Mano Lima - Zaino Aporreado - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mano Lima - Zaino Aporreado

Zaino Aporreado
Zaino Aporreado
No varzedo do Manoã
In the vast fields of Manaã
havia um potro aporreado
There was an untamed black colt
um zaino negro tapado
A black beauty covered in mud
crioulo ali dos Helgueira
A wild creature belonging to the Helgueira family
pois nunca foi na mangueira
For it had never been in a corral
se criou aragano
It had grown up wild and untamed
nos campos do Justiniano
In the fields of Justiniano
na invernada da pedreira
In the winter pastures of the quarry
não é que eu tivesse medo
It's not that I was afraid
mas convoquei um pessoal
But I gathered a group of companions
Hildebrando indio bagual
Hildebrando, a skilled horseman
da lida, conhecedor
Knowledgeable in the ways of horses
que me empresto um maneador
Who lent me a long and seasoned lasso
bem comprido e sovado
Well-worn and braided
que amadrinho num gaiteado
A master of the lasso
da confiança e chegador
Trusted and skilled
pra trazer uma canha pura
To bring a flask of pure sugarcane liquor
eu pedi pro Marco Aurélio
I asked Marco Aurélio
deito a cerca do Menélio
To fix the fence of Menélio
ali onde cruza as oveia
Where the sheep cross paths
e saiu trocando orelha
And he set off on his horse
meio à trote e a galope
Alternating between a trot and a gallop
e se foi no baixote
And headed down to the lowlands
manda lota a boteja
To fill the flask
que eu ia pegá o tal zaino
For I was going to catch that black colt
era grande o comentário
Word had spread far and wide
reuniu-se o vizindário
And the neighbors gathered around
numa tarde muito quente
On a sweltering afternoon
sentado ali pela frente
Sitting there in front
tomando uma canha pura
Sipping pure sugarcane liquor
com tirador na cintura
With a pistol in their belts
e uma espora sete dente
And seven-pronged spurs
os ginete da redondeza
The horsemen of the region
que souberam da pegada
Who had heard about the challenge
vieram pedir a bolada
Came to ask for a chance
se acauso eu fosse pro chão
In case I fell to the ground
amigos do coração
Friends at heart
que não deixam pra depois
Who would not stand idly by
chego o Neto Pedeboi
Neto Pedeboi arrived
de rédea e buçal na mão
With reins and a halter in hand
eu disse deixa comigo
I said, "Leave it to me"
que com a mão na massa
For I was already in the midst of it
o pessoal até achou graça
The others laughed
sentado ali pelo chão
Sitting there on the ground
isto é um baita bobalhão
This is a big joke
ele quer ser o que não é
He wants to be something he's not
pois se criou de à
For he has always been a foot soldier
gineteando os tição
Only able to ride gentle horses
mas eu até achei graça
But I found it amusing
e disse pros gozador
And I said to the mockers
eu corto um corcoveador
I will break this bucking bronco
de espora, golpe e mangaço
With spurs, blows, and a heavy hand
quem duvida do que eu faço
Who doubts what I can do?
não é que eu queira se o tal
It's not that I want to be
que se vire num bagual
The one who turns into a wild horse
que eu arranco o saco a laço
That I can lasso a bull's testicles
num entrevero de mango
In a fierce battle with knives
espora, crina e cachorro
Spurs, mane, and teeth
não se via se era touro
It was impossible to tell if it was a bull
que ali vinha acachorreado
That came charging towards me
eu pra trás bem atirado
I was thrown backwards
firmado nas chilena
Holding on only with my spurs
e a tarde ficou pequena
And the afternoon seemed too short
pra pau nesse aporreado
To tame this wild horse

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