sur 24 bango ba lobaka
24/7 they said
Saint-saint notre Dieu est trois fois saint
Holy, holy, our God is three times holy
Yaka ofuta ngayi niongo na nga ya ba calins
Come and pay me my debt of hugs
Niongo na nga ya ba dodo ooh
My debt of sleeps, oh
Niongo na nga ya ba voyages
My debt of journeys
Espace na oyo ya temps
Through space and time
Yaka ofuta ngayi niongo na nga ya ba calins
Come and pay me my debt of hugs
Niongo na nga ya ba dodo ooh
My debt of sleeps, oh
Niongo na nga ya ba voyages
My debt of journeys
Espace na oyo ya temps
Through space and time
Yo ndé nani ooh
Who are you, oh
Love, Lamulu, bolingo oooh
Love, Lamulu, bolingo oooh
Natiya nani eeh
Who did I put, oh
Natu ni eeh
Who did I put in, oh
Esprit na ngayi eyebisi ngayi que ozali sodomo
My spirit tells me you're a sodomite
Violenne Nkusevi la sultane et Dieu créa la femme
Violenne Nkusevi, the sultana, and God created woman

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