Lito MC Cassidy - 48 Horas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lito MC Cassidy - 48 Horas

48 Horas
48 Hours
La vida de un ser humano puede cambiar de un dia pa' otro
A human being's life can change from one day to another
Solamente basta una noticia para tomar una decision
Just one piece of news is enough to make a decision
Dime, que tu harias en esta situacion?
Tell me, what would you do in this situation?
Si te tocan a uno de los tuyos, tu mente trabajaria por ti?
If you get one of your own, would your mind work for you?
Estas listo?
Are you ready?
Me entra una llama a las 9: 30 de la noche
I get a call at 9:30 at night
La noticia es terrible, no se si aguante este golpe
The news is terrible, I don't know if I can take this hit
Era la policia, friamente me decia:
It was the police, coldly telling me:
"Murio tu esposa y no se si tu hija sobreviva"
"Your wife died and I don't know if your daughter will survive"
Hubo un accidente, los motivos estan por verse
There was an accident, the reasons remain to be seen
Y es mi deber informarte adecuadamente"
And it is my duty to inform you properly"
Perdi la conciencia y el control de mi mente
I lost consciousness and control of my mind
Y pude ver a mi familia que me pasaba de frente
And I could see my family walking right past me
Que va a ser de mi hija? no puede morir
What is going to become of my daughter? he can't die
Dios mio dime, si es asi yo no quiero vivir
My God tell me, if so I don't want to live
En sala de emergencia me comentan los doctores
In the emergency room the doctors tell me
Que hay daño critico, especialmente en los riñones
That there is critical damage, especially to the kidneys
Posible donadores, puede que eso se demore
Possible donors, that may be delayed
"Te recomiendo que vayas buscando donadores"
"I recommend that you go looking for donors"
48 horas y cada minuto empeora
48 hours and it's getting worse by the minute
No va haber dialicis, su cuerpo no aguanta eso ahora
There's gonna be no dialogue, her body can't take that now
Que tu harias en mi posicion? Matarias? Robarias?
What would you do in my position? Would you kill? Would you steal?
O esperabas en silencio sin buscar alternativa
Or you were waiting in silence without looking for an alternative
Que tu harias en mi posicion? Matarias? Matarias?
What would you do in my position? Would you kill? Would you kill?
O pondrias en las manos de tu fe la opcion de vida Yo! Quiero dinero, busco dinero
Or you would put in the hands of your faith the life choice Yo! I want money, I'm looking for money
Y voy a obtenerlo como sea, me voy hasta el cuello
And I'm gonna get it anyway, I'm going up to my neck
Salgo a la calle impulsa'o por la conciencia
I go out on the street impulsa'o for the conscience
Que me incita a inclinarme por la delincuencia
That incites me to lean towards crime
Llamo a mi socio pa' que me venda la taurus
I call my partner to sell me the taurus
Y pido municiones por si acaso uso el magnum
And I ask for ammunition just in case I use the magnum
El socio me indica que tiene una solucion
The partner tells me that he has a solution
Y me explica que en la torre 1 estan en transaccion
And he explains to me that in tower 1 they are in transaction
De par de aparatos, si le meto bellaco
Of a pair of devices, if I put him in bellaco
Un palo seguro con el magnum debajo del sobaco
A safe stick with the magnum under the armpit
Mi corazon palpita, ya que esto no es lo mio
My heart is pounding, because this is not my thing
Pero por mi hija te lo juro que estoy decidido
But for my daughter I swear I'm determined
Les toco a la puerta, cuando abren, revienta
I knock on their door, when they open, it bursts
En el craneo baila el plomo y hay mas pa'l que se me acerca
In the skull the lead is dancing and there's more pa'l coming my way
Voy pa' la mesa y veo un bulto repleto de dinero
I go to the table and I see a bundle full of money
Veo microfonos, la droga y par de credenciales
I see microphones, the drug and a couple of credentials
Caigo en cuenta al fijarme en todos los detalles
I fall into account when looking at all the details
Que el trabajo no era calle, estos tipos eran federales
That the job wasn't street, these guys were federal
Todo era falso y van hacer una venta factura
Everything was fake and they are going to make a sale invoice
24 horas y yo sin solucion alguna
24 hours and I have no solution
Que tu harias en mi posicion? Matarias? Robarias?
What would you do in my position? Would you kill? Would you steal?
O esperabas en silencio sin buscar alternativa
Or you were waiting in silence without looking for an alternative
Que tu harias en mi posicion? Matarias? Matarias?
What would you do in my position? Would you kill? Would you kill?
O pondrias en las manos de tu fe la opcion de vida Yo! Me entra otra llamada de la policia
Or you would put in the hands of your faith the life choice Yo! I got another call from the police.
Que me informan que las causas ya se conocian
That they inform me that the causes were already known
"Era tu mujer que tenia un amante
"It was your wife who had a lover
El hijo de puta manejaba en estado embriagante,
The son of a bitch was driving while intoxicated,
Y se fue a la fuga por miedo a que su esposa
And went on the run for fear that his wife
Se enterara que llevababa una aventura"
He found out he was having an affair."
El salio ileso, un maton confieso
He got out unharmed, a thug I confess
Voy a prestarle una visita pa' que me hable de eso
I'm going to pay him a visit to tell me about it
Le toco la puerta, abre su mujer
I knock on the door, his wife opens
Con la taurus en la frente le ordeno a que lo llame
With the taurus on his forehead I order him to call him
El salio del cuarto, me vio sorprendido
He came out of the room, he saw me surprised
(Tu sabes bien lo que hiciste? Era mi familia!
(Do you know well what you did? It was my family!
Lo unico que yo tenia!
The only thing I had!
-Disculpame, por favor pana baja esa pistola
- Excuse me, please corduroy put that gun down
-Estoy con mi familia, con mi hijo, por favor
- I'm with my family, with my son, please
Callate! No hables!)
Shut up! Don't talk!)
Sin darme motivo decido caerle a tiros
Without giving me a reason I decide to shoot him
Mientras cae al suelo veo que tambien su hijo
As he falls to the ground I see that his son too
Al parecer sin darme cuenta le pegue un par de tiros
Apparently without realizing it I hit a couple of shots
Mate a su hijo, lo mato a el
I killed his son, I killed him.
Y de camino a la puerta tiroteo a su mujer
And on the way to the door he shoots his wife
Voy pa'l hospital a reunirme con mi hija
I'm going to the hospital to meet with my daughter
A 105 voy corriendo por to'a la avenida
At 105 I'm running down to'a avenue
En sala de emergencia doy una advertencia
In the emergency room I give a warning
Con un tiro al aire hago que todos guarden reverencia
With a shot in the air I make everyone keep reverence
Yo no tengo vida y menos me importa morir
I have no life and I care less about dying
Si necesitan organos, puñeta saquenlos de mi
If you need organs, fucking get them out of me
48 horas, soy un infeliz
48 hours, I'm an unhappy
Preparen la camilla que el destino me trajo hasta aqui
Prepare the stretcher that fate brought me here
(... Hola te has comunicado al celular de Pablo Garcia
(... Hello you have communicated to Pablo Garcia's cell phone
Deja tu mensaje despues del tono, muchas gracias:
Leave your message after the tone, thank you very much:
"Si buenas noches, llamaba señor Garcia
"Yes, good evening, I was calling Mr. Garcia
Para explicarle que tenemos al donante de organos para su hija
To explain that we have the organ donor for your daughter
Muchas felicidad y lo esperamos pronto por aqui por el hospital")
Lots of happiness and we hope to see you soon here by the hospital")

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