Lalo Mora - Regalo Caro - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lalo Mora - Regalo Caro

Regalo Caro
Precious Gift
La lealtad de un pistolero
A gunman's loyalty
Se le aplaude y se le admira
Is to be applauded and admired
Porque son hombres completos
Because they are complete men
Nunca andan con la mentira
They never go around lying
Y traen en su itinerario
And they carry in their itinerary
A los que traen en la mira
Those they have in their sights
Cuando cumple años el jefe
When the boss has a birthday
Siempre salen los regalos
The gifts always come out
Unos le traen sementales
Some bring him stallions
Otros traen carros del año
Others bring him cars of the year
Otros arriesgan sus vidas
Others risk their lives
Y el regalo sale caro
And the gift comes out expensive
Se dio cuenta Barbarino
Barbarino realized
De un acérrimo enemigo
Of a bitter enemy
Era el que más le estorbaba
He was the one who hindered him the most
Y él emprendió su camino
And he set out on his way
Iba a rifarse su suerte
He was going to take a chance on his luck
A buscar a aquel bandido
To look for that bandit
le estorbas a mi jefe
You're in my boss's way
Y matarte lo he planeado
And I've planned to kill you
Toda la gente del Chaca
All the people of the Chaca
Por doquiera te ha buscado
Have searched for you everywhere
Esta vez vengo por ti
This time I'm coming for you
eres mi regalo caro
You are my precious gift
Se agarraron a balazos
They seized each other with bullets
Barbarino tuvo suerte
Barbarino was lucky
En el rostro del bandido
On the bandit's face
Se le dibujo la muerte
Death was drawn
Y lo sube a su Marquis
And he puts him in his Marquis
Para llevárselo al jefe
To take him to the boss
No tengo mucho dinero
I don't have much money
Para regalarle un carro
To give you a car
Discúlpeme usted, señor
Excuse me, sir
Estos presentes son caros
These gifts are expensive
Abra la cajuela, jefe
Open the trunk, boss
Este es mi humilde regalo
This is my humble gift

Writer(s): Juan Garcia Villarreal

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